How the magician protects his mental forms

  • 2017

A COURSE OF MAGIC Unit 2. The soul Learning Object 5. The creative process

The creation of the world, according to the Anunnaki, was caused by a break between Heaven (Anu) and Earth (Ki), following the intervention of Enlil, the Lord of the Wind. Enki, the Owner of the destinies would pour on the Earth the water necessary for life. According to the Greek version, before Olympus appeared, seat of the gods and abode of Zeus, Chaos reigned, the origin of all Creation.

Astrology is based on mythology, seeing in myths, the archetypes of all intellectual and moral behaviors and habits of men and women. "The struggle for existence" and "the survival of the fittest" reigned supreme from the moment the cosmos came into existence.

The war related in the Mahabharata and the current last war, had the roots of their difficulties and the seeds of the disasters that produced, one, in the lower astral world and the other, in the superior. Selfishness and lower order desires were the impulses behind both.

The war has accomplished a lot, relegating things to their rightful place and, for losing their possessions, many have learned the value of the essential and the need to eliminate the superfluous. For example, the question that "does life exist after death?" Was quickly changed to "what nature is the future life?", And this is portentously encouraging.


  • Justify the importance of archetypes in the formulation of laws.
  • Justify the importance of dreams in creativity.
  • State the phases of the creative process.


He who works with the law now has to carry out Three things: First, discover the formula that confines the lives within the spheroidal wall; then, to pronounce the words that express to those lives what they should do and where to carry what has been done; finally, pronounce the phrase that will safeguard you from your work.

AXIOMA: Water formed the earth; heaven was produced by fire; and the product of heaven and earth was the air, which maintains balance. In a year we find winter and summer, and the intermediate seasons that mark the balance. In Man the head corresponds to fire, the stomach to the water, and the chest to the air that marks the balance.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: of codes and dreams

Alan Turing was a child very interested in reading, numbers and nature, who 90 must travel 90 kilometers daily to be able to go to school. His nonconformist character led him to follow his own ideas and depart from the rigid (and illogical, in his opinion) educational system. Alan suffered bullying by showing himself different from his classmates and the death of his first adolescent love shattered him, doubted religion and became an atheist. Alan became a brilliant mathematician and a notable athlete of almost Olympic rank. Alan Turing was in command of a division of British Intelligence, designed both processes and machines that, capable of performing combinatorial calculations much faster than any human being, were decisive in the final breaking of the code, was processed for homosexuality in 1952 and two years after his sentence he died. It is speculated that by suicide or murder. The enigma code is a British-American war biopic, with some 2014 suspense about the life of Alan Turing.

Dom Cobb is a fugitive thief of American justice, who specializes in infiltrating dreams to steal ideas, bank keys, etc. all while their victims sleep, this is achieved through a dream induced by a device known as "the dream machine". This manages a powerful sedative that allows them to share a world of dreams built by the imagination of the attacker, then is occupied by mental projections of the subconscious of the subject to whom the information is extracted, so that the person does not suspect that he is dreaming. In the world of dreams, pain is experienced as real psychologically, but the result of death is awakening. Each team member carries a totem, an object that they know perfectly and that allows them to distinguish whether they are in another person's dream or in reality. The origin is an American science fiction film of the year 2010.

  • After watching the movies The Enigma Code and The Origin, answer the following questions. What is the difference between a political and an economic war? What was the contribution of the war to telecommunications? What is the role of polarities in human sexuality? What is the relationship between archetype, totem and taboo? What is the difference between dreams and desires? How do the principles of thermodynamics help to understand dreams? What is the relationship between dreams and the myth of the minotaur? How would you differentiate these four types of people: asleep, dreamer, waking up, awake?

ACTIVITY ONE: archetypes, laws and formulas.

“If God put the apple it was to bite. Oh my God! Little cuddles until dawn. ” THE BITCH Ricky Martin

The applied concept of energy always concerns the behavior of forces, that is, of substances in motion, because only in that way is energy given to experience: only by the intuition of the behavior of substances in motion, hence the importance of differentiating strength and energy. Psychic force is the precondition for the process to occur in the soul and for it to have a certain degree of action. Psychic energy, on the other hand, would be "the possibility, implicit in the processes themselves, of updating that force itself." Experience only gives us energy specifically as movement and force, when it is current, or as situation or condition, when it is potential. When it is current, psychic energy manifests itself in the specific dynamic phenomena of the soul, such as instinct, desire, will, affection, attention, performance, etc., which are precisely psychic forces. When it is potential, energy appears in the specific abilities, abilities, possibilities, dispositions, attitudes, etc., which are all his conditions.

Carl Jung called special cases synchronicity where physical energy and psychic energy manifest as two aspects of the same reality.

The divine Consciousness, expression of the divine Siquis, is eventually manifested in the three outstanding psychological characteristics of divinity: Light, Energy and Magnetism. In the human being, a microcosmic reflection of the Macrocosm, these qualities are expressed by the words: Illumination (Wisdom), Intelligence (Activity) and Attraction (Love).

Consciousness is a kind of organ of perception and directed orientation, first of all towards the environment, it is located in the cerebral hemispheres, of which it is one of the functions. Consciousness, in turn, as an organ of orientation uses four functions to orient itself in outer space: sensation, thought, intuition and feeling. These functions are each equipped with a specific energy; an energy tension is inherent in them, which presides over their activity. If one of these functions is not used, it develops and is lost in the unconscious.

The psyche has a general substrate that transcends all differences in culture and consciousness, which has been called collective unconscious. These are common instincts for representation and action. All represent and act consciously have developed from these unconscious prototypes.



The ego.

I lower.

The soul.

I superior.

The Self

I divine

Sensory barrier

The personal unconscious

The perinatal unconscious.

The transpersonal unconscious.

Aries subjectivity

The duality in Gemini

The gregarious of Cancer.

The individuality of Leo.

The equity of Libra.

The solidarity of Aquarius.

The mediation of Pisces.

The harmless of the Innocent.

The sagacity of the Malhechor.

The warrior's bravery.

The goodness of the Benefactor.

The truth of the Seeker.

Detachment from the Destroyer.

The passion of the lover.

The genius of the Creator.

The power of the Ruler.

The wizard's wit.

The advice of the Sage.

The realization of the Fool

Many of those who were gods before have gone from being people to being personified ideas and, finally, to abstract ideas, since the vivified unconscious contents always appear first as projected outwards and, in the course of spiritual development, are gradually assimilated by the awareness and reformed in conscious ideas.

Once the reality of the existence of the soul has been admitted, the tendency to let people be guided and directed by the purpose of their own souls will prevail, provided they understand what is happening to them and can discern between:

  1. The ascending rise of the subconscious self into the enlightened zone of consciousness.
  2. The acting, strength and recognition of the immediately conscious self.
  3. The influx that descends from the superconscious self, the soul, bringing superior inspiration, intuition and knowledge.

These words - subconscious, conscious and superconscious - need to be defined for the purpose of this course; they are interpreted very freely and mean very different things according to the psychological school of thought to which the student belongs.

The term subconscious is used to mean the instinctive life of form, inherited tendencies and innate predispositions, acquired and accumulated characteristics (acquired in past incarnations, often lethargic, unless they are suddenly evoked by the urgency of circumstances) and all the unstated desires and desires that drive man to activity, in addition to repressed and unrecognized desires and unexpressed ideas, present although misunderstood. The subconscious nature is like a deep lagoon from which a man can extract almost all past experiences, if he wishes, whose waters can be agitated to become a boiling cauldron, causing many disorders.

The conscious is limited to what man knows what he is and possesses today - the type of qualities, characteristics, powers, tendencies and knowledge of any kind, constitute the natural gifts of man, of which he or the psychologist is definitely aware. He exposes them to everyone's sight and makes him what he apparently is before the world that observes him.

By superconscious it is meant those powers and available knowledge, with which no contact has yet been made and has not been recognized and therefore has no immediate application. They constitute wisdom, love and abstract idealism, inherent in the nature of the soul, but which have not yet been nor will be part of the equipment available for use.

We have seen that the areas of the brain belong to the physical body (matter) and the energy centers belong to the psychic body (consciousness). The mind as electricity and animating principle of consciousness itself, creates a magnetic field to work by gravity (matter) and magnetism (consciousness).






Drugs, alcoholism, concupiscence, lust, murder.


Lie, vanity, pride, power, ambition, envy.


Fear, gluttony, deceit, laziness, sadness, depression.



Conflicting feelings and emotions. Lack of analysis.

5. Legitimacy

Errors are made due to ignorance.



There is knowledge of causality. The ideas are psychoanalyzed and deeply congruent, they possess the gift and virtue of internal and external visualization.

7. Definition

8. Truth

9. Belief

The journey to the unconscious is the heroic journey of individualization, in the myth of the hero in its stages of preparation, crossing and return, we find the three structures of the psyche, the path to initiation. Along the way, the hero encounters archetypes that act as guides and at the same time structure the stages of the trip. Archetypes are the mythical stories of inner heroes and heroes, the deepest desires of our collective soul. Archetypes are universal concentrations of psychic energy.

  • Try to remember your favorite television series in the childhood. What was your favorite hero or hero? Which God or Goddess do you identify with?

The cabala is the oral Law that Moses received from the hand of God on Mount Sina at the same time as the Torah or written Law. Qabbalah, in Hebrew, means Traditioni n or Revelaci n, and tradition is what is transmitted orally. The writing could have a taboo character in the spirit of our ancestors for whom the word was sacred and the divine verb.

Abraham Abulafia, was a Jewish mystic and Kabbalist of the twelfth century called Tseruf to the science of association and permutation of the letters-number of the cabal.

The Kabbalah Code is found in the Sepher Yetsira or Book of Creation. According to this book, the genesis of the world would be based on the multiple combinations of 10 elementary numbers, the Sephirot, which are 10 principles of divine energies, and on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which also play an archetypal role. The 10 numbers and the 22 letters together form the number letters and constitute 32 mystical pathways, elements used by God to create the world.

ACTIVITY TWO: dreams, light and darkness

“Where do your dreams go, I want to be the owner The most valuable treasure I will take care of” WHERE THEY GO Diego Torres

The dream is a symbolic representation of unconscious contents. The main causes that produce an anguished life of dreams, consists, in all cases, in the frustration or inability of the soul to impose its desires or designs on its instrument, man. These frustrations are grouped into three categories: sexual frustration, frustrated ambition and frustrated love. Where there are these three types of frustration, there will often be a life of vivid and unhealthy dreams, physical impediments of various kinds and increasingly deep unhappiness. You will observe that these frustrations constitute, as expected, simple expressions of frustrated desire, and it is in this particular sector where the psychologist necessarily and primarily carries out his work.

Now the question arises about the origin of dreams, I will simply list the origins and let the psychology student properly apply the information when facing a problem related to dreams. These sources are approximately ten, and could be defined as follows:

  1. Dreams produced by brain activity.
  2. The dreams in which things are remembered.
  3. Dreams that constitute memories of real activities.
  4. Dreams of a mental nature are fundamentally of three types:
  5. Dreams based on established contact with the world of mental forms.
  6. The dreams of a geometric nature in which the subject realizes those basic designs, shapes and symbols that constitute the blueprints of the archetypes that determine the evolutionary process, timely producing the materialization of God's Plan.
  7. The dreams that constitute symbolic presentations of the teachings received in the Classroom of Learning, while the aspirants and disciples sleep on the highest level of the astral plane and in the Classroom of Wisdom, on the mental plane.
  8. The dreams that record the work done.
  9. Telepathic dreams
  10. Dreams that are dramatizations of the soul.
  11. Dreams that are related to group work.
  12. Dreams where instructions are received.
  13. Dreams connected with the world plan.

The man who has not yet awakened is the one whose mental and emotional body rays are very difficult to determine because there is very little mental expression and emotional experience. Only the ray of the soul and that of the physical body are clearly defined, the other rays are only insinuated.

Dreamy man is one whose personality has achieved the highest point of independence, that is, before the soul consciously controls and acts predominantly.

A man who is waking up is one who is in a moment of decisive crisis, in which the soul and personality struggle, where the battle for reorientation has reached its climax.

Awakened man is one whose orientation has been altered and the emphasis placed on the forces of life has changed and man becomes an accepted disciple.

Intuition as an unconscious process, the result of which is an occurrence, is presented as an irruption of an unconscious content in consciousness. This is why intuition is a kind of perceptual process, but in contrast to conscious sensory activity and introspection, it is an unconscious perception. Current language referring to intuition also speaks of "instinctive" apprehension, because intuition is a process analogous to instinct, with the only difference that instinct is an adequate impulse to a sometimes very complicated activity, and intuition apprehension unconscious appropriate to a situation often extremely complex. The instincts and archetypes of intuition constitute the collective unconscious.

The Seal of Solomon or the cross of David are unifying symbols. The zodiac is also one of them, as well as the hexagrams of the I Ching. A unifying symbol tends to reconcile everything that, a priori, seems irreconcilable, to join opposites and to unite opposites.

Oniromancy, as divinatory art, refers to the interpretation of dreams, which in Mesopotamia was systematically accompanied by a ritual and was the heritage of the divine or the priest. King Assurbanipal constituted an immense library that contained the forms of omens relating to dreams, used by the native Babylonians. To practice this art and interpret the message transmitted by the dream god, the Babylonian fortune teller resorted to the sources of his imagination, in addition to consulting the forms of omens available, relating to dreams. The dream in Egypt was the night journey of the soul to the kingdom of the gods.

Psychoanalysis updated the interpretation of dreams, considering them compensatory effects produced by instinctive energies and uncontrolled drive forces, which we all hide and that form the very essence of our personality.

ACTIVITY THREE: creativity, creation and destruction

"I will eat your heart with kisses, to travel without limits your body. I will look for your corners, birds and flowers, like a seed of passion." BETWEEN THE EARTH AND HEAVEN The Chiches

In the rule we are considering, it is said that the applicant must do three things:

  1. Find out the formula that will crystallize that form that he has constructed in a manner very similar to how architects, or bridge builders, reduce the form used to a mathematical formula.
  2. Pronounce certain words that will give vitality to the form and in that way lead it to the physical plane.
  3. Express the phrase that separates the mental form of your aura and thus avoid draining your energies.

It will be observed that the formula is related to the mental form, the words of power with the purpose for which the form has been constructed, and the mystical phrase concerns the cutting of the magnetic link that unites the creator with its creation. Therefore one corresponds to the form, another to the soul incorporated in the form (whose lower characteristic is desire, the reflection of love) and the last to the life aspect with which the creator endowed his creation. Therefore we face again the eternal triplicities spirit, soul and body.

  1. Find out the formula that confines lives within its spheroidal wall.

It can be affirmed that this intelligent Life creates in its meditation and therefore in its reflective mind, what we call a mental form. This mental form has four main characteristics:

  1. It is brought into existence through the conscious use of the Law of Attraction.
  2. It is formed by an infinite number of living entities that are attracted to the mind of the divine Creator, entering into relationship with each other.
  3. The form is the exteriorization of something that its Creator:
  4. He has visualized.
  5. He has intelligently built, "nuanced" or "qualified", in order to fulfill the purpose for which it was intended.
  6. He has vitalized with the power of his desire and the strength of his living thought.
  7. He has been trained for the time necessary to carry out his specific work.
  8. He has connected in himself, by a magnetic thread, the thread of his living purpose and the strength of his dominant will.
  9. This internal purpose, which has been coated with mental, astral and vital substance, is powerful in the physical plane while:
    1. Remain consciously in the thought of its Creator.
    2. It retains "its distance", in an esoteric sense, from its Creator. Many mental forms are useless because they are "too close" to their Creator.
    3. They can be directed in any desired direction, and according to the law of least resistance they can find their own place, execute their desired function and carry out the purposes for which they were created.

Therefore the "formula" can be considered as the idea emanating from the divine Thinker; it could be defined as the dynamic purpose, the "thing" as the Thinker sees it and externalizes it in his mind and visualizes it as a carrier of his intention.

  1. Pronounce the words that express to those lives what they should do and where to carry what has been done.

The purpose of the pronounced word is to tell the lives that constitute the form “what should they do and where should they carry what has been done”. Thus we find the difference between purpose, strategy and goal.

  1. Finally, pronounce the phrase that will safeguard you from your work.

Therefore, at the end of the magical work of creation, a sentence that carries out the saving and produces two types of liberation should be pronounced free to the creative agent of the form that he has created, and emancipates that form of control of who produced it.

It is evident that the relation of language to embodied ideas has been understood by publicists. Consider the method of language that is the main factor now used to "launch an idea to the market."


The creative process of God constitutes the unified energy of the three persons, from the physical point of view. In all creative work with mental matter, man is seen as active Trinity, the creator, the preserver and the destroyer, this involves the energy of the will plus that of desire, fueled by the energy of the physical brain.

The phases of the process are as follows:

  1. Conceive the idea.
  2. Cover the idea with matter.
  3. Energize the idea, thus training the way to preserve its delineation and fulfill its mission.
  4. Direct that mental form, vitalizing it continuously, until the goal has been achieved, through desire and love.
  5. Destroy or disintegrate the mental form when the desired end has been fulfilled, withdrawing its energy.

We have seen that creativity is possible when the three physical centers of the head begin to wake up from lethargy and enter into activity, feeling the following effect:

  1. When the main center of the head awakens, the pineal gland begins to function.
  2. When the heart center is fully active, the pituitary gland (hypothalamus) becomes active.
  3. When the center of the throat occupies its correct place in the evolutionary process the rhyme gland (thalamus).

Through the pineal gland, the organ of spiritual perception, man verifies the will and purpose of the Soul, and from there he extracts the necessary energy from the higher levels, via the coronary center and the thread of life.

Through the pituitary gland, the second element of desire or the constructive energy of the form is available and, according to the law of attraction, can be molded and constructed with light substance.

When the gland rhymes, synthesis of nerve energy, has awakened, it can materialize and activate the desired form that is in the process of being constructed by attractive energy.

The construction process is based on the relationship between the opposite poles. Physical centers are receptive to the positive influence that force centers exert. The Will of the soul finds receptivity in the physical brain, through the attractive force of desire. This construction process is divided into three parts that overlap and appear simultaneous.

When the human being is an expert in meditation, the work of creating mentally is carried out more quickly until it exceeds the activity of the unconscious period.

Therefore, beginning with the recognition of the egoic intention in the physical brain, man proceeds to build the form for his idea. First start organizing the required material on the mental plane. In this plane the impulse takes its primary form. In the astral plane the process of vitalization is largely carried out, since the duration of life of any mental form depends on the persistence and strength of desire. At the bioenergetic levels of the physical plane, the process of physical realization takes place. There is an exact analogy with the work of the nine Sephirot of the cabal:

The one of the first three corresponds to the impulse of the Soul. Sound, color and vibration that, according to the Law of Analogy, reflect the three aspects of the macrocosm.

Sephirot's second group has its analogy in the work carried out at the stage of the mind-desire impulse, consciously emanating from a man's brain.

The task of the last three ends when the mental form, already covered with astral and mental matter, becomes objective on the physical plane.

In terms of transmutation and as we see in the hexagrams of the I Ching, changes occur by applying heat: the elementals of fire: humidity, heat and brightness.

First the slow and omnienvolve humidity: then the heat that increases and burns intensely; then the force that oppresses, impels and concentrates. Thus the brightness, the exudation, the mutation, the change of form is produced. Finally, the volatile essence is released and escaped, returning the residue to the primary substance. The process in eight phases is carried out as follows:

  1. The form is subjected to external heat.
  2. The heat, acting on the form, produces exudation and the humidity factor ensues.
  3. Moisture and heat develop their action in unison.
  4. The internal heat of the atom increases.
  5. The heat of the atom increases rapidly and exceeds the heat of the external environment.
  6. The atom radiates.
  7. The spheroidal wall of the atom collapses over time.
  8. The central life escapes to merge with its opposite pole, becoming a negative pole that seeks the positive.

The I Ching is an oracle written from a basic and binary system of great simplicity: yin and yang, a great dualistic principle of Chinese philosophy. The yes is represented by a whole line and the no by a divided line. The wise saints of all time made the Book of Mutations in this way they wanted to scrutinize the orders of Destiny and free will. They therefore established the meaning of Heaven and called it: the dark and the bright. They established the meaning of the Earth and called it: the soft and the firm. They established the meaning of Man and called it: love and justice. They put together these three fundamental energies and duplicated them.


Carol S. Pearson The inner hero Barcelona: 1991.

Carl G. Jung Psychic energy and essence of sleep. Buenos Aires: Paidós. 1954

Stanislav Grof. The evolution of consciousness. Barcelona: Kairos. 1994

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