Vajratsatva or Dorje Sempa: The Purification Budha

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 is not the image is our mind… .. 2 source of realization and inspiration… .. 3 with deep meaning… .. 4 white and translucent …… 5 stability of attention… .. 6 positive qualities to progress……

It is curious that sometimes when talking about the Buddhas images come to our mind with lots of color, with elements such as flowers, bells and something like people of some color in particular ... they seem strange and even some people are scared.

It is not the image is our mind ...

However, it is important to understand that the unknown usually generates uncertainty or fear, it is not the image itself, it is our mind to something that is unfamiliar.

Let's start by understanding the Buddhas as representations of awake beings, that is, they know the reality of things as they are, generous, compassionate, kind and willing to help sentient beings at all times.

It is important not to think about them in a theistic way, that is, they are not beings to whom you ask for something and they grant it to you just like that. We are actually subject to the Law of Cause and Effect so they can help us find solutions to our wrong views, to the management of our afflictions, to recognize how we see what surrounds us and how it actually exists but they will not do He worked for us.

source of realization and inspiration ...

The Budhas can accompany us and be a source of inspiration but in this tradition what should be very clear is that no one can do for us the work we need to grow, just as nobody else can generate the conditions and circumstances. You can enjoy the results.

Dorje Sempa or Vajratsatva is one of the representatives of the five Buddhist families, in each of them we find a characteristic quality. In Dorje Sempa there is the power of purification, in Budha Amitabha detachment and so on with the rest.

with deep meaning ..

If we look carefully at the images of the Buddhas, apart from being works of art, they have a deep meaning in each element.

Dorje Sempa is sitting on a luminous, golden and jeweled throne that represents the awake state of the mind, in some tangkas or paintings, so to speak, appears on eight snow lions that represent the boldness and courage that are required to walk the path of spiritual growth.

He is sitting on an eight-petal white lotus flower that represents the Buddhist nature that all beings possess and that we have to discover by dissipating the veil of our mental afflictions.

A lunar disk also appears around the buddha that means all the positive qualities that we will find on the path and the clear and luminous intelligence of the mind.

white and translucent ...

Dorje Sempa is translucent white and is an inspiration to purify the negative karma that we have accumulated since time without beginning, once again it is important to highlight that it is not something like saying that everything destructive we have done will disappear by art of magic, we must be responsible for our actions, recognizing our mistakes in some way is already liberating.

This Budha must inspire us to move forward in life by taking responsibility for the negative we have done and to create the firm conviction of not doing it again . With this determination, we are protecting ourselves from continuing to generate non-edifying karma, since it presupposes a firm determination not to relapse into what does not generate well-being.

attention stability ...

It has one leg inclined as a sign of a strong disposition to help everyone who needs it and the other is in the posture of meditation that symbolizes the stability of attention.

In one hand he holds a gold dorje that symbolizes compassion and in the other he has a silver drilbu or bell that means non-dual and non-conceptual wisdom .

The tiara on his head has five points that mean the five Buddhist families, its earrings symbolize the perfection of patience. Her hair is divided into three parts that mean triple training and this colored silk dress that symbolizes her tantric and transforming power.

As we can see there is no reason to scare us just because they seem strange to us.

positive qualities to progress ...

The reality is that these types of representations are full of manifestations of positive qualities that should inspire us to be more than we used to be because if something is true is that there is no one without the potential to wake up or leave suffering behind to live In genuine happiness and peace. So is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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