Ecology by Yemanja

  • 2014

My name is Yemanja, I am happy to provide peace, love and calm in every way through this channel that gives me a greeting of peace and brotherhood.

I am here to help as many people as necessary, I Yemanja, the lady of the seas, fresh and salt waters, tireless protector of the voyages of those navigators who seek an adventure in their deep investigations or morning works, when the tide is High or low, I faithfully take care that every family, every man or woman is missing nothing in their family nucleus.

In addition I am protective of children, I need to be permanently helping because I am born and provide light, share it with the helpless, it is essential for our nature.

Every spirit according to its high vibration is there to assist, sustain each incarnate and unincarnate spirit, since people only occupied in their daily problems need that helping hand of the How much I speak.

Many know me few know of the fervent help I can give, however if you call me, ask me, I will be glad to be able to give you the assistance. The support you need at that moment, I respect all the karmas of all this humanity, that is why I am not going to go beyond prudence.

I have realized that most of those who invoke me believe that it is only with them that I am the mother of the Orishas saints, it is only with them that I go to the moment you invoke me, it is nice to be able to tell you that Elementals of the sea, of fresh waters accompany me many times to help the helpless, Devas who are handled with a great conceptual capacity and different beings that are in aid of what is needed.

You call me by my name, okay, just think of one thing, but don't disconnect with the spiritual world which is the support of all life, all existence. What would man do without that support? He would be even more lost, much more mired in ignorance, contacting (as a large sector of this world population does) with entities of the astral bass, but they do not realize that those entities, they fulfill the clear objective of putting impediments to the incarnated spirits, because they need to harm by the nature that happens at that time, as long as they do not take enough consciousness to free themselves from those bonds.

I feel the pain of my brothers and the lack of prudence and care for this planet . Have you seen this globe? How damaged is it? Their lands are no longer the same, there is virtually no single piece of virgin land left on this earth, how tired it feels to endure the imprudence of humans, which are My brothers whom I love so much.

I live accompanied by beautiful beings who figuratively cry and feel pain in their spiritual vibrations and it emerges as a kind of conceptual impotence of not being able to stop with so much damage, so much evil.

Dolphins, whales, sharks, are the ones that test the mortuary steel of those who, more than for sustenance, do it for fun and damage the little animal that crosses in front of them.

That way of acting or proceeding is unfair, someday the human will realize, with his narrow awareness, that they depend on this ecosystem.

It is true that these defenseless beings need the human but incarnate beings cannot be so arrogant as to feel that they do not depend on anyone. That is why they have isolated themselves, that is why the beasts of this land, no matter how furious or violent they may be, hide, tear from these blessed brothers. See the reaction of a lion, a leopard, a panther, see the most defenseless.

They know, warned by an instinct already collected from species to species over time, just a hunter approaches them, due to the large number of traumas that have marked the animal history of all those beings.

Look around the forest felling, it is no less, because you blessed humans depend on them. In turn these beings of the vegetable kingdom depend on you, it is a mutual help, do not be so arrogant, pedantic. Your pedestal, for which so much blood you have shed, even today they continue to shed, will fall apart sooner or later.

Your metal structures are already suffering despite this devastation and climatic events of all kinds plus earthquakes, tsunamis, holes, tornadoes, hurricanes, eruptions, have weight these days.

Think a little about this being that sustains you, see the word, sustain you, because it is so. This blessed mother earth has sustained them forever, continues to do so and the forces that naturists, ecologists and groups gather have realized the incessant damage manipulated by certain and powerful sectors that only accommodate their own well-being. Today is the day, you brothers, blessed children of our father, celebrate Earth Day. It is only one day but in truth it could be every day an internal celebration of each incarnate spirit and how could you ask me, how can I celebrate every day the mere fact that Mother Earth sustains me? Very simple plant a tree, give yourself a few minutes to dialogue with a plant, it is not necessary that you do it in front of everyone, things done in private can be felt better than those made public, look, feel and bless a tree. Embrace it not only for the fact of absorbing its beneficial energy, give it yours and the tree will be grateful, the planet and the creation, the vast creation since you cannot contemplate the limits of the expansion that happens at every moment and in a way continue, that creation will shake happily because you have spoken, felt and embraced that tree, that plant. The same thing you can do with animals, that many of them are gentle and more than one puppy on a dark and lonely night, is coming to sympathize with your human energy.

Think about what I tell you, a bird values ​​much more the freedom you give it than a hug, much more, because they were not born to be slaves of a homeowner. No, just not, that they get used in cages is something else, that there are domestic birds is an inappropriate word because those beings that populate the sky and with their

Give them freedom, they give beauty to all your surroundings, the uncontrolled honking of cars of those who by their nerves aggregate the ecosystem, do not allow the song of these birds lovingly shake the life of you and your neighboring brothers, that is why They need days like a Sunday to listen to such songs.

These blessed beings are day by day feeding society with their joy, with their love and you have not valued them. They have only ignored them, that is why I urgently presented myself through this channel so that through this type of mediumship, the pictographic, I could provide this message.

Thank you blessed brothers, I am Yemanja.

With love forever.

June 9, 2011

Message of Yemanja psychographed through the mediumship of Misael Godoy.

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