Master Lady Nada: You are the Incarnate Love

  • 2013


Lady Nada:

Hello, dear ones, I Am Nothing, greeting you from a deep place of Love and Compassion for all of you who venture into this Path of Ascension.

You are the bearers of Love and the precursors in establishing the basis of Love, Compassion and Service for all humanity.

His own breath contains the element of Service by ingesting the substance of the Divine Essence. Just letting go and recognizing your existence in the Kingdom of the Source brings your essence to a place of Truth within yourself.

From there you are able to touch all of Love and know deep down that it is available to you. Just knowing this, you can be filled with Love and offer it to others.

You have reached a point in your ascension where it is imperative to live constantly with that knowledge, with that deep knowledge that all that is required of you is to deeply feel Unconditional Love for yourself and others.

Do not be fooled, this is your purpose and your birthright. Nothing else matters. It is the fortitude of your being, my esteemed bearers of Love. Consider yourself whole and complete, capable of containing all the Love you desire, all the Love that is available, all the Love you are deserving and that They are worthy of him.

And that is the key, my beloved ones, since you are worthy and deserving of receiving unlimited and massive amounts of Love, increasing at every minute. Make this the basis of your existence, the basis of your thoughts, the basis of your knowledge, in every moment of your life, in every breath you take.

Set yourself in this knowledge. Swim in the richness of it. Catch the wave of it. Be that. Be that wealth of Love in everything you do, in every breath you do. Let me consume you, my beloved.

I offer you this perspective as you are embarking on a new level of understanding of this thing. You are the Incarnate Love. Take your place among all the Beings of the Celestial and Galactic Kingdoms. You are not different from us; only in degree of awareness of his innate Divinity.

I love you without measure. The Creator loves them without measure. Everything they are is based on their acceptance and their incorporation of Manifest Love. Everything comes from that ... nothing is lost and everything is gained by the fact of being.

You are the core of humanity, the heart of humanity, with gifts beyond your entire understanding in the present. These gifts are like seeds in the earth waiting for the right conditions to sprout and grow.

These are the gifts that will serve humanity by nourishing, appreciating and offering them freely. Loving yourself completely and without limits or judgments or parameters is at your disposal at this time. With that they will nourish their actions with a complete unconditional and selfless service to others, making a change in all aspects of their lives and the lives of those around them.

Make no mistake about your impact, dear ones. It is all in doing and everything is in the process by wrapping within you as much Love as you can and allowing it to form the basis for every decision, action and gesture you make. This changes the texture of your life and your community and your world. Make no mistake with that.

He is immersed in every corner and corner of his psyche and his presence and with this he sneaks around him, establishing a new presence and collective consciousness that is full of promise and innovation without any resemblance to the old order.

Make no mistake with that. They are building a world of brilliant magnificence that has in its essence Divine Love and Service. When everything operates from that base, there is no way that your new world cannot possess Abundance, Love and Harmony for all.

Many of you are feeling the effects of this new orientation and must be condemned for bringing the momentum to all others to experience a New World based on Integrity, Truth and for the Greatest Good for All.

My beloved, I retain you in my Flame of Love and ask you to do the same for others by discovering more of their true essence in each breath they make.

All my Love to you, my precious bearers of Love, Lady Nada

As channeled by Fran Zepeda.


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