Essential harmony and serenity by Master Saint Germain

  • 2014

UNDERSTANDING THE GREAT PRESENCE "I AM" (Taken from the book "I AM Speeches for Men of the Minute) (Ascended Master Saint Germain), page 2, Serapis Bey Editores, SA

Currently, without the Understanding of the "Great I AM Presence, " there is no hope for humanity. There is nothing by which mankind can be established and sustained in the peace-advancing activity.


God is not a religious issue; God is the Law of Life that beats in your heart and in that of every human being incarnated on Earth. Therefore, when humanity comes to understand that it is God who gives you Life, and that God is practical in your physical world and wants you to have the happiness, success and achievement that every heart desires, then said Power of Light that beats in your heart, when called to action, will produce success for you - if you keep your own emotional world in harmony .

ANATOMIA DE LA INARMONIA (Taken from the book “I AM Speeches for Men of the Minute) (Ascended Master Saint Germain), page 2, Serapis Bey Editores, SA

This is what humanity has not understood today - the need for harmony. If it is sustained long enough, the Powers of "Presence" can flow to do His Perfect Work - which is Purity and Perfection.
The only reason that your "Presence" has not produced Perfection for you is the disharmony in the emotional world that has such energy. You will be able to observe in the Plate [of the "I AM" Presence) that Ray of Light that penetrates them through the head and is anchored in your heart, then going out into your own world. When that Light is covered with discord, it brings that disharmony to your world. People have not been aware of that, but that disharmony is projected; and just when they think they have achieved success, that quality begins to act, and the person to whom this inharmony has been oriented loses all interest.
This is how inharmony acts on feelings. People experience discouragement, discontent, depression or the quality of feeling in their own world. It is projected on the individual with whom you have contact and the other feels it; Immediately, success escapes their hands.


EMOTIONAL OBSTACLE (Taken from the book “I AM Speeches for Men of the Minute) (Ascended Master Saint Germain), page 3, Serapis Bey Editores, SA

For this reason humanity has not achieved success. He has not understood the laws of his being. You feel that radiation emanating in front of you; and if it is discordant and antagonistic, it produces that same condition in the other individual, which leads them to fail.
Gentlemen, the Great Law of Life is really magnificent when it is understood correctly. In those days that passed so long ago when I didn't understand it either - when the time came, and after going through tremendous experiences in the human octave, the same ones that all humanity is going through - then I also saw that the only thing He stood between My person and My current position in the Light was My own feeling. That feeling that was rampant, filling with anger and antagonism, was the only thing that had prevented him from succeeding, and it is the only thing that prevents all mankind from achieving the happiness and success to which he is entitled.
Gentlemen, please, feel that the Divine Light that beats in your hearts is the Power of all Achievement. If you remain harmonized enough to invoke that Power - or, let's say first, let it flow - then, to the extent that you understand that what gives you Life is the Presence you can So let her out with an intensity that is inconceivable even for her own current understanding. You will see how that Presence is the Power of the Universe, as well as the Power of your Achievement, no matter what you can focus on. as long as it is constructive.
Your Higher Mental Body, which is your Selective and Discerning Intelligence, will not allow a greater Power to flow if you are going to misuse it, since it will only produce imperfections, so that it would not allow only what you have accumulated to happen.

ELIMINATED RESENT (Taken from the book Discursos del YO SOY by the beloved DAVID LLOYD, page 174, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

Resenting for mistakes - both own and others' - closes the door to the harmony required to fill your world with happiness. Therefore, I tell you in the fullness of all that you require today, gentlemen, remember that right now your Base is being forged, the Foundation of Life, the Glory of Your Perfection. n. All they have to do is hold it. And how? For through his continuous Calls to the Presence of Life, and preventing the disharmony from settling and acting on his feelings.

PERFECTION EXAMPLE (God Tabor) (Taken from the book Light of the Ascended Masters, volume 2, page 14, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

I tell you, Beloved Ones, and I beg you: don't give power to the gossip that circulates. Unhappy and unfortunate individuals sometimes start such things, but I ask everyone everywhere not to give that power. You cannot prevent human beings from speaking, but you can prevent gossip from anchoring in your worlds. If you think about it in thought or conversation, you will surely anchor it in your emotional world. To all those whose stories are brought to their attention, say: Is it not a misfortune that there are always people who listen to these things? Please do not do it, for love of yourselves. Beloved hearts, if you hear such things, let them die there. Don't spread any gossip, since doing so would be real nonsense.

What is most needed is that the Students are in harmony. People who are not aware of the Teaching of Presence are not supposed to be able to control themselves, as it is supposed in the case of the students. But if it is up to you to cope with people who disseminate discordant stories, realize that humanity will say, `` if this is a sample of how the Students of the 'I AM' are., then I am not interested in being like them . My precious ones, let me stamp on you today as never before, that when one of you says, "I am a Student of the" I AM ", it must be an example of Perfection for humanity. If those who might be interested in this Activity see you discussing, airing gossip or spreading discordant things, then you will have missed the opportunity to spread and expand the Light.

If they allow themselves to give expression to such things while claiming to be "Students of the" I AM ", then they will be allowing the sinister force to act and introduce their destruction. I would like to clarify this today in such a way that nobody will ever give in to such things. Who or what do you want to repeat discordant things and talk about them? Certainly the "Presence" is not! Then, these are accumulated discordant qualities - possibly amplified by entities or something like that - that drive people into such a destructive feeling that it will prevent them from accepting the Light that would lead them to Liberation.

It doesn't matter what the cause may be; as long as you allow discord, criticism and condemnation to register in your feelings - even before expressing them - you will be, thus, loading your emotional world with those qualities. Do not do that! They will have to face it and handle it somehow, at some point, somewhere! If they are not strong, they cannot handle it. Invoke the "Presence" with great decision, so that it is She who stands guard.

It's very easy. Whenever someone starts telling you something discordant or critical, say: “Look, wait a moment! In the Law of our "Great Presence I AM", it is not appropriate for us to give expression to these discordant things. If there is an appearance of discord here, then our role is to invoke the "Great I AM Presence" into action to govern the situation, person, place or condition. So far is our business in that regard. ” If each of you assumed this position, My precious ones, your city would be a focus of Light.

There are always people who, due to selfish motives and cannot get away with it, often disseminate discordant things. Well, that doesn't matter. My Beloved, this concerns your business, your homes, your lives, all your activities. It is not just something that concerns the Work of the "I AM"; it concerns all of your life. If you want to succeed in business, in your music work, in your group activities, in any activity in which the outside world requires your services, then the foundation of that success will be, first of all, the harmony of your world. emotional.

ON AGITATION AND AGITATORS (David Lloyd) (Taken from the book "Light of the Ascended Masters", volume 2, page 166, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

If an agitator gets to ruffle and disturb people's feelings, they will then have brought them into the boiling vortex of destructive activity, and the sinister force will have its claw embedded in each and every one of them. That is why NOTHING IN THE WORLD IS NEVER ACHIEVED THROUGH AGITATION, BECAUSE THIS DISTURBS THE PEOPLE'S FEELINGS - which they then do not think clearly. It makes no difference that the motive is the best in the whole world. If people's feelings are brought to a condition of disturbance, antagonism, resentment or whatever regarding conditions that are not harmonious, then these people will have lost all power of permanent achievement.

THE LAW OF LIFE (MaháChohán) (Taken from the book “Private Bulletins of Thomas Printz”, volume 1, page 120-122, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

.. The Law of Life is so simple in its essence that humanity ignores it in the face of the complicated and tangled terminology with which it has completely hidden the simple truth.

The Law of THE NEW ERA - the religion of THE NEW ERA - will be so simple that no study will be required to understand it. It is the LAW OF HARMONY . Some people call it "love, " but by calling it love, it immediately gives them access to variations in expression and interpretation that distort their true meaning.

As a representative of the Holy Spirit, it is My job to present humanity with the plain truth so that "everyone who rushes can read."


Life is energy Every man, woman and child who breathes, attracts that energy within himself through conscious action, since inhalation is attracting from his Source One - God - the priceless energy that is his life; and when an individual does this, he takes responsibility before the entire Universe for the use of that energy that the Godhead has lent him.

The breath in your body is yours, since you attracted it from the Heart of God. In your inner soul, you promised God that you would enrich His Universe if He allowed you to use His life ; and God, being Love, agreed to your request and gave you (and continues to give you) all the love you required with just one advice or condition: that His life and energy must emanate from you harmoniously qualified to bless and enrich His people, to His Universe and all its parts.

If the energy is not harmoniously qualified, the Cosmic Law that governs the Universe dictates that your own Higher Mental Body will attract that energy back to your world after having fulfilled that for which it was sent, and will return with the same qualification with which It was covered in its outward journey, amplified by vibrations of equal quality that attracted itself while it was absent from your aura. The reason for this is that the evolving soul can learn, first, the nature of the energy it is using; and, second, that the guiding intelligence within your own soul is an integral part of God and, therefore, God in action. The external personality is then forced to learn - through this return of its own energy - that it is more comfortable to adhere to the Law of Harmony and enrich the Universe through the life that God has lent it, than to suffer the consequences caused for the illicit use of the igneous breath of God.


The particular traits and characteristics in other people that irritate you are, almost without exception, the energy of your own world that you have projected similarly in previous lives. Your Higher Mental Body shows you how qualified energy discordantly distorts the universe. When the individual is uncomfortable enough, he feels and speaks with resentment of these appearances; but if the person acknowledged that he or she has created all those things in the past, he could, upon finding them, invoke the Law of Forgiveness for his role in creating such inharmonious appearances and then, through his knowledge of the Sacred Fire, Flame the Igneous Cosmic Flame of Liberating Love through the cause and effect of such manifestation. Not only would he be cleaning and purifying his own conscience and world of the cause and effect of these qualities, but he would be helping to completely eradicate them from the universe in general.

If you were big enough to bless those human appearances that manifest in the life currents of those around you and turn them into liberation, you would find that all those irritating traits and characteristics would cease to appear in your own world, since The law of your life stream is that when those habits that you dislike are cleansed and purified, and their momentum is consumed in the Flame, you will no longer need to live under the pressure of any experience other than your own creation.


Your Higher Mental Body is your only judge. He is your mentor and your spiritual master, and until you fully awaken to a full realization of your own Divine identity, he will be constantly and consciously returning you the energy that you have sent forward discordantly qualified in the past, asking you to bless him, to carry the Flame Purifying through her and release her once more, within that glorious state of peace and happiness that she knew before you caught her into your world through the conscious act of breathing.

When the energy you have extracted from life is harmoniously re-qualified and released, the Earth, then, will not be able to retain you anymore - your Divine Plan will have been completed, your service to the Earth concluded - and you will rise as an Ascended Being, having completed your cycle of individual evolution and learned the Law of Harmony - which is the Law of the Universe.

Saint Germain and other members of the Ascended Host are daily and annually balancing and discarding thousands of tons of poorly qualified energy from Earth and its people, and I trust for the sake of one's own and quick liberation from you that you will learn to live gently and kindly, and that you will realize when you experience through others, what seems so distressing to you that it is not really the lack of the other, but the reflection of what you have done to life throughout centuries, and will use the Purifying Flame of Liberating Love incessantly, to banish it forever from the Universe of God.

REACTION OF THE CONDITIONS (Mah Choh n) (taken from the book Print Bulletins of Thomas Printz, volume 5, page 95, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

Beloved Children of My Heart:

I remind you again today of the importance of learning to maintain and consciously maintain harmony in your mental, emotional, ethereal and physical worlds. Every flash of anger or even a soft resentment makes his own soul the most serious of injustices, and causes scars; and sometimes, under pressure, wounds proper in their internal bodies that all Ascended Beings can see. Thus, you can see that your reaction to external or internal conditions is of immense importance for your spiritual progress.

Very often, individuals who have consciously inflicted wounds on their internal bodies, know where the soft scars are found, and they can again and again those wounds until they become bloody sores. Your mental, emotional, ethereal and physical worlds are in your custody, and day after day your internal reactions to all the shocking headlines that come to you through of the newspapers, of the radio or of the television, they make internal registries that impede necessarily its development and unfolding.

Every day, before embarking on your daily tasks in the external world, make sure you put yourself under the protection of the Sacred Fire for the day, and place yourself in the heart of the Holy Being. Critical Then, they will not take them off guard or be shaken by any condition of apparent external evil. Innocence without alevos a is protection.

I have trampled the path that you now travel, and I lend you My Strength and My comfort to overcome the obstacles of it. I bless you for every gram of energy discharged by you in advancing the Cosmic Service of the Ascended Host, and I thank you for your perseverance in maintaining the harmony maintained in your worlds.

The old Law of Penance was based on true facts. For example, when a pendency was imposed to balance a sin, it was really to make the individual consciously take the energy of God (eg life) and impose on it a constructive balance of Life, emanating that energy in equal proportions that the energy discharged through the `` sin '' that would be omission No commission of commission and sometimes more Divine Energy was discharged, through Illumination.

Now I decree, with all love, that you remain unperturbed at all times in the universal harmony of Life One.

WHEN NOT TO INVEST THE PRESENCE (Saint Germain) (taken from the book The Voice of I AM, volume 2, page 45, Serapis Bey Editores, SA)

You are no longer subject to these limitations in the Knowledge of your Presence. This only entails emotional harmonization and the call to his Presence with calm serenity in his feelings. Do not invoke your Presence when you are all upset, agitated and disturbed. Do not do that! Sit down first, and with great calm serenity, turn your face to the Presence and say: "Great Presence I AM"! Take command and control of this mind, this body and this feeling! Sweep and remove from them any cause and effect that tries to create irritation! Take charge and keep Your Domain in my feelings ”! You will then see how quickly everything calms down and experience great happiness inside.



(given by the Great Divine Director)

* Beloved Magna Presence "I AM"! Take all discordant feelings out of me! Load and fill my mind and body with Your Great Peace, with Your Great Happiness, with Your Great Strength! Maintain Your Domain over my feelings, and allow the Power of Your Glorious Presence to flood from and through my world, to harmonize and perfect it. Take command and produce Your Perfection forever.

Magna Presence "I AM" sweeps and does the next thing that has to be done with Your Infinite Power! (This decree appears in the “BOOK OF CEREMONIAL VOLUME 1, PAGE 162, SERAPIS BEY EDITORES, SA)


* Magna Presence "I AM" assumes command of this personality today. Take charge of all my thoughts, feelings, spoken words, actions and reactions. Produce Your Perfection; Keep Your Domain. Always put me in my right and perfect place, and keep me there. Show me the perfect thing to do, and through me, do it perfectly. So be it, Beloved "I AM"! (This decree appears in the “BOOK OF CEREMONIAL VOLUME 2, PAGE 207, SERAPIS BEY EDITORES, SA)


I DEMAND that the Inner Essence of the Victory of His Sacred Fire, of His Love and of the Harmony of the Flame of His Heart, enter into me and around me, and prevent all irritation and vexation; prevent everything that is not My Victory and Strength to move forward and become a Master over the conditions around me; right now, in this instant, eternally everywhere!

*** (By using this Decree, you will achieve such Strength, Trust and Mastery as you will not receive in any other way)

(This decree appears in the book “DECRETS OF I AM FOR VICTORY, PAGE 51, SERAPIS BEY EDITORES, SA)


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