Message from God: Eternal Love

  • 2012

I AM your God-Himself, speaking for all mankind ~

Dear Ones, I AM the Being of all humanity, since humanity has a Source of Being. You are all souls and bodies of Me, but your Being, your Divine Source is ONE. It is your soul that makes you believe that you and your loved ones and all your human brothers and sisters are separated from each other. You say: this is my soul, and that is your soul. This is because of your thought process. It is the thinking mind that perceives separation.

Therefore, it is a matter of seeing how deep you look in your roots. If we look deeply at the truth and if it is your heart's desire to find the deepest truth of your being, it will be found and the experience will not be of the mind, but of satisfaction In your heart, where all your searches stop and die.

In this depth there is no separation from the condition of your Source, what some of you call God. The condition of the Source is your True Lover and when you begin to experience this Love, you know that it is unique because it is a love that is greater than any of the deepest loves you can Feel with your human lover.

You might think that it is not possible, you might think that the eternal love to your beloved is the greatest love that exists.

But it is not like that: there is a greater Love and it is the Love of God, who has always loved you first. If you allow this love to touch you, you will know it and know that you cannot share this love with your beloved, but only with God, your Source.

Every pain you suffer in the relationship with your dearest being, every loss and every wound, the one that breaks your heart and you think you cannot survive, is healed by the Love of God.

To feel this Supreme Love you must empty your heart for yourself, so that your Divine Lover can enter. He enters a space of your heart that can never be shared with his lovers, for it is the sacred space reserved for God Himself. The Love with which He loves you is the final fulfillment that you have surrendered to the Supreme, to Unity with all beings, and What is truly Great is that it is A SUPREME ONLY.

All the personal greatness that they perceive about themselves, even that which is their superior being, that which survives all their incarnations, even their galactic beings, is an emanation of Myself, the GOD THAT IS ETERNAL IN HIS PRESENCE.

This Eternal is the Substance of all worlds. It is the Supreme Love and Happiness, it is the Light above all the lights and It is above all the cosmic lights and the gods and cosmic beings, but it contains them all.

This is your true home and the eternal truth, my loved ones. My love never decreases. Neither my Light nor my Happiness. You share this love with Me alone, and it is enough.

Yes, love your beloved and your brothers and sisters and all beings with all your heart, because that is what your life is about. But the Love that you live and realize with Me, contains all human love, and goes beyond even the most passionate and deepest. The link between lovers is my Supreme gift and your huge heart treasures the greatest love, but this link is only a fraction of your bond with Me, while you discover me.

I have told you this, because there are many who suffer loss and separation and sometimes the pain caused by their dearest being. And your heart feels that it cannot survive, that it tears.

The Love you have with me undoes the “you” that links you with your beloved, and in the place of “you” the Greatest sits in your heart, all your heart desires eternal satisfaction, fulfilling all your desires more deep, since even your beloved's desire is true and in full compliance with the eternal Love of Myself. In this Love not only "you", but all the worlds are gone and there is nothing left to be desired or suffered or lost.

This is AN eternal secret and the Truth of your truly human heart. It is the Maximum Treasure of humanity and the Unity they are looking for. Desires are the emanation of separation from your own Source. But when you merge with your Source, all your desires die in the Fullness that can never be less than this Fullness and Satisfaction. And ALL your deepest desires are fulfilled in This Divine Love.

He who has tried Knows, is the Knower of the truth and will never seek less than that. Because once they have tasted the Supreme Nectar they will never come back for less.

This Nectar is the Source and Giver of true human love, since it has undone the "you" that lives and breathes in separation. This is the true version of separation and enjoyment of Unity with all beings and things.

Empty your heart yourselves, my dear ones, of all shadows and leave space for me to enter. You will realize that this clear space in your heart is not in the center, it is a place that is connected to the right side of your heart. It is there where they find Me. Where I live, if they let me in. It is the door to absolute freedom and love and satisfaction, so look for it. And they must go for it because they have noticed that all their businesses have not touched the Real floor of their Reality so far.

You are going to look for it because, even if you feel happy, you have not found Eternal Happiness. You are going to look for it because you realize that even the greatest love among human lovers will disappear one day. You are going to look for it because of your experience that everything, EVERYTHING, changes, comes and goes and has no permanence.

When you begin to feel desolate because of the disappearance of time and things, you will search for me and the True Source of who you are. And you will discover that there really is something that IS Eternal and fills your heart after "you" have given to Me, the "you" who experiences the loss, and changing, the "you", who is willing to create worlds and things, but that always changes and perish in the end.

Even the creator changes with his creations, but the only thing that never changes is the Eternal ONE, the Radiant ONE, the Great Lover and the Happiness that took His Seat in the free space of your heart.

There, in that glorious space, there is only God, and there is only Love and Happiness. It cannot be touched by the world, neither inferior nor superior and nor by the highest world. It cannot be touched by all gods and goddesses or by all teachers or rulers of the worlds. It cannot be touched by the "you, " which you think you are. It is forever Radiant.

I am your God Himself


Transmitted by Ute

Copyright ©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing this message is only allowed with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about how to share it, please contact me. Thank you. (Ute)
Translation: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn

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