Dual Moon Dance: balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine in action

  • 2018

By Claudio Álvarez Dunn

MEDELLÍN, Colombia .- As a call to harmony and balance between the man and woman of this era, the Dual Moon Dance was born. "To create a better world where new generations can feed themselves differently and where families dance together under the Light of our grandmother Metztli, Grandmother Luna, " says Nanantzin Malinalli, pioneer of this prayer with fellow warrior Tatatzin Mictochtli, grandparents of the Mexican tradition, who for several years have performed this ceremony in the sacred city of Teotihuacán and have spread it throughout the world.

Grandmother Malinalli and Grandfather Mictochtli, guides of the Dual Moon Dance.

Grandmother Malinalli and Grandfather Mictochtli, guides of the Dual Moon Dance in Mexico

The Dance of the Moon is a prayer that for centuries sought the empowerment of the feminine essence, to cure the pain that women had been dragging for generations and thus transmute it to regain their powers. “The Dance of the Moon was reincorporated to our Mexican-Toltec traditions, due to the need to strengthen women in their feminine strength, for their physical and emotional healing. Time has elapsed and after seeing men for years accompanying us outside the circle, we feel that now is the time to unite in duality, to improve our relationships and strengths, to achieve family harmony. It is a new era, of cosmic changes, it is the age of Aquarius, where in the balance (of the Sun and the Moon) there is the medicine of love, without competition, without fear, without pride, without discrimination, all We are suns and we are all moons, each one doing his best to achieve the world we want, '' adds Grandma Malinalli while being happy to see men and women dare to be Quetzalcoameh and Xochiquetzalli, the guardians of the Dance. We are the new humanity, the race of song, dance and peace during our interview in this Colombian city.

Grandma Gloria Nanantzin Atekokolli is the organizer of the Dual Dance of Luna Ometeotzinmetztli, which took place from August 22 to 26, 2018 in Medell n. We do this dance, he says, understanding that it is time for duality, men and women, to participate together in this four-night ceremonial offering as a sowing of harmony and balance between the feminine and masculine essences, to the well-being of our families, our territory, humanity and generations to come .

(Ometeotzinmetztli means: Venerable dual essence of creation that offers to the Moon)

The objective of this dual prayer in motion is to raise our consciousness as strong and determined beings to see life (past, present and future) differently and thus change our attitude towards the family, with the community, with humanity and with our Mother Earth. We are assuming our role as responsible beings and primarily as educators of our children, with the intention, in addition, to keep the environment clean and respect the sample elements Mother Earth, principles that are fundamental to our life and that of our future generations, adds Grandma Gloria.

Tradition of the Circle of the Dual Moon Dance

The Circle of Dual Dance the Moon is backed by the tradition that conveys the inheritance of pioneer grandmothers of An huac, such as grandmother Isabel Vega who has already transcended the spiritual world, and that They have been doing this work for several years, giving us their experiences and experiences. From this lineage become the grandmothers Nanantzin Malinalli and Nanantzin Egda Akuauhtzin Xochiketzal Stivalet. They began the realization of a dream of uniting the feminine and masculine energies in the Circle of the Moon Dance and gave themselves the task of gathering all their experiences, messages, dreams os and visions to anchor this lineage and philosophy

The dancers of the Dual Dance of the Moon wear a white outfit with bright blue, covered by ruanas (ponchos) and carry ayacaztli or rattles in their hands (maracas that symbolize water, cleanliness) and cushions ( rattles on the ankles that also symbolize the sound of the water and the snake, in communication with Mother Earth), also carry on their heads protection crowns made with sage and white flowers . In the dolls they carry white or blue ribbons that symbolize butterflies and other species that greet the wind, to fly lighter and integrate or wake up the sleeping “Koyolxauhqui”, which is our soul, the daughter of the Moon, represented by the great Tochtli (the symbol of the rabbit that is observed in the star during the nights of full moons).

The sacred circle where this dual dance is performed is oriented to the four directions and each of them is covered (protected) by a color: yellow / east; white / north; red / west and blue (or black) / south, where the prayers made by the dancers themselves hang. In the center of the circle there are three altars in the shape of a uterus made with stones and flowers. In one of them there is a great drum and the singers who guide the footsteps of these warriors of light with their permanent melodies throughout the night. On another altar are the personal offerings and on the third is the fire grandfather, who keeps the flame of wisdom burning. This fire is prepared with the embers of the Temazcal * fire that dancers perform before purification before and after entering the circle, generally at sunset and dawn, to receive medicine from Mother Earth and complete that sacred connection, where The fire never goes out.

(* Temazcal: del Nahuatl Temazcalli, 'house where you sweat', is a steam bath used in the traditional medicine of many pre-Columbian towns, especially Mexico. This sweat cabin (or inipi in Lakota language) is a powerful bonding therapy with the earth and it feeds us the awakening of our ancestral memory).

When you dance, you greet each direction and the archetypes of power in each of them. The first dance night is invoked to Quetzalcoatl in the east, which represents wisdom and is known as the energy of life. He is considered the main Toltec deity and the creator of the fifth sun, where humanity now lives.

The name is a word composed of two meanings: Quetzal -sail of precious feathers- and Coatl -serpent- or Coatl -gemelo-. Hence it is known as the feathered serpent: twin and antagonistic brother of Tezcatlipoca, duality ...

As the lunar tradition indicates that it is danced counterclockwise; The second night is the direction of the west and it is danced to overcome Tezcatlipoca, who identifies with the Dark, with the mirror of the ego and all its splendor, who thinks and governs by his own will and represents the mind. Tezcatlipoca was the Aztec god of night and temptation; the opponent of Quetzalcoatl (the spiritual); together they complemented the antagonistic duality with which the Aztec cosmogony explains the world.

In our Dual Dance of Medellin that night it rained in abundance, as if they were scaffolds that we stoically received within the circle to heal the old accumulated emotions. At dawn the Creator gave us a double and giant 180 degree rainbow, which bathed the mountains of El Carmen de Viboral from side to side and let us know that the connection was total and that the prayer was working.

The next night, at the North Gate, Xipe Tótec was danced, which is the male part of the universe, the region of youth and dawn, of the sweet corn. It represents the Renewal, healing, letting go, the detachment of what is no longer useful, the regeneration of people's spiritual nature, as well as the transformation of dry soil into fertile soil.

That third night the energy was lifted and despite the cold and drizzle, it was also danced with the intention of healing the ancestors, of reconnecting with the ancestral genetics that we carry in us and that extends for seven generations back and seven forward, dancing in total gratitude and healing of that ancestral memory.

On the fourth night of the dance Huitzilopochtli is summoned, which means southern hummingbird, so this Mexican deity guards that gate during the last round. It represents the open heart together with the will to decide and order the creation of our own world, that is, it is the unwavering willpower that we have to access to overcome the control of our mind (Tezcatlipoca). That night the dancers danced painted with creations of our own vision in the Temazcal to present ourselves to the spirits and make the personal reconnection.

In each door / direction dances are performed with human mandalas in the form of stars, snakes, spirals or vessels, whose intentions take steps of harmony to connect complacently with Mother Earth and the universe that contemplates us from above.

In the breaks between each door / address, the grandparents and the 60 dancers of this Dual Dance of the Moon (about 40 women and more than 20 men) share their chanupas (sacred pipes) made of black obsidian stuffed with tobacco. This prayer is realized as an instrument of reconnection and means the spiritual link to elevate our interior to the Creator. Black obsidian represents the night, the energy to recognize ourselves and end fears while we open ourselves to receive more light, as well as healing, protection and vision.

For what the sacred fire never goes out during the Dance, different groups of dancers act as caretakers of the fire, so every day different shifts are assigned to different men and women to prepare the temazcal fire, while others groups attend in the kitchen and others with the latrines, in a shared effort of brotherhood and sense of community, where everyone learns to perform all tasks. During the afternoon a two-hour daily meeting is held to listen to the grandmothers' teachings about the intentions of that night's dance and its meaning.

Sacred Circle that grows throughout the world

According to the portals Sacred Woman Awakens and www.abuelagloria.org the mother circle of this Dual Dance of the Moon was born in Mexico, in Teotihuac n, with the name of Teoyolomeztli, which headed by Grandmother Malinalli and Grandfather Mictochtli takes place annually in the month of May. From there, the Circle of Dual Moon Dance was born in Costa Rica, while in Medellin Ometeotzinmeztli is led by the grandmother Gloria González Atekokolli and takes place in the month of August. The prayer extends to the Guaia Tchiametztli circle, led by Sakrey Iztaccihuatl, whose first dual dance will take place in February 2019 - also in Colombia - under the name of Cumyama.

From the Ollintlahuimetztli Circle led by Grandmother Mallinalli that takes place in October in Mexico in Teotihuacán, several Moon Dance Prayer Circles (only for women) were born in Mexico and in the world.

Metztliyolilitztli is led by Grandma Itzpapalotl in Costa Rica and is always held in the month of February. In the United States, Ayotlmetztli is led by Grandmother Silvia Mayahuel, whose ceremony takes place during the month of June. In northern Mexico, in Durango, Metztliyolotlxochitl is led by Xiuh Xochi Mazatl and they dance during the month of May. In Colombia, the Huiztlampayolotlmetztli circle is led by Tanameztli and takes place in the months of July; while in Canada the Wateskunmetztli circle is led by Kaveesha Eve and the ceremony is in the month of August.

In Puerto Rico, the Atabeyra Metzteopoxchikaualiz Circle is led by Quetzali (Alyn without Luna) at Finca La Ceiba, where they dance in April and is born from the circle of Grandmother Itzpapalotl.

Personally, I can express that - without a doubt - the Dual Dance of the Moon is a ceremony that revives ancestral knowledge, heals relationships, strengthens the heart and fills us with visions and answers on the way forward. While dancing, the Moon reminded me of some secrets, such as: "The defects that one sees in the other are nothing more than tests and lessons that life puts you ahead to work on." He also told me that all those moments and lessons were approved by us and our Higher Self before birth. "Nothing is tragic, everything is cleanliness, change and transmutation." Another night he whispered in my ear that "forgiveness becomes true when the memory ceases to be painful" and that "sometimes we are torn from where we were to continue growing spiritually."

Mother Earth also gave me several thoughts during this Dual Dance, to reconnect with the God / Goddess Creator that we are and that we carry in the heart of our Being. We are one with Gaia and when we realize it we assume that planetary changes are Also our own changes. “If we release and lovingly transmute our anger, then the volcanoes will not need to explode; if we deal with our emotions, instead of feeling overwhelmed, then our internal tidal waves will turn into gentle waves and hurricanes into subtle winds ... if we flow with change, lovingly accept each new creation, then we won't need the earthquake shakes ... yes we know that we are one with the consciousness of Mother Earth, then we know that we are the door to the energies of New Gaia and that we carry within us the marriage of Heaven and Earth and thus we can get out of the illusion of the Third Dimension ” .

During this Dual Dance of the Moon in Medellín many blessings were received for our collective reality. The energies received brought abundance of pure divine love that was anchored in the hearts of every man, woman and child on the planet. These frequencies of pure love came from the hand of the Divine Mother of All That Is to help Humanity abandon the attachments of fear and separation, so that we could all create the new land of peace and unity, rooting it first in us. same.

With these amounts of energy and cosmic frequencies a lot of karmic debt was released and the Goddess in our Interior was honored, choosing to love, honor and nurture compassion for ourselves and others. Whenever the Inner Goddess is recognized, feelings of peace, love, freedom, wealth, joy, laughter, inspiration, creative fulfillment and miracles will manifest in us. All this expressing gratitude for our body, because it is the extension of the Goddess in her physical form (regardless of whether you are a man or a woman), as well as expressing gratitude for our wisdom and other gifts that the Goddess gives us every day, such as Five senses to evoke feelings of peace, joy, love, passion and freedom, in full contact with nature.

In those moments - in spite of rain, cold and fatigue I smiled to myself and danced as I had not done for a long time: with the spirit of my inner child dancing for all my relationships. Thank you grandma Metztli (grandmother Luna) for the ancestral healing received and for the honor of carrying your chanupa (pipe) and being able to pray as a family every night with a full moon. Thank you Mother Earth for the reconnection, thanks to the Inner Goddess for reminding me that in this way the ancestral mandate is fulfilled that says: “That at this time our customs return and the wisdom of our grandparents is reborn, because it is now when He is fulfilling the prophecy, and it is now that these teachings are needed to survive these times of great change. ” Ometéotl

(Ometéotl: supreme principle and God of duality, which represents femininity and masculinity simultaneously and in balance).

For more information on the Dual Dance of the Moon you can see on Facebook the pages of the “Dual Dance of the Moon Ometeotzinmetztli-Colombia” or the “Dual Dance of the Moon Teoyolometztli”, by Grandmother Malinalli.

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