Mother Mary Universal: "The Splendor of Diversity", Channeled by Linda Dillon

  • 2019

What is your role as being ascending / ascending? How to achieve and be the real Keys of the Kingdom ? If, like us, these are your questions, we invite you to enjoy this extraordinary Message from our Universal Mother Mary, it will reach your heart!

This amazing message was Channeled by our Dear Linda Dillon, whom we greatly appreciate sharing with us all the Light that she receives as inspiration.

Mother Mary Universal: "The Splendor of Diversity"

“Do not underestimate my beloved children the truth, the light, the sweetness, the sweetness of your being” (Message of the Mother Mary Universal)

Mother Mary Universal reminds us who we are and our roles as ascended / ascending beings, to embrace the potential in each living being and be the Keys of the Kingdom : love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connection and balance .

Greetings, I am Maria, I am Mare ', Universal Mother in the broadest sense of the word.

Welcome, my dear children, Angels of Light, Angels of Love, Anchors of Light, Anchors of Love, lifters, weightlifters, yes !, bodybuilders.

Conscientious bodybuilders. You are doing spectacularly well, individually and collectively.

Do not underestimate my beloved children the truth, the light, the sweetness, the sweetness of your being ” ( Message of the Universal Mother Mary )

Yes, your strength is in your resistance, in your persistence, in your consistency. But your strength is also in your humility, in your compassion, in your sweetness, in your sweetness. You are not aggressive. But sweet Angels of Light, you are clear.

I have not brought to the fore your Divine Authority, your Divine Knowledge, your inspired being, your ascending being simply as having new and lovely terms to talk about.

I say this and the father has said it and his guides have said it and Mi-ka-el and Gabriel and Uriel have said it .

But what does it mean to have keys?

Go and gather these sweet beings, children also of my heart. And pick them up. Not to regiment them, not to be uniform in the blocking step, but to celebrate the truth of each person's heart. (Message from Mother Mary Universal)

They have been entrusted, not just how some would say, the keys of the kingdom. But what does it mean to have keys? No, you have been entrusted with the responsibility, the honor, of really showing the way.

Not to enter the palace and close the door, but to literally go out into the countryside, whether the field is an alpine meadow or a city street .

You are going out and you are reuniting with brothers and sisters, whether they are star beings or humans or guardians of the earth. You are meeting in unity and community .

It is not about uniformity. I did not believe, Gaia did not assume a form of unique singularity, of uniformity.

This planet in all its diversity, in all its splendor, in all its beauty and power, tranquility and certainty and vitality, shows you how we show you the power, the sweetness the splendor of diversity . (Message from Mother Mary Universal )

Beloved, in many ways, it is much easier to embrace them, not only those who are close to their heart, but we say to embrace them.

But, when they embrace with a similar mentality, like a hunch, they feed it, they restore it, it reinforces you.

But I ask you, I beg you, I beg you to also look for those who are not like you in society, in race, in creed, in beliefs, in social status .

Go and gather these sweet beings, children also of my heart . And pick them up. Not to regiment them, not to make them uniform in the blocking step, but to celebrate the truth of each person's heart. (Message from Mother Mary Universal )

Yes, there is only one truth, but there are infinite, infinite expressions in every single being, the weather is here in Arcturus, or CCC.

Each being, when they anchor, when they are given permission when they are shown, they are taught, instructed and advised to find the truth of their heart, then they progress .

Then they join you, not because they have been induced or instructed to behave in a certain way, but because they want what your heart has always wanted and longed for .

They want to be part of my love

You are my pioneer. You are the dearest of my heart. I trust you. Not only have I entrusted you with this path, I do it because I trust you, because I know you, because I love you. (Message from Mother Mary Universal)

Long ago, we have told you: "The keys to heaven are love, trust, forgiveness, unity, connection and balance . "

Now what I am telling you is that the keys of Gaia, the keys of your heart, the keys to the future of New Earth that you are giving birth at this moment are love, trust and forgiveness, unity, connection and the equilibrium. You are my wayhowers.

You are my pioneer. You are the dearest of my heart . I trust you. Not only have I entrusted you with this path, I do it because I trust you, because I know you, because I love you. (Message from Mother Mary Universal )

Then, go with my Love and go and create peace in your time, in your now, taking advantage of my infinite ocean, not only of time but of potential. Everything is right in front of you. They are giving you everything you need and everything you will need .

Go with my love Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

Original URL : Universal Mother Mary - The Splendor of Diversity - Linda Dillon

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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