Medicinal plants for stomach ulcers

  • 2015
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Stomach ulcers, also known as optic gastric ulcers, are lesions in the gastric mucosa that can be caused by the presence of a bacterium known as Helicobacter Pylori, or also for the use of certain medications as analgesics, and anti-inflammatories.

Peptic ulcers are often accompanied by intense pain, burning, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. If an ulcer is not treated properly it can lead to serious problems such as deep wounds in the stomach lining that may require surgery as well as increase the risk of stomach cancer .

Dietary changes

Ulcers may be favored if we eliminate some foods and add others to our diet.

A diet rich in plant foods, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins of vegetable origin is recommended, some examples of their sources are legumes and oilseeds. Low fat meats such as fish or poultry are also recommended. In addition, it is suggested to change the cereals we consume for their integral versions, that is, instead of white rice, it is advisable to consume brown rice.

The foods we should avoid are coffee, alcoholic beverages, irritating foods high in fat such as fried foods, cold cuts or other processed foods.

Medicinal plants useful for stomach ulcers

There are several plants that can be useful either to relieve the pain caused by an ulcer or to promote healing, however, it is recommended to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis, and an expert in natural medicine to provide us with the adequate dose depending on the treatment we want to choose.

Licorice: it is a plant that is currently used to flavor certain foods, however, the plant as such contains glycyrrionic acid that can cause certain effects such as hypertension, which is why it is recommended to consume DGL licorice, this means that the substance has been removed and therefore the related side effects. According to studies, licorice root extract may work to treat ulcers by helping to protect our stomach from the effects of some medications such as pain relievers. Its consumption is usually recommended for this purpose, before consuming meals or between meals, but remember to use the extract and not the root, or licorice candies, as these are not recommended for this purpose.

Ginseng: With antimicrobial properties, ginseng root can help fight Helicobacter Pylori infections, according to research conducted in Korea, ginseng not only inhibiting the growth of such bacteria but also helping to reverse the damage in gastric cells, it He believes that it may be a good alternative for ulcers that are related to the presence of Helicobacter Pylori.

Aloe Vera : It is a plant whose natural remedies are widely known, full of virtues for skin health, aloe vera or aloe is used to accelerate the healing of wounds or skin lesions, to hydrate the skin among other uses. Aloe vera juice should be consumed daily to treat acidity and peptic ulcer problems, the plant can also be consumed, however, it is recommended to properly handle and clean to remove the aloin content a slightly laxative substance, which although harmless in its external use, its prolonged consumption is not so recommended.

Cayenne Pepper: Previously it was believed that it was an undesirable species, because it was considered an irritant of the digestive system, however, it has now been discovered that capsaicin, a substance that gives pepper a spicy taste, may actually Help protect the stomach mucosa and inhibit the growth of the helicobacter pylori bacteria which results in an improvement in ulcers.

Cabbage Juice : Although most of us consume cabbage like any other vegetable, it has been found very beneficial to promote ulcer healing. Although its daily consumption is recommended, the natural remedy based on cabbage is to drink its juice daily for at least a week.

Cranberry: Cranberry consumption is recommended only for those who tolerate it since in some cases it is irritating. It is traditionally used to deflate the stomach and relax the digestive system, it is believed that it can be used as a preventative of gastric ulcers.

Calendula: A plant of noble properties in favor of the skin, is usually used to promote wound healing, and it is for this reason that it is considered useful for treating ulcers. Although it can be consumed in the form of tea, it is usually recommended to use a tincture of marigold.

Flavonoids: They are abundant compounds in plants and vegetables, which have a recognized antioxidant capacity. It has been shown that its consumption can inhibit the development of the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, in addition, they have the ability to deflate the digestive system and promote the healing of peptic ulcers. They are found in abundance in green tea, fruits such as red grapes, apples, plums and parsley, as well as legumes such as soybeans, beans and lentils.


Medicinal plants for stomach ulcers

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