Saul says: "You will find peace and self-acceptance as soon as the Love you are awakens in your consciences," Part 1

  • 2019

The pace of change that is happening around the world in human attitudes and behaviors is truly incredible, and it is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact, it is even more wonderful when more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy to align with while pursuing whatever you are thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities. The effect that you - and your numbers are VAST - who consistently and daily set your intention to be only loving, what you wake up is fantastic. Before they incarnated, they already knew that they could do this, but they did not know if they would do it, because the state of amnesia in which they are introduced as soon as they are embodied as humans is like being imprisoned in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that may be of interest and usefulness to you. They already knew that this could be the case, but they also knew that you have enormous power at your disposal if you can remember how to access it.

Love always serves the Greater Good

And many of you have remembered! The walls, veils, shields and blinds that they experience as limitations of their ability to know or conceive new ideas and possibilities will only dissolve, dissipate and dismantle, insofar as they allow their consciousness to expand their area of ​​attention. It is only a matter of fully opening hearts to Unity, to its natural state of consciousness, in which knowledge or information flows freely into your mind as intuition or direction, precisely when you need it or it can be used for the greater good of all. Love always serves the Greater Good, so when you set and hold on to the intention of loving whatever happens, you are effectively Love offering His services in the way that is right for you. Although all are one, each one, while in human form, operates in the way that is individually perfect for himself, which provides, at the moment, precisely what is required in the physical environment in which he is They are present.

The state of Amnesia

All of you are precisely where you should be at all times, because that is the way you planned your lives, under the direction of divine Wisdom, before being incarnated. In the state of amnesia, which is the greatest aspect of your human condition, it is very difficult to conceive, believe and understand. Your egos want to believe, and they want you to believe, that they are small and insignificant beings in a large environment that does not repair you at all, and that you will never have the ability to understand, much less feel safe in it. . And because their bodies can very easily be injured and damaged, their egos have convinced them, and themselves, that such is the case, and that they must always move with great caution to ensure their survival during the very short period of human life. that their bodies can bear.

It is not their hearts that desire

You are aware that life as humans is extremely short in relation to the time that the universe has existed, and this, due to an almost constant flow of contributions from its egos in the subject, tends to guide you towards the belief that they are, individually, insignificant in the great model of things - if there is indeed such a model ! Your egos want to be heard constantly, and they will do anything to get their attention, and direct their attitudes, opinions and behaviors. Many of you believe that your egos are absolutely essential to your well-being, because you are always on alert to record everything around you. And if they are alone, they will fill their minds with memories of the past that will hurt them or offenses they have experienced, even decades ago! Or they will offer thoughts and ideas of possible future disasters that might await them. And, of course, it is his egos that fill him with that feeling that they need instant gratification of anything “ their hearts desire ” - but of course it is not their hearts that desire, but their egos.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of

SOURCE: Channeling via John Smallman on March 17, 2019


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