Message of the Archangel Michael: The incarnation of divine joy through your daily decisions

  • 2017

Today you have to use your conscience to see all that you are, since you are an emanation of divine creation, a divine creation that extends through each one of us. You can observe the divine creation through your options, decisions, thoughts, actions and attitudes, so you must keep in mind that everything that comes from you is expected to extend to those around you . Some have done it and even you have done it without trying.

Your divine responsibility is to create awareness among others

Now you know that this is your divine responsibility and that you must create awareness among others with what you are, what you know and what you do, since this responsibility is like a magnet, which attracts you to others, and to extend your divinity . Every time you are with someone, your divine extension looks for ways to reach that person and that is the divinity that lives in you.

You have a role, like everyone else, to make your conscience unite with your divine purpose before incarnating again on earth. Each of us has a potential to achieve and the evidence of this is that we have the knowledge of what we have to achieve, something that has been granted to us by divinity .

Each of your day-to-day decisions must generate balance among those around you

Everything you do, think and say every day is an emanation of what you already know, that is, of the knowledge you have been given before your birth, the knowledge of the divine incarnation . Another important aspect that you should know is that your free will must be reconsidered, since it has waited long enough knowing that its role is the rebalancing of divine perfection on Earth, which aims to be in tune with the need of perfecting each presence.

By combining your free will with your conscience, your divinity begins to spread

It is essential that this extension or this emanation motivate you to initiate new projects, in the form of different thoughts, new decisions, a new language, a new expression of who you are, regardless of how it manifests, since these new projects make Sometimes, the person has to part with his personality and many times, this helps to discover who you really are, even without remembering your name, since we are simply an emanation of a source of divinity, so you do not forge a new path, but that you remember the path that is destined for you.

And the main memory of who we are is simply an extension of what the heavenly Father is and what he has placed in each of us. He reminds us of his creation through our conscience, causing a balance, a balance in the world, that thanks to divinity we can extend to others and thus be able to maintain the cycle through all. This is how divine joy is embodied in each of our day-to-day actions.

In summary, before we are born, we are all aware of our previous lives, of our actions, our knowledge and our virtues, only we cannot remember it, this being the divinity that lives in us and in our daily lives, with each from our actions, our divinity manifests and extends to others, so that our spirit feeds more and more.

When we reincarnate, our spirit is full of all those extensions of our previous life and prepares to incarnate itself in divine form again.

I bless you my friends, be at peace, receive and offer all your love .

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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