2016 - The Birth of the Warrior Beings of Love for Mother Mary

  • 2016

Love exudes from my heart and be yours. I am Mother Mary, I come with the conscience, light and love to support humanity and the Earth in this time of Ascension. It is a time of enormous transformation on Earth, and although some of the changes could be subtle and unnoticed, they have been awaited for a long time and will create a great impact on the consciousness of humanity. Please value the subtle changes happening at the core of your being because they are opening them to your truth so that they become a beacon of love. The consciousness of the Earth and humanity is changing to an awareness of a greater love that is preparing the present and future experiences of the Creator, love and enlightenment. This is paving the way for new opportunities for those on Earth and the internal planes.

The vibrations of the consciousness of pure love are spreading powerfully from the planet and civilization of Venus throughout 2016, and it is creating a powerful healing in many, in addition to encouraging a purer perspective and the recognition of love. Many people are feeling that old energies, understandings and belief systems are dissolving as a powerful awakening of love forms within their being. By penetrating the energy of Venus to Earth and its humanity with an intense power that transforms the Earth to a Planet of Love, this will influence the current and next generation that is born in it.

Many of the beings born on Earth during 2016 will be from the planet Venus, having a powerful connection and resonance with that planet, or they are beings that will sustain a high vibrational frequency. Beings born in 2016, and to some extent in 2017, will be known as the Warriors of Love. The word "Warrior" describes warriors, wars, and battles; However, these warriors known as the Warriors of Love are now coming to Earth to participate with love and encourage others to do so. The birth of these beings will print even the codes of love on Earth and the conscience of humanity to support later manifestations of the Age of Love. Their birth itself will create a greater and potent flowering and recognition of Love on Earth, and over Everything in humanity.

Beings born with the purpose of being the Warriors of Love will have a strong awareness of love within their beings and around them, and will powerfully inspire many to recognize the Creator's Love within them while they wish to dissolve illusions that block recognition. Natural love in each person. This will be achieved subtly through the radiance of your light and awareness when you are among others. Many Warriors of Love will mature with passion to make changes on Earth, in society, changes that appear to be impossible now and that, however, due to the high and powerful love they hold throughout their being, they will perform such works effortlessly, with very little negative impact on humanity. They could challenge governments, manipulations, the creation of fear, poverty, suffering and all that is required to bring love and peace to Earth and all beings. Many adults will be inspired by the passion and purpose of the Warriors of Love; by their trust in love and the action of it, and they will show to many around the world that love heals and dissolves all illusion.

The Warriors of Love are now entering the Earth with a challenging purpose to support everyone to move into an inner space and awareness of love. However, they come well equipped because the power of their love lies beyond anything experienced on Earth at this time. The Warriors of Love will begin to energetically reform the sacred place, the chakras, and the holy spaces of the Earth so that they are returned to their original use, thus increasing the vibration of love on Earth.

It is time for a huge celebration while honoring beings who are becoming part of humanity, who are entering through the traditional human process of birth. Their presence symbolizes that humanity has reached a time on Earth from a high vibration to receive love, which symbolizes that this will be followed by beautiful processes, descending and anchored of love. We share this information with you because you are already aware of the power, purpose and need to recognize the love of the Creator on Earth. His dedication to light is creating a pure energy on Earth that is allowing beings to incarnate by sustaining higher frequencies of love and light. This does not mean that they are more evolved than you; they are equal to you in the magnificence of your being, but you have prepared the energies of the Earth so that these beings can enter with greater remembrance. Instead of being born in illusion, they will be able to be born by holding the pure awareness of their being, retaining it throughout their childhood until adulthood.

How can they recognize the beings being born now that they are the Warriors of Love? They are going to exude love and will retain this powerful radiance of love in any situation that happens in their reality. You can easily see through all the illusions of the Earth, wishing to set aside the earthly rules. His passion for the love of the Creator will be powerfully evident and inspirational. They will seek to create an action that promotes the internal recognition of love. They will also have strong connections with the frequencies of Venus.

How can they support and assist these beings? To render a service to the Earth, themselves and humanity and the Warriors of Love, we must continue to focus on love within. Continue to cleanse and purify your body, thoughts and emotions as this will clear up all illusions retained in the consciousness of humanity, making room for the awareness of love. In addition to continuing to raise the love ratio on Earth. Be observant and allow yourself to recognize these Warriors of Love. When they come into your reality, energetically share your love with them as a powerful source that will energize, magnify, and support you to continue Go ahead with your purpose. Know that you are also Warriors of Love, your purpose is also to radiate love and create loving actions on Earth. They may recognize themselves as an energetic and protective guardian of these beings, whether they enter their lives or not. Its purpose is to encourage their purpose, demonstrate the power of love, and encourage them lovingly to realize their path. They may feel inspired to convey their love and healing to these beings being born in the earthly reality to welcome and support them throughout 2016.

Not all beings born during 2016 and 2017 will be Warriors of Love. However, many will be easily recognized. In 2017 and beyond many of the beings that will be born will hold a different energy. These beings will have a purer vibrational love; However, your sensitivity will be more advanced. They will embody a powerful passion for love, with an advanced sensitivity that will give them the opportunity to express and experience love at a higher level, although this may mean that they are highly sensitive to illusion and fear. These Sensitive Beings of Love will appear to be very different from the Warriors of Love; however, both are required to support you and humanity to continue creating the Age of Love. The Sensitive Beings of Love may suffer due to aspects of the Earth that humanity takes for granted, such as the power of fear in humanity consciousness, the vibration of technology, conventional medicine, damage to Mother Earth and education. Although they will remain deeply loving, they will demonstrate and reinforce the rest of humanity, especially those who have not awakened spiritually, that changes are required in order to fully experience the Age of Love. Due to the presence of these Sensitive Beings of Love, their advanced powers, and their high sensitivity towards the surrounding environment, they will act as instigators of powerful and long-awaited changes on Earth for the benefit of all. They will not be able to tolerate illusions or low vibrations, which could create chaos, especially in the families in which they are born if their families are not ready to make changes to a highly vibrational way of living. This will then be filtered to the rest of humanity. The sensitivity of these beings is not something to fear. Those who recognize the pure love that these beings hold in their center know exactly how to help them and make the necessary changes to alter the lifestyle of humanity in the next 30 years.

The Warrior Beings of Love will support the lightworkers who are already on Earth to act in ways that impact the Earth to create love. The Sensitive Beings of Love will confirm that these shocking and required loving actions are necessary, demonstrating where greater growth, healing and love are required, both within each person and in the earthly reality. The Earth and its humanity are entering a period of tremendous growth, learning and wisdom to continue the creation of the Age of Love.

Parents, grandparents, family members and friends of the Warrior Beings of Love and the Sensitive Beings of Love are already being prepared for their role. The guidance offered is to be willing to recognize the loving truth of the Creator within their own being, as this will help them to guide these beings entering the Earth. Please remember that they are not a new being, many have been on Earth before, they are beings who are being given the opportunity to manifest in a more pure way.

Please know that I, Mother Mary, and also the Beings of Venus, are supporting you, loving you, and assisting everyone at this time, please call us so that we can provide you with a service. We are present to bring a clear understanding, to reassure, heal and guide.

With an eternal Love,

Mother mary

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson

SEEN AT: https://www.omna.org/2016-the-birth-of-love-warrior-souls/

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