Messages from Mother Mary for The Awakening of Humanity: D a De La Madre

  • 2016

Be a mother:

It is a quality, and it really is a condition that not all human beings can develop, because for this you must always think of someone more than yourself placing your needs on many occasions in the background to meet those of those beautiful children to that you gave them life, and in that sense my admiration is infinite because as I did at the time I had a physical body and today as the Universal Mother, love is the first thing that prevails in our actions to be moms If you observe it, the changes of a woman begin from the moment that egg is fertilized; changes at the physical, emotional, spiritual and other levels. During the first nine months of your life as a human being on earth, that angel who is your mother shelters you, feeds you, sustains you and is one with yourself, and it is thanks to his dedication and care that you manage to give step of being born, that holy moment in which you move away from the warmth of your womb to begin your own story, and begin the construction of the book of your life. Then come all the links both yours and her, to modify their routines, their habits, their customs around giving you the best so that your stay in your first years of life is full and full of joys. With the passage of time, you become a teenager and it is there where the patience of that being that gave you life is put to the test, so that with all your love you can understand the changes you are having and you can start the detachment of the connection that energetically unites them, it is in those moments where perhaps you as a child can not understand the concerns she feels for each step you take, sadly many families are affected and they become vulnerable to conflicts with their children from this stage of life. And it is only until such time that these children are involved in representing or living their own experience in the role of fathers, who understand all the suffering of their mothers when they did not have the consciousness to assimilate it.

Now, when they see that life goes on and that these children are becoming independent, the love of that special being is kept alive no matter what decisions you make and their function will now be to observe you and let them act. It is free for you to have your own learning and open your wings to achieve your own dreams. But if you are aware, she still continues with her wisdom by supporting you, guiding you and comforting you when you need it. He is the only person who, no matter what you do, celebrates with you and listens to you with his heart. Not even your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your partner, your own children have the power and ability of her to hug you and get you up when you need it. And time continues to advance and your own children arrive, and now that being becomes a grandmother, in that person who gives you her hand to give you once more her help in the new role you played as Mother or as Father, and his presence becomes necessary for the strengthening of your new home.

And to that being who gave you life, maybe now it's time to leave you physically to transcend and return home, but it is important that you know that regardless of your return, the bond of love that unites her with her Children remains indissoluble and endures in eternity.

In such a way, my little children, that today as your Mother I want to remind you of the love that I have for you and which is represented on earth by those beings who have given them their unconditional surrender and have contributed to making them who they are today, therefore I invite you to thank him daily and celebrate his existence no matter where he is for your life, because with that simple fact it should be enough for you ……………

With love your Mother Mary.

Channeling received by Mónica Novoa Montejo - Bogotá –Colombia

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