Message from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light ~ Amplified Beauty and Light ~ The Transit of Venus

  • 2012

Beauty and Light amplified The Transit of Venus. Message from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, accompanied by Naeshira and Ashira

Telepathic transmission - May 14, 2012 through Meredith Murphy

Greetings and reflections

Greetings, dear Beings of Light

It is a wonderful time to be here with you now, as the Earth approaches its last cycles in this passage towards greater unity and integrity. Returns of this kind are highly anticipated, and it is with this sense of enthusiasm and admiration that we join you today.

Within your being there are vast archives of information that transmit energy through what you consider as time. You are a multidimensional portal of light and with your focus you shape this light in your sphere, in your world, and likewise, in a perhaps less conscious way, you continuously transmit to the whole, as well as to the currents of consciousness in which You have resonance and affinity through the experiences of focus.

It is of these currents that we want to talk to you about today, as it will become more important in the coming days that you trust what you experience internally since your guide will appear in more specific ways to help you know where to be and how to cope with this passage to the Weather history

Life on Earth will not be the same, as many of you have felt for a long time and are watching more and more. There will no longer be many of the experiences of conflict and disorder that you have had in the past, as more and more the higher vibration of the planet will make these energies incompatible vibrationally with this focus point.

And so, it is with the greatest confidence and focus that we invite you now to maintain your focus on the New Earth and in the vision full of love of your world, since you do not let yourself be distracted by the growing dissonance in those who are not yet able energetically flowing with the new energies of the planet. You experience them in ways that you could say they are resistant. And they are. But this resistance is energetic, and in many cases, not yet conscious. There are many beings who really do not know how to feel and understand life as you do ... yet. Therefore, it is important that you do not take care to ask yourself how to “put them” where they “need to be” and stay focused on raising your own potential towards achievement.

Understand that light shapes all life, and is shaping all life on your planet at this time, and each person, all creatures and all nature play their part in a well-conducted and orchestrated stream of energy that It is continuously distilling and becoming clear and consistent.

Nature organizes life on your planet to support the changes that are taking place within Gaia's consciousness. As life within your sensitivity evolves, you are supported by your own intention to raise your vibration. Understand that by doing so you are making your whole life easier to access these new paths and refined expression of being.

Life on the New Earth

Life on the New Earth will begin within each of you as you let go of the old. That sounds simple, but it's really not that easy, as you may have discovered from the ups and downs of your experience. Old patterns or habits are all around you and embedded in your own being, and you will need to continually allow yourself to let go of the ways in which you used to do things and to trust in what is leading you, leading you forward.

Because in the New Earth many of you will be fully able to work with your own energy, there will be less need for healers. Many healers will in fact develop new lines of self-expression that will be much more creative and will inspire greater energy in others by perpetuating a stream of beauty in your experience.

On the New Earth, food and many other things will be produced locally and the amount of air travel and all that kind of thing will decrease significantly and your skies and your air will become more clear. Many medical professionals and healers who are at the forefront will have transmitted their knowledge to many young crystalline beings that will come to life, or are already living, with an innate knowledge of the appropriate, harmonious relationship with the planet. You can learn a lot by spending time with your young people, who are happy, healthy, prosperous and are creating families. They are creating new modalities of work, family and community and have inspired visions for life in your world.

The patterns are fresh in-formation ducts

The older you are, the more change you have seen on Earth in this life. This sometimes blocks your thinking and it is important to expose yourself to new currents of thought. Life patterns cover and hide fresh information channels. In the human history of recent times there has been a decrease in learning in the last years of life. There was a learning banquet in the early years. Many of you know that learning is expanding and rising. This supports creativity and energy expansion. Remember that many of you will start and learn, begin and create entirely new things. It is as if you are dropped into an entirely new landscape with unlimited potential and expanded vision to create an ideal setting for yourself and for your world. How would they start? Would they pray first and tune in to the space they are in? Would they invoke understanding and wisdom about how they could serve? Would you collectively collect and realign your energies with your new place and then act? This is how they could start living daily and regularly together now. Some of you are already doing it. Keep in mind that they have access to vast information files in the form of light within your body, and by mastering this energy they begin to access the traditions of wisdom that they carry in your vehicle and that will guarantee the performance of your roles and intentions specific to this experience that is emerging here and now.

Remember that the Earth is vibrationally organized and as this vibrational elevation increases it will become an imperative. The new is already operating in a bandwidth separate from the old, it is simply that Earth is still supporting many of these bandwidths - new and old - and therefore they are visible in your experience to some extent. When they are completely bathed in waves of love, they will recognize that they are living in the new. When they feel empowered and stimulated, impressed and peaceful, they can see that they are in the new energies. They are already available here and continue to rise in frequency within you and the sphere of the planet as a whole. (Thank you, beautiful Gaia!)

Ecliptic passage to the Venus Transit

We are transmitting you here and now because you are entering an extremely sacred passage of time as you open up to the potential of a true cellular level transformation during this next cycle of eclipses. The eclipse cycle is your door to the Venus Transit in June and the energies of the June solstice, which will anchor this transit, thus anchoring the Female Christ Consciousness in Your planet This energy has been in diminished proportion for a long time in your experience and you are now preparing to open yourself more fully to this Divine Feminine Energy that will lead to your own being to a balance and harmony that you have not yet experienced in your current life on Earth.

The planet itself will absorb massive energy transmissions during the Venus Transit, and this energy will allow them to perceive life on Earth in new ways ways that will fill them of joy. The sensation of beauty, harmony, balance and love will spill into your plane of experience, amplified and accompanied by the energy transmissions from your sun, which carries divine codifications from planning. Prior to the birth of each of you here. Many of you will be significantly activated by this transit, and some in particular will experience a complete initiation into your divine roles on the day of the transit.

Internal novelty precedes novelty in your world. The changes and transformations that you feel within yourself are real. They are important and you can and should trust them. We encourage you, in fact, to celebrate them as indicators on your ascending path of light of love on Earth.

We treasure our long connection with this beautiful bluish-green planet and look forward to the opportunity for more direct collaboration in the future.

We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, with Naeshira and Ashira, and we come to you in peace.

You are loved dearly!

2009-2012, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful. All rights reserved.

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Translation, editing and publication: ~ OjS ~


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