Jesús Sananda: “The ability of Planet Earth to continue harboring life is assured,” part 3

  • 2019

We invite you to read Part 3 of the wonderful Message of Jesus Sananda, Channeled on May 1, 2019, by John Smallman, you will see that it is extraordinary!

I invite you to read the previous segments of this extraordinary Message of Jesus Sananda:

Part 1 : Message from Jesus Sananda: “The ability of Planet Earth to continue harboring life is assured, ” part 1

Part 2 : Message Jesus Sananda: “The ability of Planet Earth to continue harboring life is assured, ” Part 2

Jesús Sananda: “The ability of Planet Earth to continue harboring life is assured”

Part 3
("Loving everything that exists does not imply weakness, but demonstrates enormous power, because Love is infinitely powerful" - Jesus Sananda-)

Message from Jesus Sananda

All are the beloved children of God ! The fact that some behave violently and react to their pain by attacking others demonstrates that they have completely forgotten about this divine Truth .

And so it has happened with many others who, although they do not react to their pain in a violent way for others, have a less than complete notion of their true divinity and, therefore, because of an underlying fear of their personal security or that of their Family members and loved ones often choose to work with law enforcement agencies, which often aggravates the problems they expected and wanted to solve.

Love is infinitely powerful

It is extremely difficult for most of you to believe that committing to love will solve all problems and inconveniences, but it really is the only way forward.

Loving everything that exists does not imply weakness, but demonstrates enormous power, because Love is infinitely powerful .

There is no one who does not know people - unfortunately, for the moment, these few - who demonstrate love in action, and in doing so they change themselves, others and the entire world.

What is needed or required of you who are aware that you are on a spiritual path, is that you establish daily the intention of only loving whatever exists.

When you do, you will discover that you are more at peace with yourself. You will also discover that others gravitate towards you, feel attracted to you, recover your peace of mind and then share it with others.

You are all divine beings

and also that they can and will achieve the awakening of humanity

None of you are ever alone! Their team always fully supports them in the spiritual realms, as they move forward in their daily lives, while at the same time, even if they don't realize, they are participating powerfully in the process of awakening.

Just make sure you spend time every day every day without fail in your inner sanctuaries where Love is located, waiting for you to accept it, so you can embrace them, encourage them and remind them that they are on Earth at this time to do exactly this.

They will feel this inner knowledge if they refuse to reject it and judge themselves as unworthy or not good enough, because nothing could be further from the truth!

Mankind is waking up

You are all divine beings, and the fact that so many have forgotten this does not change it.

They have chosen to incarnate at this time to be loving presences that help everyone on their way to awakening, and they do it every time they hold a loving thought or offer a loving word or action to anyone.

As human beings, limited by their physical forms, they have no idea, until they wake up, of the wonderful and most amazing effect they are causing.

Because of the love that each of you demonstrates, even in the smallest ways, humanity is awakening.

Trust me, because I have experienced the form, and all the tests and challenges that this state presents to you. I know how difficult it is and how frightening it can be, and I also know that they can and will achieve the awakening of humanity .

It has truly been achieved, as you will discover, and in doing so your joy will completely surpass anything you can imagine in the present.

His beloved brother, Jesus Sananda

How did you think of this extraordinary message from Jesus Sananda ? We loved it, Humanity has to wake up.

Author: Lucas, Editor and Translator of the Great Family of

Source : Channeling by John Smallman

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