Reunion of Souls

  • 2012

Some words from the book "Message of the Wise"


When we are here we go through many stages. We shed a newborn body, we pass that of a child, that of a child to that of an adult, and that of an adult to that of an elder. Why not take another step and let go of the adult body to move to a spiritual level? That is precisely what we do.

We never stop growing. And when we reach the spiritual level we continue to grow even more. We go through several stages of development. When we arrive, we are burned.

We have to go through a stage of renewal, one of learning and one of decision. We decide when we want to return, where and for what reasons. Some resolve not to return. They prefer to move on to another stage of development and remain spiritually, some longer than others, before returning. Everything is growth and learning, continuous growth. The body is nothing more than a vehicle we use while we are here. What endures forever is the soul and the spirit.

Our lives are not the result of random acts and events. Vital trajectories are planned wisely and carefully to improve learning and evolution.

We choose our parents, who are usually souls with whom we have interacted in previous lives.

We learn from children, teenagers and adults, and evolve spiritually as our bodies change. When the soul leaves the body at the time of physical "death, " we follow learning on higher levels, which are actually higher levels of consciousness. We review the life we ​​have just abandoned, learn the lessons and prepare the next existence. Learning does not end with the death of the body.

There are many levels of consciousness that we visit when the soul leaves the physical body. An important one is the learning stage, in which we review our lives. We experience each encounter again, each relationship. We feel the emotions of the people we have helped or hurt, loved or hated, positively or negatively affected. We feel their emotions very deeply, because it is a very strong learning resource, a kind of reaction of instant and intense response to the behavior we had when we were on Earth, in a physical body. We learn through relationships, and that is why it is important to understand how we have affected others.

The concept of reincarnation explains and clarifies the relationships of current life. It often turns out that events from the distant past continue to influence current relationships. Realizing the root causes of previous lives can serve to fix the relationship of the present. Consciousness and understanding are powerful repairing forces.


We choose when we want to go into physical condition and when we want to leave it. We know when we have achieved what they sent us down here ... When you have had time to rest and reinvigorate the soul, you are allowed to choose when to return to the physical state.

We are not born in our family by accident or by chance. We choose the circumstances and prepare a plan for our life before even being conceived. We are helped in this preparation by the spiritual serenities full of love that then guide and protect us while we are in the physical body and the plan of our life is being developed. We can call destiny to the events that are unfolding after we have chosen them.

There is important evidence that we see the main events of life that lie ahead, the destination points, in the preparation stage that precedes our birth. These are clinical trials, compiled by me and by other therapists from patients who have experienced memories before birth while they were hypnotized or medicated, or spontaneously. It is already programmed who will be the most important people we will meet, which reunions with soulmates and soul mates, even the places where these events will happen. Some cases of deja vu, that feeling of having been in a place before or having lived a moment, can be explained as a vague memory of that anticipation of life that is crystallizing in the physical life we ​​live.

The same happens in the case of people. Adopted people often wonder if their life plan has been altered in any way. The answer is negative. The adoptive parents are chosen, as are the natural parents. Everything is right, and in the course of destiny there are no coincidences.

Although all human beings have a vital plan, we also have free will, as do our parents and all the people with whom we interact. Our lives and theirs will be affected by the choices we make while we are in a physical state, but the points of destiny will happen anyway. We will meet the people we plan to meet and face the opportunities and obstacles we had anticipated long before we were born. However, the way we develop in these situations, our subsequent reactions and decisions are the expressions of our free will. Destiny and free will coexist and interact constantly. They are complementary, not contradictory.

The evidence from the patients to whom I have submitted regressions coincide in that the soul seems to reserve a specific body, approximately at the time of conception. It cannot be occupied by another soul. However, the union of body and soul is not complete until now and birth. Before that the soul of an unborn being can be both inside and outside the body, and is often aware of experiences that happen on the other side. You can also notice facts that occur outside your body and even your mother's.

The soul can never be damaged. Neither spontaneous nor induced abortions can harm you.

When a pregnancy does not end well, it is not uncommon for the same soul to occupy the body of a subsequent child of the same parents.

Karma and lessons

We have debts that must be paid. If we have not paid them, we have to take them to another life to settle them. When paying debts we progress. Some souls do it faster than others. If something interrupts your ability to pay that debt, you have to go back to the memory plane and wait there until the soul with which you have the debt is going to see you. When you can both return to a physical form at the same time, you will be allowed to return, but the one who decides when to return is you. You decide what needs to be done to pay that debt.

There will be many lives to satisfy all agreements and all outstanding debts.

Nothing has yet been communicated to me about many of the other plans, but this one, the one related to "the debts to be paid, " evokes the concept of karma. Karma is an opportunity to learn, to put love and forgiveness into practice. Karma is also an opportunity to atone for, to make a blur and a new account, to compensate those people whom we may have bothered or harmed in the past.

Karma is not just an oriental concept. It is a universal idea, embodied in all major religions (see Responsibility for one's actions in Appendix A, Shared Spiritual Values). The Bible says: "You reap what you sow." Every thought and every action has inevitable consequences. We are responsible for our actions.


They are different levels of learning, and we have to learn some of them in our own flesh. We have to feel the pain. Spirits feel no pain. They are in a renovation stage. The soul is renewed. In the physical state, when they enter the flesh, they feel pain; They can suffer. In a spiritual way there is no pain.

There is only happiness, a feeling of well-being. But it is a period of renewal we go through. In a spiritual state, the relationship between people is different. In a physical state, relationships can be experienced.

After being born in a physical state, our main source of learning is the relationship with others. Through the joy and pain of relationships with other people, we progress in our spiritual path to learn about love from everywhere. Relationships are a living laboratory, a field test to determine how we are doing, if we have learned our lessons, to discover how far we approach our predetermined life plan. In relationships our emotions are evoked, and we react. Have we learned to turn the other cheek or fight back with violence? Do we reach out to others with understanding, love and compassion, or do we react with fear, selfishness or rejection?

Without relationships we would not know, we could not evaluate our progress. They are wonderful opportunities to learn, although difficult.


You know much more than others. It includes many more things. Be patient with them. They do not have the knowledge you possess. We will send spirits to help you, but what you are doing is already correct Keep it up. Do not waste this energy. You have to get rid of fear. That will be your best weapon.

We have all been created in the image and likeness of God, and God is within everyone. Our underlying basic nature is based on love, peace, balance and harmony. Our innate essence is compassionate, affectionate and good. We are souls

Over the course of our lives a lining of fear, anger, envy, sadness, insecurity and many other negative feelings that cover our beautiful inner nature accumulates. This envelope is intensified and reinforced due to education and the experiences of our children in today's life. We seem to be what we are not: furious and fearful people, full of feelings of guilt and insecurity. We have forgotten who we really are.

We don't need to learn what love and balance are, peace and compassion, forgiveness and faith. We have known them forever. Our task is, on the contrary, to forget those negative and harmful emotions and attitudes that plague our lives and produce so much suffering for us, our communities and our world. By getting rid of those negative traits, who was going to say it, we rediscovered our authentic nature, our positive and loving self. It has always been there, but covered, obscured and forgotten.

When we remove the outer layers of debris and filth, ideas and negative emotions, when we clean and polish the outer lining, we can glimpse again the real diamonds that we really are. We are immortal and divine souls and we are walking a path. Deep down, we have always been diamonds.


Everything is love ... Everything is love. Love leads to understanding. Understanding leads to patience.

And then time stops. And everything happens here and now.

The deepest regions of our mind are not subject to normal temporal laws. Events from the remote past can still be affected with acute immediacy. The wounds of the past influence our mood and our behavior as if they had been inflicted on us yesterday, and sometimes their strength increases even over time.

Understanding can help heal those traumas of the past. Since the deepest mind is not subject to the usual conditions of time and space, past events can be rewritten and reformulated. The cause and effect are not linked so inextricably. Traumas can be undone and the harmful effects reversed. A deep healing can occur, even when great distances are interposed or many years of pain and suffering have passed.

Just as love brings deep healing to relationships, understanding involves a reduction in fear. Understanding opens a window through which the breeze of love gently takes away doubts and anxieties, refreshes the soul and nurtures relationships.

Fears usually refer to events that have already happened, in this same life or in very previous ones.

As we have forgotten, we project those fears in the future but, in reality, what we fear is over, All we have to do is remember, wake up to the past.


Reunion of Souls.

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