Jesus asks us to see the truth beyond appearances

  • 2018

Channeled by Genoveva Coyle, June 4, 2018

They must align with the wisdom and knowledge of their heart, and only from that point of view should they try to understand what needs more loving attention and find the appropriate solutions.

Greetings, dear hearts.

It is I, Jesus Sananda, your brother, friend and constant traveling companion, sharing with you this journey that you are living, this journey of love and discovery or, rather, rediscovery of that wonderful New Being, which are each of you.

"And what does this mean, dear brother?" They are asking me. It means that they expand and stretch constantly, it means that they grow and continue to adjust to that high vibration and ask their physical being to graciously embody the different frequencies of their multidimensional beings here and now.

It means that you learn to flow without problems and without any effort among all the beautiful parts of yourself, the ups and downs and those in the middle. It means that they rely on that innate knowledge of their heart to take them wherever they need to be in every moment and in the right divine time.

It means that you do not judge yourself or critically analyze for a long time when less pleasant events manifest in your reality. Rather, they balance and align with the wisdom and knowledge of their heart, and look deeper into situations and in the eyes and hearts of the soul to see the truth that lies beyond appearances. And only from that point of view should one try to understand what needs more loving attention, and through that seek and find the right solutions.

Look deeper into situations and the eyes and hearts of the soul to see the truth that lies beyond appearances.

Be aware in every moment of where you are, when some parts of your sweet being come to you to be recognized, accepted and lovingly incorporated into your heart. This is the best approach for this new Being (who is You) empowered.

And if you don't feel that you are very sure why and who is coming to you, then love them anyway, because love will never fail you, love will never deceive you or drag you down. On the contrary, it will open new and wonderful ways, it will help them feel and become complete and whole in an instant.

Dear hearts, I am here with you when you feel great and optimistic, full of vitality and vigor, with great inspiration and emotion regarding your life and your future. But I am also here with you and even closer when you go deeper into your shadows feeling less than happy and cheerful.

Because I want you to remember that this is only a part and a facet of yourselves with which you have chosen to travel throughout this time of massive earthly changes, so that you can better assist humanity and all others with their love and light . Do not underestimate the elevating power of your loving presence by the mere fact of being on earth at this time.

Know that you are loved and appreciated for your courage and strength.

Stay with my peace, stay with my love! Goodbye.

Jesus Sananda

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Genoveva Coyle (2018) Jesus Asks Us To See The Truth That Lies Beyond The Appearances. w

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