What does your brain need to learn? Dynamism and Emotion

  • 2017

Before developing reading the total compendium of this Article, I want to ask you why the brain activity when you watch television and when you participate in a master class is void? When you are facing a training process, either as a teacher or as a student , what is the first thing you print to your exhibitions? You will know why Dynamism and Emotion is what your brain needs to learn.

Dynamism and emotion what do they mean?

“Emotion, from its etymological and epistemological reality, going through the different investigations and ancient and current theories, is an agitation of your mind, capable of generating passion, feeling and excitement”

It is of the utmost importance, that before knowing some scientific research and experiential experiences in relation to the needs of your brain at the time of acquiring knowledge, you know what Dynamism and Emotion means .

Emotion as a term, from its Etymological section, comes from the Latin emotĭo, which means " agitate, excite, movement and impulse " is " what moves you towards ... "

Since the item of scientific research, Emotion has been analyzed by affective neuroscience . It was the neuroscientist, psychologist and psychobiologist Jaak Panksepp, who in 1992 coined the name to the study of Emotion [1].

Psychology, broadly speaking, speaks of Emotion as a feeling or perception of reality, imagination and its elements, expressed in a physical way through physiological functions, internalizing crying, aggression, and other behavioral reactions.

There are various theories and investigations in relation to Emotion, some very old and others quite recent, however, I could not teach them in their entirety today. Therefore, I want you to maintain in your knowledge, that Emotion, from its etymological and epistemological reality, going through the different investigations and ancient and current theories, is an agitation of your mind, capable of generating passion, feeling and excitement . As an affective state, in the human being, it can appear abruptly and untimely, in the form of crises with greater or lesser intensity in its duration.

Now, the term Dynamism traces its etymology to the Greek δύναμις meaning strength . Then, the Latin suffix -ismus and Greek -ισμός (-ismós) was introduced, in order to form action nouns. Very by the branches, Dynamism is equal to strength or energy that provides propulsion and activity .

Dynamism has been studied since Sociology and Philosophy mainly, of course, without advancing in this Text to other areas. Augusto Comte (1798 - 1857), the father of Positivism and Sociology, distinguished in society the order and dynamism that leads to progress; ensures that, without the first, the second could not be reached .

Philosophically, it was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1946 - 1716), who associates dynamism with all bodily phenomena, argues that they are the consequence of movements caused by the conflict of forces. Reality is composed of simple and inextensible elements that preserve action and strength, with this, the activity of beings is demonstrated, whose unity is the monad, elementary and active particle, established by the eternal number divinity, which forms all beings, and it is the beginning of the real [2].

Then, poorly, we talk about Dynamism, indicating that someone has great energy or strength for action, resulting in the achievement of objectives .

Your Brain needs Emotion and Dynamism to Learn

In the acquisition of novel information, the brain processes the data from the right hemisphere, which is more closely connected, with the images, the intuition. Ny creativity. According to the above, the facial and body gestures, adding the context and the subject, performed an extremely important task at the time of disseminating information.

Already knowing the terms of Emotion and Dynamism, I want us to specify why your brain needs these experiences to learn .

Year 2010. A group of researchers from Boston, belonging to the Massachusetts Institute of Techonolgy (MIT), made a 19-year-old university student, for 24 hours and for seven days, had in his It wraps an electro-electrode sensor, in order to measure the electrical activity of your brain. I tell you that the result was terrifying, the student's brain activity when watching television, was the same when attending his master classes, according to the research, the brain activity was almost nil.

That said, it was proven that the pedagogical models, in which the student is only passive receiver, are currently obsolete, does not work to acquire real and thorough knowledge.

In Spain, especially in the last decade, currents have germinated that seek to transform the models of transmission of knowledge in educational spaces, thus creating the Neurodidactics . Basically, it is a set of knowledge that is contributing to scientific research in the area of ​​neuroscience and its treatment with learning methods .

The neuropsychologist researcher, specialist in child neuropsychiatry and director of the Master in Neurodidactics at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain, Dr. José Ramón Gamo Rodríguez, says that "the brain needs to get excited to learn ." It states that previously, it was only possible to observe the behavior of each student, now, it is possible to observe their brain activity while performing their tasks, this, thanks to technological advances in neuroimaging machines. The conclusion of Gamo Rodríguez, emphasizes that information on brain activity, must be used by pedagogues and teachers, in order to refine and seek more efficient and effective methods of educational intervention .

In one of the many researches of the director of the Master in Neurodidactics at the Rey Juan Carlos University, he focused on the learning difficulties of people with dyslexia or ADHD . The conclusion of him and his work group, was to affirm that the great majority of difficulties presented by this specific group of students, would not have to do with the syndrome but with the school methodology applied to teach . If you read the Article “Children should start their learning processes in nature, not in the classroom”, you will be able to understand why the need to promote different methodologies, practical and experiential, in educational processes.

According to the above and focusing on scientific research, Gamo concludes that, in the acquisition of novel information, the brain processes data from the right hemisphere, which is more closely connected, with images, intuition and creativity . According to the above, facial and body gestures, adding context and theme, play a very important role in making information known. In short, simple lectures and monologues in class do not serve to acquire real knowledge .

At Harvard University, Professor of Applied Physics Eric Mazur, taking into account the academic results of his students and evaluating his particular educational exhibition, concluded that “ his method of presentation was insufficient, because it became a mere transmitter of information that it compromised the real and final learning of its students ”

Enric Corbera, in his work "The Observer Bioneuroemoción", says that " the quantum universe is very sensitive to emotions, since they have a gigantic force capable of shaking mental and physiological states of our physical organism " Concludes " What we do not Excite, it doesn't exist in our memory and in our mental world.

There is specific material, clear and deep, in relation to the need of your brain and mine, to receive emotion and dynamism to achieve the apprehension of knowledge . For now, you need to do personal research, in order to acquire more knowledge for your own life. As part of that research, you can read the text “Experiential, Festive, Active and Experiential Training, student interaction with their environment” I also recommend the Article “What to do with the results of the Evaluation in Educational Processes?”

I invite you to move to the direction of dynamic and interactive classes, whether you are a teacher or a student, keep in mind that Emotion and Dynamism is linked to the energy of the students . Thus, all of them will want to participate, use the expressions they learn and will capture the real and deep attention in the transmission of knowledge by their teachers or classmates.

Homework is Ardua, Let's Start!

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of hermandadblanca.org

[1] Panksepp, JA (1992). A critical role for “Affective Neuroscience” in resolving what is basic about emotions. Psychological Review, 99 (3), 554-560.

[2] Recovered in Philosophical Dictionary http://deconceptos.com/general/dinamismo#ixzz4hlbkLbQ6

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