Summer Solstice 2012

  • 2012




If you are a person committed to change, we are waiting for you.

Hello everyone. I am Cristina Soria and together with Amawta Fernando Ergueta, again I get in touch with you to summon all the women's circles in Barcelona to participate in the summer solstice party on June 23, 2012, at 8:00 p.m. . (Beach next to the train station, in front of the fields)

This year we will celebrate it on the beach of the town of Santa Susana, in the Maresme of Barcelona.

There we gather people from all the towns to celebrate according to the Andean tradition the day out of time, Inti Raymi or Marataka and how we will not have our fire coinciding with the feast of San Juan to do our work.

In these times more than ever, it is important not to lose concentration and continue to take advantage of the energies of this moment to harmonize our own energies and those of the planet.

The women's circles of Barcelona and all those interested in synchronizing with Mother Earth's time cycles will participate.

If you are part of any of them or know of any, we count on your presence.

We will make an offering to Mother Earth with the collaboration of all attendees.

The fire on this appointed day will be our ally.

SUGGESTIONS: If possible, bring:

- Some flower doesn't matter what type. (If you do not have no matter, we will share the ones among all)

- White or violet clothes.

- If you have any instrument, especially drums.

- Candles or lighters.

- Some food to share. We will do a healing work through food.

We wait for you all. Thank you for helping us spread this proposal.

From the love of the heart and in sync with the cycles of nature.

Cristina Soria- Wiñaya (Guardian of the cycles of time)

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