Love, by Montse Macan s

  • 2013

Contrary to what many believe, the heart thinks ... yes, the heart has a life of its own because the heart is the soul of our being.

In our hearts lie our deepest feelings and emotions, those we keep so jealously for fear of being hurt, for fear of pain ... So, there are those who say that love hurts but ... is it really like that ??

No, love cannot hurt precisely because it is love. What hurts are the expectations that we sometimes project towards that love, whether from the couple, from the parents, from the children, from the friends ...

Most of us have not yet learned to love without expecting anything in return ... "a priori" we love unconditionally but when the heart "hurts" it tells us with that pain that our expectations of reciprocity, recognition, gratitude ... have not been answered .

This pain does not make us better or worse, it is not an indication that we are not sincere in love, that we are selfish, quite the opposite, that pain indicates that we are not yet ready to love unconditionally, that we still have a little left for to learn.

And how do you learn to love unconditionally, without expecting anything in return? Well, you learn by loving, you learn by connecting with our heart and letting it express itself freely, to act, to feel ... You learn to flow from sincerity, emotionality, simplicity, humility, empathy that nest in our heart.

It is not easy but it is not difficult, it simply is. We must learn to be ourselves, with our virtues and our defects because if there is something that makes human beings great, it is their ability to be proud of being as they are and to learn from their mistakes, betting on change and the growth of being. .

We must let the best of us surface, we must learn to protect ourselves from love because our best protective shield is our sincerity and loyalty to ourselves, being authentic and not seeking recognition from anyone else than our.

We must learn to look at reality through the eyes of love because there is love in everything around us, in flowers, in plants, in the sea, in music, in everyday scenes, in absolutely everything around us because love is in the air, you just have to breathe it, hear it, smell it, touch it, taste it, feel it!

Love for Montse Macan s


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