Chakra: An approach to the energy centers that govern our knowledge (Part 2)

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 5. Throat Chakra: Vishudha 2 6. Third Eye Chakra: Ajna 3 7. Crown Chakra: Sahasrara 4 Opening the Chakras

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Chakras are the centers of our body through which energy flows. When they are blocked, they often prevent us from knowing our inner reality and connecting with our surroundings. It can even cause us physical discomfort and diseases.

In the previous article we talked about the first four chakras. This time we will close the issue with the three remaining chakras, which are the Throat, the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra.

It is important to understand that for the ancient tradition of Yoga, opening the chakras had to do with the self-realization of the yogi, which involved going beyond the body and the mind . They saw the chakras as the seven vital centers in the subtle or astral body, the body of energy that underlies our physical body. Opening them was the process by which the highest states of consciousness and contact with the Supreme Self were reached.

Currently, the vision of the chakras is predominantly physical, healing, which can obscure its purpose and its true function.

With this in mind, we will proceed to talk about the last three chakras of the main seven.

5. Throat Chakra: Vishudha

This chakra located in the throat is responsible for communication, artistic expression and creativity . It helps us to express ourselves as we know our authenticity. It also ensures that we can clearly communicate our desires, beliefs and feelings, which gives us happiness. It also connects us with our superior guide during meditation.

The functional archetype of this chakra is The Communicator . He learns from the fears and doubts he resolves, and this leads him to take responsibility for his feelings and desires for life. It is clear and easy to be heard by people. It is not very given to criticism or injury, because it speaks from the Higher Self . He knows how to choose his words carefully, is committed and constantly protects and seeks the truth . Sincerity is its most precious quality, and preaches from the example.

The dysfunctional archetype of this chakra is The Silent Child . It is characterized by not expressing your feelings . He is a closed person because he seeks not to reveal the pain or who has been a victim of deceit. He does not like to express his creativity and is very sensitive to separation. He is very afraid of rejection and failure, which leads him to lie to protect himself. It can easily fall into vices such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco or food.

To open this chakra it is necessary to concentrate on our throat and invoke the HAM sound. The position of the hands is with the thumbs in touching their yolks above and the others crossed below closing the circle.

6. Third Eye Chakra: Ajna

The Third Eye chakra is located in the center of the head at eyebrows. Its main function is that of intuition and knowledge of the soul . It is related to the inner vision. And it enables us to understand the different levels of archetypes.

Its functional archetype is that of Intuitive . He knows himself, for he has wisdom. Trust your knowledge to be a guide and respond to the complexities of life. In turn, trust the kind nature of the universe and that everything is guided by the wise hands of love. Serve others, because he believes that all experience is destined for the greater good. Change is your main engine to grow personally. It opens up to all possibilities because it recognizes the limitation of its knowledge . He conceives of lack as the product of doubt and negative thoughts.

The dysfunctional archetype The Intellectual . This is characterized by living in doubt and confusion. You need plans, maps and results to control what happens in life . It represses his feelings because emotions make him feel out of control. He relies on the information he receives from outside rather than on what he generates from his own experience. Rationalize and theorize everything that has to do with your path in life.

To open this chakra it is necessary to concentrate on the region of the third eye and invoke the sound OM . The hands should be under your chest. The middle fingers remain erect and touch at their tips, pointing forward. The other fingers are in flexion and with the two upper phalanges in contact, and the thumbs point towards you and touch at the tips.

7. Crown Chakra: Sahasrara

The Crown Chakra is located above the head and is related to pure consciousness . It is our connection with the collective consciousness and the world beyond our body. It is believed that this is where our soul enters the body at the time of birth, and where it leaves in our death.

The functional archetype of this chakra is The Guru . This is characterized by expanding towards infinity in all directions. Live in connection with the Spirit and love . It has become one with the Origin and is complete. He possesses health as the mastery of the body, stability as the mastery of emotions, and serenity as the mastery of the mind. It turns darkness into light, is governed by compassion, teaches and helps others to find themselves. Understand the nature of man and accept the limitation as a possibility of growth.

The dysfunctional archetype is The Selfish . It is characterized by its arrogance, its pride, and its narcissistic personality. He has no interest in the spiritual and denies all existence that is beyond his control . It is believed superior to everything that exists. He does not ask for help because he does not know humility, and finds himself trapped within a completely material world. He rejects others for being imperfect, and often feels lonely and isolated.

To open this chakra it is necessary to concentrate on the space above the head and invoke the NG sound. The position of the hands is with the ring fingers pointing up and touching their tips. The rest of the fingers should be crossed and the left thumb should be under the right.

It is not advisable to try to open the crown chakra if you do not have a strong root chakra .

Opening the Chakras

To open the chakras you need purity of body, heart and mind . It cannot be achieved at will or by force, nor achieved in an unbalanced emotional state. The experiences with the chakras can be unpleasant if one is not in total preparation.

In any case, if only the mind retains impurities, while working it we can start with the low chakras.

In addition, we must understand that the opening of chakras is not an end in itself, but a part of the process of self-realization that occurs when one comes into contact with the Divine ( bhakti ) or understands his true nature ( jnana ).

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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