Signs in the Sky of May 2011 / In connection with Gaia by Abjini Arráiz / Day by day by Eduardo D'Ascoli

  • 2011


On this occasion we have asked Gaia some questions that many people ask about the changes and events that are happening. I hope they serve to clarify how they have served me. She tells me that the moment you read this email you will feel in connection with her being. Blessings in the light.


I welcome you, Gaia, my mother, I give myself totally to you to speak with my voice, I am in communion with all that you are.

Gaia what's going on with your physical body? Why are so many natural disasters happening in these times?

Beloved, beloved and I begin to feel the connection with you, my love is enveloping and I want you to feel it at this moment, enter the divine frequency with me, feel my throbbing, feel the harmony that emanates my core, imagine that you have a root that is connect with my center and allow my energy to join yours, in that intimate communion feel my prana in your body, observe how it rises and reaches your heart. Now close your eyes and look deep in your heart, feel the connection, feel how your union with me is restored, like a sacred marriage, feel how we unite in the frequency of a synchronous time wave, how your time and my time are tuned . I appreciate such an important question because it gives me the opportunity to repeat what I have been telling you about letting go of worries and living the synchronous time of my rhythm, of repeating that everything is fine and that we are growing together, together.

I have already told you that I have many bodies that are in permanent transformation, also that these times are of profound transformation, that time as they know it so far is changing, we are in an era that ends in my millions of years of evolution, which has to do with my cycle of rotation and translation, the cycles of evolution are spiral, they are created through huge merkabas in higher dimensions, we are about to climb to a new step of the spiral.

My physical body is in the process of purification, healing, everything that is not aligned with the new frequency of light will be integrated back to the earth, water, fire, air, the four elements are responsible for that cleaning. As you will see these elements are creating natural disasters, floods in some countries, fires in others, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes in others. These events have the appearance of something negative because there are human lives involved in these events, in some cases there are souls that choose to transcend, those are my most intimate collaborators, since they help collective healing with their surrender. The elements will be out of balance, but not everywhere, not all the time, nor at the same time. Trust my capacity for transmutation and regeneration. There is no danger, this is just a belief, where you are will be fine, you come here to live the experience of this time of growth, of this moment of evolution, which is just a sigh in my millenary breath. They come to experience how a planet in space emits light, receives more light. They come to witness how a sun changes and emits other frequencies, that's why the changes.

Gaia many people ask me to ask you about diseases without a cure, when are we going to get the cure?

Pain and suffering have been present in the evolution of the planet for many eons, it is a very deep conditioning, which is impregnated in the emotional body of 4th dimension at its lowest levels, it is like the metaphor of Alice's forest, where they are lurking animals, where all fears, despair, pain, suffering, lower frequencies are, is that dark tunnel that passes when it transcends the physical body, that is the place of that belief and many others More than produce suffering. Notice that in the word SUFFER-LIE is the answer, suffering is a lie, something that does not exist, is part of the illusion.

That is why there is no cure as such, that way of seeing things is also an ancient belief, based on scientific research, on chemistry, on the inserted image of the researcher who discovers something and finds a medicine, something that saves. Medicine and science are turning enormously and in alternative ways, those of energy, light, color, sound, that way they will see true miracles.

These diseases show what is out of control, so the remedy is delivery, is to let go, let yourself be guided. If there is any cure to all diseases, it is called compassion, as long as they are more connected to the heart, when everyone feels united with my heart, that day they will see that a cure is not needed, that the cure is so simple to let go of the belief.

Naturally, healing will take place as the vibration of the collective network of consciousness rises, the Noosphere, which is one of our shared networks, which includes all living beings and organisms at their highest level of consciousness. While this network becomes stronger and brighter, more discoveries and illuminations will have, more changes in beliefs at the collective level, discarding those that are considered that no longer serve life.

As for the souls who decide to evolve with suffering and pain, it is really a laudable choice, they are giving their lives so that everyone learns from their process, they are teaching the lesson No of love, they are good too. We love you and deeply appreciate your decision.

Gaia many people think that you suffer from the damages that we infringe you on an ecological level, that you are a kind of victim of humans, what is true in that?

As I was saying suffering is a belief that I do not share with humans, for me everything is simple, things change, order needs to be done and I do it, my dear humans the damage they do on my surface is minor in relation to the changes that are being necessary so that vastness can emit a higher frequency. So far any damage infringed I have been able to process it, for me the time is very different from how you perceive them, remember that I have millions of years of evolution.

I love life and the species that populate my surface, that's my nature.

However, if there is an emotional body through which we are all connected, the one that sustains the biological life, nature, the beauty of the Earth, you humans emit an emotional frequency that forms a great network that in turn It connects with me. That does not mean that I feel your emotions means that I transmute your emotions. One of my functions has always been to purify all the waste produced on the planet. What is happening is that as the population of humans has grown so the amount of waste has increased, this makes transmute them slow down, for that same reason it has been it is necessary that the elements take the lead and act.

If we could help you, Gaia, what would you recommend us to do?

My start with yourself. Observe their defects with compassion, notice their addictions and patterns that repeat with humor, without judgment. Something as simple as not taking things so seriously, observing them, smiling, letting them go. I invite you to make peace with you, I know that the conditioning has been that of denigration, injustice, abuse and that has hurt your inner children too much, it's time for close those wounds and see them as they really are, like those magnificent beings who are experiencing in this material world but who are spiritual beings, do not regret anything, life is a miracle.

Being in this loving and compassionate state helps me to transmute all the energies of pain and suffering, of a victim that exist as a trace of the past in the emotional body we share. A few seconds of joy weigh much more than a few seconds of hopelessness.

And how can we achieve that state of non-judgment and unconditional love towards ?

My already know that love heals everything, much has been said about this. A very immediate way is through gratitude. Start your day thanking the morning, the beginning and close your day thanking what happened. Thank the obvious, the air they breathe, the food they eat, the sunlight, in short, those things they take for granted. Thank even what they see as negative since they do not know what background it has. Thanking the small, the insignificant, is a good start.

I love them


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