Use of Mantras for meditation

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Anyone who has practiced meditation knows that it is difficult to silence our mental conversation Shakti Gawain. 2 How can Mantras help us? 2.1 The use of Mantras to meditate. 3 It is necessary to know how to concentrate on one thing. All trades must be exercised with concentration Yamamoto Tsunetomo 3.1 3.2 Mantras for healing. 4 How to choose a Mantra?

Mantras are meanings formed by syllables that are used to achieve a better concentration when meditating, they are repeated consecutively over and over again. The use of Mantras for meditation helps us eliminate all the negative that is in our brain and around us, making way for the positive and enlightened. It changes the person inside, managing to unite the conscious and the subconscious of our brain, stopping the thoughts that are turning in our memory. The use of Mantras for meditation helps us to be able to stop the many ideas that are in our brain without meaning since our mind is in constant activity which never ceases to prevent us from achieving peace and tranquility. that we need to be able to perform a correct meditation.

The use of Mantras for meditation is considered as very useful tools to achieve overcoming as a human being since they are bearers of many teachings such as tolerance, patience, peace and peace. All of them very necessary to achieve spiritual and mental growth.

Ancient Mantras for meditation (Avalokiteshvara)

"Anyone who has practiced meditation knows that it is difficult to silence our mental conversation" Shakti Gawain.

How do Mantras help us ?

The use of Mantras for meditation helps us achieve control of thoughts, allowing us to improve concentration in the present moment. The word Mantra means freeing the mind. Mantras are used at the time of meditation by Hindus and Buddhists. And they are considered as sacred sounds to communicate with superior beings helps us heal our spiritual wounds achieving cleansing and overcoming the spirit.

The use of Mantras to meditate.

In all religions the Mantras are used for meditation, in the Catholic religion the Ave Maria is considered the main Mantra, which is prayed in a continuous way, connecting with that superior being, this Mantra allows reflection and prayer. The Muslims in their prayers use the name of Allah repeating it several times in a row. The use of mantras for mediation helps you eliminate those negative thoughts that roam your mind producing the peace of mind you need . For the Hindus, OM is the word with which they achieve this connection, the Mantra protects them from adversity and helps them against diseases. When you say certain words repetitively, a state of consciousness occurs in your mind, which leads to everything the body to a relaxation, lowering the rate of metabolism and achieving a greater concentration. Mantras are considered magical words that help you open the spirit to a higher dimension and elevate us in our states of consciousness.

Use of Mantras for meditation

“It is necessary to know how to concentrate on one thing. All trades must be exercised with concentration ”Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Mantras for healing.

The use of Mantras for meditation and healing helps to calm the mind by reassuring, managing to control the thoughts that in many cases affect the person causing different physical and mental ailments, with the use of Mantras it is possible to calm the mental activity by eliminating stress, which is very positive for people who have nervous diseases, anxiety, depression and states of distress.

How to choose a Mantra?

Mantras serve differently with each person who uses it, so you should know how to choose the mantra that best suits you and makes you feel at ease when pronouncing it. The Mantra OM or AOM is scientifically proven that the vibrations it produces when repeated causes the thorax and throat to vibrate. Another known Mantra is the I Am. You can invent one, the important thing is to achieve the best way to achieve your goals. Once you decide for one, do not change it little by little, you can feel the results.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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