KAI and Quantum Holoforms Light Codes in Mar del Plata

  • 2011

We have started our path guided by the voice of the Heart

that invites us to reunion with our inner being,

with the ancestral wisdom that we carry in each pore of our Being .

As we walk and meet friends of the Soul,

we remember the infinite freedom that lies in the understanding that

We are the creators of the new dream .

Perhaps, in that search you have reached this space and we are here and now.

KAI www.quantumholoforms.com

Here I share a bit of my own connection story

with the Codes of Light, Cetacean Consciousness and my Family of Light,

to later start a connection trip together .

Discover your connection with the cetacean family of light and receive the message they have for you

Visit the website: www.quantumholoforms.com

You can also review this video interview :



Kai is a young Mexican who connects with Cretaceous consciousness. Thus, it invites us to activate our own connection with the love and the frequencies of light offered by the wonderful dolphins, whales, belugas, and also through these connections it has received c Light codes very useful for our personal processes and for those who are therapists and seek to enhance the work they do with their patients.

On cetantic awareness, Kai explains:

They are very wise beings, bearers and guardians of the critical consciousness and the Magnetic Grids for the Earth.

In the moments when humanity has found itself submerged in ignorance and separation, they have kept alive the magnetic grid of love, waiting for humanity to wake up and be able to be reborn in the Cr Consciousness. Ethics They have patiently waited for us and, in turn, guided all those who have the eyes to see and the ears to listen to them, so that we may be able to lead Our Beloved GAIA to a golden era in which Love is the language and the Unity the only flag.

KAI has shared his connection trip in beautiful experiential workshops in

Mexico (Xalapa),

Chile (Valdivia, Concepci n, Santiago, Vi a del Mar, Punta de Choros),

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