Message from Gaia: Living between realities

  • 2018

Dear Terrians, this includes ALL living things that can receive, assist and share our message, we are honored to share with you what is happening in the highest dimensions surrounding Gaia.

The Arcturians will also have their transmission, but they wanted us, the Pleiadians to begin this process because we seem more human and better able to understand human behavior. In addition, the Pleiadians have taken many land vessels to better understand humanity .

The galactic, sometimes we take a "land ship" to prepare ourselves to better understand the earthly society . The most difficult part of our "earth society" is the illusion of being alone .

On the boat we are in constant contact with everyone inside this

We can easily recognize ourselves by our aura, and we can intermingle our auras to share all our thoughts and feelings without speaking.

The leaders are chosen according to their experience and mix their auras with all the members of the Ship to share their personal and professional life. These leaders are chosen for their experience, which is automatically shared with their auras, and the Unconditional Love that fills their aura.

In addition, all leaders have, and continue to have, a total dedication to our "Service to others." However, the term "other" includes the Ship, with which we all have an intimate relationship.

Most of the Navy's occupants volunteer to carry out “remote missions” on Physical Earth to learn more about how they can help scale the planet, as well as to have a more intimate experience with them.

The biggest challenge for our team abroad is to remember our REAL I and NOT to lose ourselves in the illusions and fears of our third-dimensional phrases that have joined our team abroad. When we do not limit our "sense of self" to being a three-dimensional human being, we remain in constant contact with our higher dimensional expressions of Being.

We say "carry our three-dimensional self" because our third-dimensional being feels that we "carry" this component of our being.

If you harbor fear, frustration, anger, sadness or illness, it is MUCH harder to remember your True Self and your Mission on Earth, which is what you offered for yourself. Remember and do it, we discover that it can be VERY difficult to remember our mission once we are surrounded by the fears and challenges of the third dimension world.

Since "time" is an illusion of the third or fourth dimensional reality, no one in your three-dimensional world will know that you have "gradually stepped out" of the time and space of the third dimension during your dream or meditation. Since the "third dimensions" have no concept of our reality, they DO NOT perceive what they cannot believe .

In your NOW, many of you live among realities

As a result, you are not completely third, fourth or fifth dimension. In fact, you, those who are awake, learn, in addition to beginning to remember, how your three-dimensional daily life influences, and is influenced by, your four-dimensional artistic moments and your dreams.

Unconditional Love is the vibration that can create a vibration high enough to allow your consciousness to resonate in the fifth dimension. We remind everyone that our ships will increasingly enter their fields of perception, so that they are NOT afraid .

In addition, we will talk more and more with you, so that you have a feeling of joy and even joy when you see us in your sky. You see, more and more of you are expanding consciousness to the point where you can see our ships.

Of course, on the other hand, there are more people who are afraid of the concept of our ships because they fear we will hurt them. These people are usually those who have unhealthy fear and sadness, as well as those who enjoy the "power over others" of the third dimension. These people are NOT happy with our presence, because they do not want to renounce their power over others, or their greed and mistreatment of the beloved planet Gaia.

Change is coming to the Land of Gaia, and those who have enjoyed their "power over others" will not be happy when humanity begins to remember and use its own " inner power ." In fact, many of the leaders of the "internal power" have a "face to face" with the "ruling" leaders .

Now we will talk about the initial phases of being in a fifth-dimensional reality, ship or planet. A fifth-dimensional reality does not need a place and can live in consciousness .

A fifth-dimensional spacecraft is a galactic spacecraft, which can be hidden from the 3D world or has chosen to reveal itself briefly. However, we hide again quickly so as not to scare humans who don't know us.

We separate real, vents and plane because reality is the way different people perceive the process of ascending to a single planet. Our spaceships are usually camouflaged to protect those who are too scared .

However, we often show our higher frequency of fourth and fifth dimensions, as people who perceive a higher state of consciousness . Most of the time we stay away from any three-dimensional exposure to Earth because there are still too many people who would be afraid or try to take us down.

Of course, they couldn't "knock us down, " but they could scare others, or their weapons could hit another person and hurt others. Reality is specific to the mental state and level of consciousness of each person .

As a result, some people have spent their lives looking for ways to educate people and make them understand that Gaia is a living being and that humanity has abused her too much . On the other hand, some people see the planet as a place where they can take whatever they want, regardless of the cost to the planet, and do what they want to do, no matter what it costs .

These people are often called Illuminati, or Darkness, or those who live with " power over others " without worrying about others . Sometimes there are leaders who don't care about the planet, or even the people who live there. These dark ones only care about themselves, their own money and their own power over others.

These humans will NOT be able to perceive the highest dimensions of reality, much less enter this vibratory world or spaceship. On the other hand, more and more "awake" who have expanded their consciousness in the fourth and fifth dimensions, respond to Gaia's SOS.

These advanced beings are so dedicated to Gaia, and their efforts to ascend to their Planetary Being, that they will actually come to planet Earth to help this Planetary Ascension. In addition, every time a planet can rise - increasing its resonance frequency to the fifth dimension - the entire Solar System benefits from the light flow of the fifth dimension.

We, the Galactic, applaud the courageous attempts of the "enlightened" to participate in the great honor by merging their superior, fourth and fifth dimension personal consciousness with Gaia's planetary consciousness .

Gaia also has courses on her curriculum to help her "students" unleash the illusion of " time and space " in the third or fourth dimension. Once this illusion is released, Gaia and her people will remember how to return to their Fifth Dimension Operating System Here and Now.

Channeled by Suzanne Lie

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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