What is Rebirthing? Renaissance

  • 2015
It is a method of personal development and healing that uses connected conscious breathing as the main technique, also called energetic circular respiration . It is based on the premise that thought creates the reality we experience, and investigates the relationship between the way of birth and our vital attitudes, the way in which we relate to ourselves and others. Rebirthing makes use of the elements of nature (air, water, earth and fire) to balance our energy body and restore harmony in our lives. It also supports the value of conscious and honest communication between people, encouraging responsible participation in the community. In 1974, Leonard Orr, after a decade of experimentation, established the foundations of the Renaissance and its practice quickly expanded throughout the world, reaching thousands of people. Its benefits, derived from the release of the respiratory mechanism, are multiple and are generated from an approximate cycle of 10 individual sessions, after which the person is deeply transformed, reborn. A therapeutic session of Rebirthing lasts between two and two and a half hours. There is an entire hour or more of lying down breathing in which the person's breathing rate is guided until they are taken to a fluid, free and connected breath with the energy . The person then enters what we call the energy cycle, which is usually very pleasant, in which he lets go of tensions and blockages and learn to flow and open to life. Before and after the breathing session, there is a sharing between the reborn and the person about the most important issues in the person's life at this time. Each session teaches and practices different techniques of spiritual psychology that are easy to apply in everyday life and that help us to overcome limits and achieve our goals. At birth we experience the shock of moving from a liquid environment to an air environment. Unfortunately, current hospital births with prematurely cutting the umbilical cord, haste, speeding up the mother's contractions artificially, lack of harmony, noises, etc ... make the baby's birth and first breath be more difficult. At birth, the baby makes conclusions about life, such as "I am not welcome, " "life is a struggle, " "life is pain." We all have a unique birth script that we usually repeat again and again in our lives. For example, a person who did not feel loved at birth will tend not to feel loved and to attract circumstances in which he does not feel loved. It is very gratifying to learn how to transform the negative parts of our birth script and to observe how our life is changing. Learning to transform our thoughts is an important step for development and personal fulfillment in all its dimensions, both practical and spiritual . The mind is like a garden that must be taken care of and where we have to plant and water what we want to see grow, and remove weeds. We have to learn to take care of our garden, if we don't want to see it invaded by weeds. The mind is a tool, but if we don't know how to use it, we become its victim. The nature of the mind is to be filled with thoughts; If we do not choose the thoughts that will benefit our life and create what we want, the mind repeats the thoughts of the past (both consciously and subconsciously).

The quality of our life and the circumstances and events that we are going to attract depends on our thoughts.

The Renaissance taught how to recover the reins of our world, in harmony and for the good of all. We learn to be the conscious creator of our life . It helps us find our place in the world and participate in it consciously, realizing ourselves as people and spiritual beings that we are.
It gives us this long-awaited balance, to be able to live from a center of inner peace, whatever we do and wherever we are.

Source: http://rebirthingjove.blogspot.com.es/


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