Recognize the signs of the end of the old structure of male power

  • 2018

Greetings my friend! We are very happy to have the time to talk to you again. We have been asked to address the issue of sexual assault, as currently discussed on television and the media.

For many, it is a moment of revolution, of liberation from shame, low self-esteem, sadness and feelings of loss that they have experienced since they were constantly attacked or abused. When we see the #MeToo movement and the courage of those who identify as survivors and not as victims, we see a reflection of the growing presence of the Divine Feminine on Earth.

Basically, it is not a movement between women and men, not even among survivors and predators. It is the expression of the recognition of women and girls of their internal Divinity, of their sacred individualism, of the strength and wisdom of their voices and of the need for their equitable participation in the world. It is also a sign of the end of the old structure of masculine power and the presumption of men in almost all cultures that their presence, their ideas and opinions are more important than that of others and that their word has much more weight than the of women or young people.

It has been difficult for men, born at different levels of the old patriarchal power structure, to develop certain aspects of their personal, spiritual and Divinity growth, under a system that says: “Whatever you do, everything is fine. Do what you want and protect your siblings, supporting the system that ensures your immunity against the questions or that requires answering for your actions. ”

This certainly has not been the case in all situations. Some men have been brought to justice, to answer for their crimes and other injustices they committed against others, including situations in which they have abused their power or influence at home, at work or in government. But in this era in which the dominant energies of the Upper Light on the planet have emerged, they have created an environment in which exploitation, injustices and inequalities of all kinds will no longer be tolerated by the masses.

It is worrying for many to see the collapse of the old order . However, each in his own way, came here to contribute not only to the end of the old era, but also to the establishment and anchorage of the new. We find that you are motivated by the descriptions of aggression, intimidation and harassment of those who come to speak publicly about their experiences to prevent predators from continuing with their crimes.

This can be a difficult time, as you relive your own painful situations. The healing of any form of sexual abuse can take time in your world, because the subconscious contains many layers of thoughts, feelings, and the etheric body invaded by the presence of the aggressor, retaining these energies until they are washed through purifications in the energy field

Almost all women in your world have borne the heavy burden of being mistreated in one earthly life or another, for many this has happened to varying degrees and in many earthly lives. Fortunately, there are audio recordings and power purification videos available online and for free. Energy professionals who work with battered survivors, so they no longer have to deal with the problem, the weight of their experience or the aggressor's energies.

You're never alone on your trip

Your Spiritual Team of Guides, Angels and Higher Self are with you at all times, ready to download healing, wisdom, compassion and guidance. And because in the increasing energies you feel, your own vibration rises to a point where it can no longer support the density of those experiences trapped in the cells, the ethereal body and in the heart-mind.

Healing does not require much time or years of therapy. Many find it very useful to learn the skills necessary to establish clear limits and regain the sense of self as they manage the memories of the day. Many also resort to methods such as the technique of emotional freedom or tapping, body work, Reiki and other forms of healing the subconscious, emotions and body.

Whether the situation occurred a few days or many years ago, the mind and the heart will have recorded it in depth and in detail that will require a clean and complete healing, until the survivor's sense is restored and no longer feels responsible, nor carries the energetic intention of abuse, nor does he feel trapped in the energies and intention n of the person who mistreated them.

The acquisition of physical, emotional and ethereal natural limits requires a sense of self in which most women keep separated as they grow, unless develop the inner strength necessary to rise, to defend their lives, and those of others, using their voices to resist socialization and the programming of power.

Therefore, your media are full of images of a defined and unattainable beauty, with the assurance that girls and women in particular are not accepted as people without having reached that beauty ideal . Similarly, cinema and television show women who are abused or rejected as irrelevant, apart from the manifestations of their attractiveness. They are usually placed in the background during the presence, voice and importance of male characters.

For example, the main actress of the X Files program said that the first four or five chapters of the program had her character walking several steps behind her fellow FBI man. After some episodes, he always made sure that his partner walked parallel to each other.

You have witnessed tremendous changes in this type of social and other types of programming during the last 50 years, since the energies on Earth have demanded that women recognize and honor their humanity and its intrinsic equality with men, not only in terms of their ability to contribute to society, but in terms of the fundamental importance of their mere presence and existence. The latter that denounces sexual abuse, trial, intimidation and refuses to protect itself behind a wall of supposed privileges, is one of the most important changes.

In addition to helping girls develop a strong sense of self, purpose, self-esteem and perfection, it is also about helping boys grow up respecting, claiming and honoring their feminine side.

This rocking has been one of the biggest missing ingredients in your world

You are here to see with your own eyes, the revolution that will shake your world to its foundations. That is why we honor and celebrate the Divine Feminine, encouraging all the inhabitants of the planet to honor all life, to bless and feed all expressions of humanity based on the heart.

Namaste, bearer of the light! We bow before you, with all our respect and thanks for the powerful Light that you have come to establish in your vibrant New Earth.

We are with you, always.

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE : Channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan

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