Who is Master Kuthumi?

  • 2015

Master Kuthumi is the director of the department of the Christ of the Earth, of the Golden Ray; the Instructor of the World, Master of Angels and humans, in charge of all humanity knowing their Inner Christ; He is one of the beings of greatest Love, Humility and Wisdom who has lived on Earth, and with his Immense Triple Flame, he has part of his Being within us, like the Christ. Under his direction are the directors, prelates and dignitaries of the great religions, such as Christianity - Greek, Roman, Anglican and other denominations -, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and the Sikhs, and those who instruct Spiritual Teaching . Missionary of the school of humility and understanding, try to transform religious dogmas and make churches aware of the coming of Christ in the heart of each one.

History and incarnations of Master Kuthumi

Master Kuthumi possesses the love, sweetness, humility and simplicity of San Francisco, the wisdom and science of Pythagoras, along with the royal bearing and dignity of a Mughal king, such as El Sha Jahan who built the Taj Mahal.

As Pythagoras, Greek philosopher and mathematician, he was introduced to the teachings of the ancient Ionian philosophers Tales, Anaximander and Anaximenes.

At eighteen he had already learned all that these great Greek masters could offer him and had a vision in which he was shown the key to the universe in the form of geometric lines, the science of numbers, the rhythm and harmony of numbers sacred, the ternary law that governs the constellations, and the septenary law that controls all evolution.

Stimulated by his vision, Pythagoras headed to Egypt to study with the wise Egyptians, with whom he came to dominate everything about sacred mathematics and the science of numbers related to the secrets of the universe.

Pythagoras was not only an influential thinker but also a complex personality whose doctrines dealt with the spiritual as well as the scientific.

Like Pythagoras, Kuthumi established the foundations of Western intellectual thought. Can you imagine today a world without numbers? Without math? Every object depends on some measure to understand it.

Kuthumi's work, like that of Pythagoras, was to entwine cosmic laws into the daily thought of Western thought. Slowly, concepts such as the reincarnation of the human soul, certain immutable mathematical principles, and the origins of the earth through astronomy became the basis of Western thought.

According to the gospel of Aquarius, the three wizards who followed the star of Bethlehem were called Hor, Lun and Mer. These three were part of the order of the magicians, a Zoroastrian sect led by three magicians, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar.

Baltasar was Master Kuthumi, who led the gift of incense, Melchior Master Morya, and Gaspar Master Dwjal Khul El Tibetano, during those incarnations.

Many centuries later, Master Kuthumi reincarnated as the Italian Francisco de Asís, who founded the order of the Franciscan brothers of the Catholic Church.

In a battle between Assisi and Perugia, Francisco was taken prisoner and remained in Perugia for more than a year, where he suffered a severe illness during which it is said that he had a vision which would alter his way of life.

After a youth dissipated in amusements, he converted, renounced parental property and gave himself fully to God. He changed his rich clothes for a bishop's mantle and spent the next three years caring for outcasts and lepers in the forest of Mount Subasio. He embraced poverty and lived an evangelical life, preaching to all the love of God. He gave his followers wise standards, which were then approved by the Holy See.

Francis of Assisi wrote the following about his mission: “The Lord gave me, Brother Francisco, this way to begin doing penance. Because when I was in sin it seemed very bitter to see the lepers. And the Lord himself brought me among them and I made mercy on them. And I took from them, what seemed bitter to me before became a sweetness of body and soul for me. And after this I stayed for a while and left the world. ”

This statement summarizes Kuthumi's mission as Francis of Assisi: 1) that God Himself "gave" him or said what to do and 2) that this was to share his life with the outcasts of society.

He was canonized in 1228. In 1980, Pope John Paul II proclaimed him patron saint of environmentalists. In art, the emblems of San Francisco are, the wolf, the fish, the birds, and the stigmata.

Did Francisco de Asós show some of the signs of a doctor? The study of his writings does not indicate this. On the contrary, his life followed an almost literal imitation of the life of Jesus as described in the traditional scriptures and liturgical materials. It was a life of absolute devotion.

In the next incarnation of Master Kuthumi as Shah Jahan, the karmic balance created an entirely different character.

In 1628 Master Kuthumi incarnated as the third son of Jahangir in Lahore (now in Pakistani). As a young prince he commanded his father's army, leading many campaigns, but in 1623, driven by the intrigues of the imperial consort, he rebelled.

Upon the death of his father in 1627, Agra rushed to claim the throne, killed all his potential rivals, and the following year he seized the throne. Most of Shah Jahan's thirty years of reign were consumed in military campaigns in the Deccan, which he never fully subjugated.

But above all this, his kingdom was distinguished by the architectural splendor of the Taj Mahal the miracle of miracles, the final wonder of the world, which was built as a grave for his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. She would have ruled by his side as an equal and died in 1631 giving birth to her fourteenth child. Shah Jahan spared no effort making the monument as beautiful as she was in life, and the Pearl Mosque in Agra, and by the construction of Delhi, which made its capital.

Shah Jahan was dismissed by his son Aurangzeb in 1658 and spent the rest of his life in prison. Under the reign of his son the empire finally succumbed to the incursions and military campaigns of the British in the early 1700s.

As a practicing Muslim, Shah Jahan, like his grandfather Akbar, brought to his court supporters of various sects of Islam, as well as priests of other religions, including Christians, to hear them present their beliefs.

During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, Masters Kuthumi and Morya worked together with Helena P. Blavatasky and Henry Steele Olcott to form the Theosophical Society.

In years before the formal foundation of society in New York, Master Morya along with other devas and elementals precipitated information to Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott for them to write Isis Unveiled, a book that revealed the existence of a low internal world government the shield of the Great Brotherhood of Light and a wisdom deeply buried in the ancient mysteries that united all the religious movements of the world.

When the Great Brotherhood of Light ordered Blavatsky and Olcott to go to India, Kuthumi began to play a much more active role in helping the two founders to establish the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India. Master Kuthumi frequently materialized in front of the founders, instructed them, and disappeared. Sometimes he sent his disciple Djwal Khul to take a message and instruct them.

The clear and almost sharp logic and intellect of Master Kuthumi are recognized in his treatises on topics that vary from the philosophical to the mundane, as well as the daily needs of the administration of the nascent society.

In England he also appeared to Alicia A. Bailey when she was a child and later instructed her former disciple, now Tibetan Master Dwjal Khul, to take charge of shaping the exteriorization of additional teachings to the world to through her.

By 1949 Bailey had already communicated twenty-four volumes of teachings of the Tibetan Master, teachings whose relevance the initiates of today accept.

It is said that in recent years (time of the earth) Lord Maitreya, who occupied the function of Christ, vacated his position as Master of the World making way for Master Kuthumi to assume this position.

Through this short review of Master Kuthumi's previous lives we can be sure that the next World Teacher will know intimately the afflictions and tribulations of life on earth, however, he awaits the appropriate moment to appear, we still do not know in what way, to impart the teachings of the new era.

Powers and messages of Kuthumi

The keystone of Master Kuthumi is Kashmir Song (Song of Kashmir) by Amy Woodforde-Finden, a work that draws the beautiful landscapes of Kashmir. The tonal key of its Center of Wisdom and Training is in the Guigue del Canon in Re by Johann Pachelbel, also in the delicate harp work, La Source, by Alphonse Hasselmans. The Christian melody, Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, and the version of the same work by John Rutter and the theme of the film Brother Sun Sister Moon are connected with its radiation.

Messages from Master Kuthumi

The Ray of Wisdom, of which I am only One facet, is of little interest in the world of men. It is not about knowledge, accretion of intellectual facts, or mental genius. True Wisdom comes from facing the Sun within and attracting the conscious realization that all Reality, Truth, Beauty, Understanding, can be found within the Flame of one's own Heart! By listening to the Voice of Silence - a positive and non-negative state of individual consciousness, to create an individual aura of peace, purity and tranquility - with humble and silent reverence, without mental concepts or emotional restrictions, one becomes imbued with Wisdom . The wiser someone becomes, the more silent his tongue is, the more peaceful his emotional world and the less he thinks with his brain.

Individuals are not entities of concrete form or unmanageable matter. From the most ordinary human being to the Same Deity, all Self-conscious Life is energy vibrating at a certain rate known as thought and feeling. Therefore, what distinguishes one Flame of Life from another, is not the face but rather the quality of thought and feeling. The only difference between an Ascended Master and a non-awake individual is the quality of thought and feeling. Each has the same creative power, the same free will, the same energy to use, the same extraordinary ability to mold that energy, according to one's own particular design.

You can play the game of suffering and poverty, if this satisfies you, but all of you and, above all, those who have consciously worked with the ascended, have decided that suffering in this and other incarnations has been sufficient. When someone awakens to the glory of the inner God, he no longer has to suffer. The true nature of the divine, of the inner God, is an existence of unlimited love and joy. This is its consistency, its essence, what it offers you when it manifests in your life on this plane.





Author: Margarita Londoño

GHB Editor

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