Master Sutra Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I.

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Master Sutra. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I. 2 May the great Trine Light be with you! 3 Everyone possesses superior physical energies, as well as superior physical intelligence. 4 Temples in the great past civilizations functioned as means for that contact, that communion, that connection could be made. 5 The more they rebuilt the inner nature and woke it up, the more they rebuilt. and respected the external nature; the more they expanded the external universe, because there is a relationship between them 6 The caterpillar is internalized to become a butterfly, the butterfly creates multiple eggs for new caterpillars to emerge, future butterflies 7 What intelligence and consciousness are there when you have the air, the waters and earth? 8 Aquarian group work does not use personality, but the heart and soul

On this occasion we share with you the first part of the Channeling done by Henrique Rosa, excellent message from Master Sutra!

Master Sutra Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I.

The human being lost the relationship with his states and higher levels of consciousness and intelligence that reside in the soul and spirit, lost contact with beings that live on other levels. (Master Sutra)

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

May the great Trina Light be with you!

Let's listen to Master Sutra :

The time is coming when all those who are incarnated reflect on the true meaning and meaning of life, the sacred and the divine, as well as the real and objective reasons of each existence on the physical plane.

Intelligent and conscious life is universal, and not exclusive to a planet or a solar system, or even a galaxy.

In all times, the human being sought contact with higher beings and consciences . This humanity has been going through the night of the soul, because it lost all contacts with higher energies and beings, with illuminated consciences and intelligences, no matter if they are terrestrial, inter-terrestrial or super-terrestrial.

It is time for each one to inquire about what life is and how it intends it to be. A part of humanity is emerging into internal universes, which are as deep and transcendent as external universes .

Then, there is an inner universe in each one that needs to be explored, researched, analyzed, experienced, lived, so that it can be reflected in the external universe, so that it, at the same time, can also expand and expand the internal universe.

The human being lost the relationship with his states and higher levels of consciousness and intelligence that reside in the soul and spirit, lost contact with beings that live on other levels. ( Master Sutra )

In this way, there is a part of itself that seeks to turn back to those horizons and to those contacts with beings whose consciousnesses and levels of intelligence are more enlightened.

This is happening with a part of humanity that is expanding that contact in a fully conscious way, and it is from the next year that this will grow even more throughout the world.

You can see that, in all parts, there are human beings drastically decreasing their levels of consciousness and intelligence, but there is also a percentage that is constantly growing, which is expanding their levels of consciousness, seeking to awaken the inner potentialities that enable them to return to those contacts with higher consciousness and intelligence, based on a spiritual development.

You must become aware that you have higher levels of consciousness and intelligence .

There are many wings that, by their own works and merits, will evolve, develop, rescue their karmas, illuminate their levels of consciousness, if in reality, they all possess the same potentialities. and they can similarly reach those higher levels of life .

All possess superior physical energies, as well as superior physical intelligence.

In addition to that, they possess levels of physical awareness ; the levels of mental consciousness, which are higher than the levels of astral consciousness ; the levels of consciousness (or soul), which are higher than the mental levels, and so on.

In the past, there was a search for those higher levels of intelligence and consciousness in many ancient peoples. They knew they needed to make that contact, both internally and externally .

Then, they looked for that connection, they created the most diverse symbols, temples, rituals, techniques to make internal contact and external contact, because they knew that, in this way, everything was made it easy.

Today there is not, in a general way, the search for that connection and internal communion.

There are those who seek external contact in moments of affliction through religions; there are others who are looking for UFOs, there are also those who are looking for someone to save them and comfort themselves with the illusions of others.

All, unconsciously, are in search of an internal contact, a communion, a communication with their higher levels, but they do not.

The temples in the great past civilizations functioned as means for that contact, that communion, that connection could be made

The contact with higher consciences and intelligences was sought because that was part of evolution, there was an awareness that this was a duty to be fulfilled for a real expansion of the soul, as well as a means to attract higher energies for all. For this reason, many villages built temples, altars and pyramids.

Today, many pray, generally to ask that higher consciences and intelligences come to solve their problems, and not with the instinct to evolve and bring more light, more wisdom, love, peace and justice to all.

Even those who study the esoteric sciences and have a knowledge of the spiritual faculties they all possess, of the seven levels of consciousness and the levels of intelligence that need to be developed, not then giving due importance to all this; They are going to the past but they do not take advantage of the wisdom of ancient peoples to seek real development.

For the ancient peoples who kept the sacred traditions, spiritual life was very important, because the future life, even postmortem, depended on this; each individual was aware that his next existence would be the result of what he did for the internal universe and for the internal nature in his passage through the physical world.

The more they rebuilt the inner nature and woke it up, the more they rebuilt and respected the outer nature; the more they expanded the external universe, because there is a relationship between them

There is an internal need in each human being to externalize the divine and the sacred, because this is the binding force that will help awaken the sacred and the divine also in the others. (Master Sutra)

The external universe expands in function of the internal, and this expands in function of the external . External nature has an intimate relationship with internal nature and vice versa.

Therefore, they sought certain experiences and performed various rituals in the middle of nature to communicate with higher energies ; there was more awareness of the interaction between external and internal nature .

They knew the places where nature was richer in certain energies, where the force meridians crossed and there they performed open rituals, where most people participated and felt that connection between the two natures; there was an awareness that it was extremely important to unite internal and external nature.

The human being of today has a mistaken idea of ​​the history of these ancient peoples.

Many scientists were based only on what their eyes see, their hands feel, and on what is written or engraved in stone or wood, therefore many ancient traditions were transmitted orally and with many symbology.

For example, a certain record in a stone or a wood had so many meanings because the ancient symbols are authentic living teachings .

For many, today, a stone is only something dead, lifeless, but for those who lived in the past in communion with nature the stone was part of life because it was made of atoms and within them there is energy, and energy It is life .

This humanity is being prepared to be aware that it needs to connect with levels of consciousness and intelligence, both internal and external, above physical levels because life is not the form, life is intelligent and conscious energy at various levels of manifestation. ( Master Sutra )

Then, the idea that life is the form will be quickly abandoned, because life is eternal. The life of the soul and the spirit inhabits the way to divinize it. Many may be afraid to look in the mirror and ask themselves: What did I do with my life ?

Daily, you will have the knowledge of news, through newspapers, news and magazines, in which people throw their lives in the trash can or in a penitentiary for the rest of their stock.

It is necessary to teach what life is, because most people do not know. They think they know, but they don't know. And for this you will have to use an objective and practical language.

In the next year² the School of Synthesis will enter the rhythm of a new vine, of new levels of consciousness .

The old consciousness is really dying, because the ancient symbology of consciousness and intelligence is the symbology of the butterfly and the caterpillar.

The caterpillar is internalized to become a butterfly, the butterfly creates multiple eggs for new caterpillars to emerge, future butterflies

Consciousness and intelligence are renewed infinitely, like the caterpillar and the butterfly.

The old consciousness is transformed by the force of the new consciousness and intelligence is renewed at every stage of this process, until the moment when consciousness flies to other horizons, such as a new butterfly.

It is an expansion of intelligence and consciousness that moves and advances to other stages, other higher levels.

Intelligence is not at the service of destruction, as many think, because it is sacred, divine and creative, since it resides in the spirit, it is a divine creation that was endowed with the Three Aspects, Father, Son, and Mother, bone, will, love, wisdom and intelligence .

Therefore, it is divine and should not be used to destroy, but to build, create and recreate. When intelligence is used to destroy, it ceases to be intelligence.

Intelligence was created to build, to expand, and exists in the Universe as a creative, not destructive force.

A knife is a tool to facilitate our feeding, so it is a facilitating instrument for your life, but when it is used to kill your fellow man, it stops making sense. The knife was not made to kill, but to cut food and facilitate your feeding. Right?

The human being is confronting internally with the true meaning of life and is going to question even more about life, consciousness, intelligence, and how they should be used.

The consciousness and intelligence in the world today seem very distant from the creative and evolutionary principle that is to transform life and elevate it to the higher octaves.

What intelligence and consciousness are there when you have air, water and earth?

Without air, without water, without fertile soil, your bodies will die. How can you extinguish so many species of life on this planet?

Can we call this awareness ? Do not!

Can we call this intelligence ? Do not!

Then, it is necessary to teach what are consciousness and intelligence within this prism, leading people to live what is the intelligence and consciousness that everyone possesses, in spirit and in truth, and that connect with other higher levels of life divine

It is good that you begin to prepare internally for this connection with higher levels of your consciousness .

This contact depends on a reassessment of your life, what it has been and how you want it to be, or how your levels of intelligence and consciousness are and how you want them to be, because only in this way can you determine your future, both where to eat with whom you will be walking

All kinds of artificiality, of masks, varnishes, labels, fantastic memorizations of hundreds of books, of bibles, are like clouds of smoke that only disappear when within the human being there is an expansion of intelligence and consciousness.

Your life is eternal, the sacred and the divine are in the spirit and in the soul and need to be externalized.

There is an internal need in each human being to externalize the divine and the sacred, because this is the binding force that will help awaken the sacred and the divine also in the others. ( Master Sutra )

Many feel lost, entering an increasing anguish and also depression. And those who already have an awareness of the state and the dangers that threaten humanity and the planet are also distressed, fail to sleep well, and are in urgent need of help.

There is an urgency in the awakening of those levels of consciousness and intelligence in the majority of human beings that is possible.

Much of humanity needs a correct knowledge base to affirm its feet on firm rock, use new tools for the expansion of consciousness and intelligence, in order to learn that life is not the way, that everyone possesses enormous potentialities that need to be awakened and, that it is an individual work, yes, within an aquarian group work.

Aquarian group work does not use personality, but the heart and soul

An Aquarian group works in unity and with various levels of unity, and one of them is the unity of the heart chakra with the soul, sharing experiences with everyone, or as Jesus said: "Share our daily bread", sharing the experience of each day because in this way everyone will be enriched, spiritually fed.

The Aquarian Era is not an era of imposition, but of exposure, experience, practice, experiences.

Then, humanity is gradually confronting it, will try to re-evaluate what it is to live, what is consciousness, what is intelligence, what is sacred, what is divine, what is God.

The old God of religions is falling apart, but many who put the title of "progressives, " within some religions, are already changing the concept of God.

For them, the new concept of God is based on the experience of each one with God and on the expansion of intelligence and consciousness that will bring new concepts that will advance in the transcendence of one's life .

And, one day, those concepts will also become old and new concepts will arise, because God is also expanding and evolving.

It is not enough to just study and research, it is necessary to put that into action, experience, experiment so that new experiences, new experiences and new wisdom arise to expand the concepts.

¹ Message received on: 13.11.2002.

² Message received on: 13.11.2002.

Spiritual Channel, Message from the Master Sutra : Henrique Rosa.

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

Source : "Journal of Esoteric Sciences . " A Universal Wisdom gives Sit. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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