Venus Zafira channeled by Natalie Glasson: The healing temples of Venus

  • 2016

Greetings, it is an honor to be in your presence; I am a member of the civilization of Venus, my name is Zafira; and on Venus my purpose is to emanate the Divine Feminine energy of the Creator with the most appropriate vibration for each aspect of Venus. I am currently overseeing a Temple on Venus known as 'Temple of Healing and Balance of the Goddess' . While I manifest myself to be in your presence, I emanate a pure white Light with traces of pink and sapphire blue. Many believe that I am a goddess; however I am strongly aligned with Venus and I recognize myself incorporating everything that is Venus. I incorporate the quality of the grace of the Divine Feminine. The sacred quality of grace is my power, my strength and my healing expression. I inflame the Temple I am supervising with the energy of grace; This is the foundation of all healing transformations that take place in this sacred space. Allow me to be in your presence and emanate the purity of grace from the synthesized energies of my Soul, Venus and the Divine Feminine . Feel the Light, the energy, the awareness of grace vibrating in your whole Being; and realize that it takes your whole Being to balance. Let me heal you with the power of grace.

My purpose is to share with you some of the healing temples that are available for you to visit on Planet Venus, known as the Planet of Love. With the alignment of Venus with the Earth throughout this year, there are many energies coming from Venus and many healing and lighting temples available there for you to visit to support your accelerated Ascension .

I, Zafira, invite you to have the focus and intention in your time of sleep or meditation to visit the Temple of Healing and Balance of the Goddess on Venus. There I will be present to meet you and stimulate in you a receptive state to the available healing. The Temple will reinforce and stimulate in you aspects of the energies of the Divine Feminine that are not active, in use or realized. This will empower your Divine Feminine Self, creating healing and also empowering your Divine Feminine abilities. The empowerment of your Divine Feminine abilities will automatically create a process of balance throughout your Being, encouraging you to feel more aligned and unified with the Creator. We can heal any wound connected with your Divine Feminine Self and also dissolve any blockage that is hindering the natural expression of your Divine Feminine . So you will experience in your Being a greater sense of expansion and freedom. In the Temple you will be bathed with healing energies of Venus known as balancing energies, which will empower the balance in your Being and create a reconnection process to align your whole Being more with the Creator and with your truth.

Zafira de Venus : Please transport me to Venus surrounded by my Guides and my Angels. Let me be in the Temple of Healing and Balance of the Goddess. Zafira, I am open to receiving healing and balancing energies from your Soul, Venus and the Goddess Consciousness, synthesized in a healing vibration that penetrates my entire Being. Please bring healing and balance to all aspects of my Being and of my reality, creating in and around me the vibration of grace, as well as the deepest union with the Creator. I am healed, balanced; and emanates grace from the core of my Being.

Once the healing and balance process is complete, please transport me back to my reality and root me in it, helping me to be aware of the changes that have taken place in my Being. Thank you. ”

I believe that after the healing experience you will be able to feel and recognize more deeply the presence of grace that radiates from within your Being.

I also want to guide you to visit and experience Spiritual Illumination in the 'Temple of Magnified Light' on Venus. I do not supervise this Temple; Who supports the work of this Temple is Sakta, whose vibration is of the Divine Masculine. A Soul, whether from Venus or from an area of ​​the Creator's Universe, can visit the Sakta Temple to experience the brilliance of its Light, the radiance of its truth; and the maximum light quotient that you can incorporate into your current life. Recognizing the vibration of your Light allows you to experience Spiritual Illumination. All aspects of your Spiritual Being are revealed to you, which encourages you to abandon the illusions you may have about your truth and your spiritual abilities; allowing you to evaluate your truth and your spiritual self. With this knowledge you can more fully incorporate your vibrant Light, your expanded consciousness; and your sacred spiritual abilities; and put them into action in your reality. Predominantly, this healing process supports major changes in your perspective and your ability to recognize yourself as your truth. You may want to visit the Temple of Spiritual Illumination with Magnified Light on Venus during your time of dreaming meditation; just lose it and allow yourself to experience it.

Ak Sakta: I invite you to transport me, surrounded by my Guides and my angels, to the Temple of Spiritual Illumination with Magnified Light on Venus. Let me be in the Temple and receive the available healing Light. I know that when I receive the healing Light of this Temple, I will magnify and strengthen my inner Light until it shines more than ever before. As much as it allows me to recognize the brilliance of my inner Light, you can recognize me with greater clarity and certainty. I can have access to new Illumination; and thus abandon the illusions connected with my truth and with my spiritual abilities, as well as evaluate with greater understanding the knowledge, consciousness and abilities that I have. I am healed and enlightened in many ways.

Please, once the process of healing and enlightenment is complete, transpose me back to my reality and risk me in it, helping me to be aware of the changes that they have taken place in my Being. Thank you.

I believe that after your healing experience you can feel and recognize more easily the vibration, expansion, power and abilities of your Light, thus creating a deeper inner freedom.

Another Temple of Venus that I want to make you aware of is the Temple of Improving Spiritual Growth . This Temple is supervised by Osa, who emanates Divine Feminine vibration. Osa is known as a Master of power, she has the power to release your Inner Power by allowing it to flow throughout your Being. This healing process takes place when you feel stuck, confused, or unable to see, feel or recognize your path, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. When your power is released, including a small amount, it dissolves what is blocking and obstructing you at that time, thus stimulating your journey of spiritual awakening and growth. In his Temple, Osa along with the many Healing Masters present, connect deeply with your Soul and release the aspect of your power that will allow the clarity of your Soul to manifest in your consciousness. If you feel stuck or feel that your spiritual growth does not progress as quickly as you would like, I, Zafira, exhort you to visit Osa in your time of sleep or meditation. Please realize that first of all, Osa always asks your Soul for permission; If permission is not granted, she cannot perform the healing for you.

“I summon Osa to transport me, surrounded by my Guides and my Angels, to his 'Temple of the Improvement of Spiritual Growth' on Venus. Let me be in the Temple; I am open to receive the necessary healing Light . At this moment I feel stuck ... (Please describe your feelings).

I invite you to help me receive from my Soul a burst of power that flows throughout my Being manifesting clarity, understanding; and removing any obstacle. With this healing process I can move forward with ease and perfection in all areas of my Being and my reality. I am healed, purified and vivified with understanding and clarity.

Please, once my healing and empowerment process is complete, transport me back to my reality and take root in it, helping me to be aware of the changes that have taken place in my Being. Thank you. ”

I believe that after your healing experience you will be able to feel and recognize your Inner Power moving throughout your Being, with perceptions of clarity and understanding that emerge within your Being.

At this time there are many other healing temples available for you to visit. You can summon a healer of Venus, or my energies, to transport you to the Temple. You don't even need to know the name or purpose of the Temple; Simply intend to be transported to the Temple of healing most appropriate for you.

“Surrounded by my Guides and my Angels, I invite Zafira or the most appropriate Venus healer to transport me to a Temple of healing on Venus that provides me with the most appropriate healing energy and purpose to support more healing, awakening and rejuvenation Of all my Being and my reality. Let me be in the Temple and receive the healing available. Help me to understand the healing process that is taking place in my Being.

Once my healing process is complete, please transport me back to my reality and root me in it, helping me to be aware of the changes that have taken place in my Being. Thank you. ”

We, the Beings of Venus, especially in 2016, are present to help you. We are available to assist you; so please summon our healing services to help a greater awakening in your Being.

With eternal love,

Venus Zafira

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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