Do you suffer or heal? What is your nature?

  • 2016

Man has believed for millennia that his nature was to suffer, he believed that our passage through this world was based on pain, suffering, scarcity and deprivation of everything that could Give satisfaction or joy. He believed that he had come to this dimension to suffer and to atone for his sins or mistakes. The truth is nothing further from reality, our work, our mission or service is based on understanding that we come to learn from the lowest levels of creation. n, through experience and the choice to live what we decided and chose.

The human being has imposed his own barriers ..., his own learning to grow, to create from the ignorance of not knowing who He really is ..., he must investigate and explore himself to discover his nature, his true identity ...

He chose a world sustained by diversity, variety and destined for study and integration, but he must do it from within and not looking for the keys of his experiences from outside ... Man did not come to this planet to analyze, synthesize and explore the outside, but his relationship with him and how he solves it and acts from within him ...

When the individual learns to recognize himself, to see himself, to observe himself without judgment, without guilt, fear or control to that which escapes his understanding or understanding, then he begins to heal his physical, emotional, energetic and any kind of wounds. .

The man is Powerful ..., he is great but he lost himself in the ignorance of not knowing how to find, or recognize ... beyond matter and thought forms. We deny our own creations, our choices, wrong or right, that doesn't matter.

The sick human being ... lost his vitality, his strength, his will to forget who he was ..., what he was and where he came from ... He focused on less active and less positive creations, deficiencies and lack ... creating energy imbalances that led to energy disorders and as a consequence diseases of all kinds: physical, psychological, emotional and material.

The disease is nothing more than the absence of harmony, of balance, the lack of calm, of inner peace, it is ignorance and forgetting not to know who you are, and where you come from, It is the disease of not Being

To heal first of all we must begin to really want to know ourselves, and love ourselves with our virtues or defects, but since the acceptance of all our behaviors and experiences whatever they may be, that has no power.

Let us seek our truth, our identity, our limits, our reactions, actions, our internal codes and their origin without fear or apprehension, to recognize and heal them ...

To heal we have to look further at the motivations or the origin of our conflicts, of our internal struggles, of our needs, deficiencies or beliefs that we assume to be and that are not our natural truth ... but not to justify ourselves, not to criticize or have a distorted concept of who we are, but to know what we identify with and that affects us, controls or limits our experiences, capacities or behaviors and realities.

To heal, we must know each other deeply ... without fear, judgment, shame ... or guilt.

The human being chose to grow from ignorance, chose to learn to rediscover himself, to grow through experience and inner, but not outer, practice, only that we don't remember him yet.

The world is not outside of us, the world is not outside of us, we are not from outside, we are the World ... and we are from within ...

We believed that we had to adapt abroad, that we had to assume roles and roles, even if we did not identify with them. Nothing is further from reality, the human being is Creator by nature ... that is, create what he projects from within, so if we focus on what we are not or do not have, is what we create ...

When you know yourself, you conclude that your life is the result of your mind and your inner world, that nothing that surrounds you is foreign to you, that somehow you attracted it to you, perhaps unconsciously.

Man is pure energy ... and as such the energy is malleable ..., that is, it acts according to the currents it receives, there can be nothing in our lives that we have not given rise to in some way.

To heal you must make a deep observation of your interior, that is, discover where there is no coherence and balance in your life and world. It is necessary that you review your deepest emotions, that you identify where there is a fracture of your being, your essence and your life.

Where are there conflicts in your life?

Do you hear your heart, don't you get carried away by the mind and the judgments?

What are you doing with these internal struggles?

Whatever the area or sick areas of your life, there is an oversight, an inattention, an oblivion, an inner conflict, you don't listen to your heart and there where you are not consistent with yourself, you do not act according to your essence, with your nature, with what you really feel. Therefore, you think, feel and act in total disagreement with yourself, here is the disease, the imbalance and the energy and systematic fissure.

There are diseases that can have a genetic origin, the truth is that our DNA is wise and keeps information, records of all experiences and experiences, which are transmitted for generations. The origin is the same, that is, an energy fracture not corrected, forgotten and ignored, a pain that was not heard, a deep wound that was not given due attention and was not

If we want to heal whatever it is, let's try and look for the origin, the cause that caused it, what we hid, that we hid and that caused us harm, it hurt us deeply and we kept in our records, not we heal, causing a fracture, a fissure in our energy body and then the physical body.

When you begin to heal in the first place, all that repressed and hidden pain appears, the wounds and traces recorded in our subconscious and unconscious, we must recognize it to release it, we must look gently, to learn and heal.

The disease has an energy origin, rather than a physical one. From here we begin to feel a little freer, the load begins to feel lighter, we begin to understand why our actions, reactions, sufferings and pains, this is the door to healing, for freedom, our freedom and the freedom of who we are ...

We can improve any disease with traditional medicine, but if we do not heal the root, the cause, the origin that caused it will reappear, no matter how late or even if it is not us, but our offspring.

Therefore if you suffer you are not healthy ..., we all have difficulties, missing links that we must find, but since the deep discovery that we are the Creators of our reality ..., but also the Healers of our world and life ...

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