June 2013 Gaia speaks: Healing the father's root

  • 2013

Dear readers,
Thank you very much for the large number of questions that have come for Gaia to answer them, right now we are very busy completing the answers, we apologize to those who have not received theirs and ask for your patience.
Here we share several of the questions asked because as Gaia says the answers are valid for everyone.

Grateful for the opportunity to do this service.


Questions to Gaia

Could you ask Gaia please, how do we placate the violence at home? We are living moments full of physical and emotional violence between us and with the children. Thank you very much.
Beloved daughter,

Violence has to do with many centuries of patriarchal domination. Humans have lived the game of survival, the predominance of force over reason, of dominance and power before love, the submission of women, this has been and is a deep and long learning.

Relationships, the war between men and women are an open wound, but the time has come to leave this war and begin reconciliation, from the depths of my heart I tell you to set limits in your life, to start respecting yourself yourself, observe the origin of that violence inside you, to discover its origin.

The wound of violence comes from the family, where you always had to compete for dad's love, where you were not given enough space to express yourself, where there was physical abuse. Submission and fear was what you learned to survive.

Much compassion and love for your inner child is necessary, I send my blessings. Restoring respect for your integrity is peremptory. You will always have my protection in this process that begins today with nothing you have put into words what you have fallen for so long.

As my mission now is to help you heal that wound that originates in the masculine, in relation to your masculine energy, your father and the men of your family, I will invite you to do a symbolic, magical act, so that you begin the healing process This act is called healing the root of the inner father, because through this the relationship with the male energy is healed.

Healing the root of the inner father

Trees are my allies, this process is supported by them, they are masculine energy rooted in the earth, they provide you with stability, their branches point to the sky, to the father.

It is necessary for all those who want to heal the inner father's root to take a look at his masculine energy.

The first person from which a human being learns about the masculine is the father, many have not met their biological parents but have had a male model in their childhood life.

It is to that model or to the father that we want to heal. The invitation is for you to write a letter to an imaginary friend about your history of violence, from the first time you lived it, recapitulating your experience. That is to say that you remember vividly in that letter the moments in which you were violent and the moments in which you were violent.

If there are people related to these moments, say what you feel, without judging yourself, or repressing you, no matter who. If your father is the protagonist of these abuses write what you feel. Release your anger, let the emotion free.

Give yourself your time, write alone, without hurry, feeling what comes up, be compassionate towards yourself.

After doing so you will burn this letter with fire, to purify its contents, everything written there.

Violence is an imbalance of fire, of vital energy, it is healthy to honor it even in the flame of the kitchen, in that of a candle, in a bonfire. Behind the violence is fear, pain.

Finally visit a place in nature where there are trees, choose one, sit in its shadow, establish a connection with it, feel the anchorage to my inner crystal, thank your way for the release of this energy, healing. Take your children to meet the tree, to play in its shade.

I bless you in the light


Question: I would like to know how to awaken all my senses, to be able to perceive my Guardian Angel Family of Light and Angels Archangels and beings of light, by saying perceiving is listening to them, seeing them, feeling them.

And another question, how are my mother, brother and father of health going to be after everything that has happened this year. And for me the prosperity for this year I need a little help.

Dear son,

Your Family of light is always with you, learning their language is easy, just remember when you were a child and you felt that your guardian angel was close, that protected you, this family is your own family, many of the grandparents who go up to the Heaven become guardians of your grandchildren, great grandchildren. The children recognize this fact until the guardians see them strong to leave them in the hands of the guardian of light, of the Higher Being, who has been learning as a team during this process.

When someone from the family is born to this terrestrial dimension, many are in charge of helping, the group of souls with their different levels is mobilized, organized to accompany in the process of which they will incarnate.

Every time something exceptional or miraculous has happened to you, every time you thank life, every time you have fun, you're happy, you're with that Angel of Light, that Solar Angel that you are yourself in other dimensions.

The angels speak with the details, with the coincidences, with the impulses, with the dreams, with the magic, thus they guide you.

Your terrestrial family is fine, each one living different learning, it is important that you focus on yourself and let everyone live their own experience. That is your job to let go of attachments.

If you let go of the ideas you have about prosperity, about money and abundance you will see that everything comes.



Question: I suffer from panic attacks, they are increasingly followed. It's scary. My last attempt to know where they came from, to which they are due, was to take Ayahuasca. I knew that in what I took it and I was not going to have an escape and I was going to have to face it, because that was the case. I have experienced my panic and medicine has also shown me many beautiful things, however, every shot for me is very hard. The last one was awful, so much that I am terrified of drinking again. Now, my life is not bad, it is not full of sufferings, it is more, I can say that I am blessed to have the opportunity to live all the experiences that existence gives me, my Masters, the Love that I always receive even from strangers, I have A very good life. So what happens to me, what is in me, what leads me to have these horrifying experiences? What should I keep watching?

Dear daughter of the Earth,

Your experiences are beautiful and ancient, you have come many times to experience in this dual reality, where integration is destiny. Honoring is the word I want to give you as a gift, I want to honor you for your courage and love.
The fear you feel is something accumulated in your genetic imprint, which comes from your mother, it is for the many times, the many experiences lived on earth, however your healing is ready to happen, explore your interior in silence, breathe in your belly together.
From a very special sensibility there are embodied beings that I call emotional sponges, these are very sensitive beings that absorb emotions from the environment, which want to change them are exhausted. When this happens, a vacuum is created that allows the ghosts of fear, hopelessness, death to enter, very old conditions that served survival.
In these times the emotions at the collective and individual level, they are full of skin and they will intensify more and more, until the emotional balance is achieved, you came to help transform the emotions into love, to live that transfiguration n.
However, before fulfilling the memory of your commitment you come to heal yourself, to heal that fear that has its origin in an emotional overload because of what you see on the outside, for what you think, for what you feel, for what you eat, because you allow many energies to be confused in your emotional field and that is where you have to purify first.
A sensation of death, of pain for what happened in your childhood, is still a wound that arises, that is repeated, you have to heal that inner girl, I can see her eyes wide open, I want Help you to take it by the hand, to tell it that you assume the responsibility of taking care of it, of feeling it, of feeding it, of giving it security, of giving it a fixed place in your heart, I for my part will clothe With my energy, so that your inner mother is strengthened, rest assured that I will be with you throughout this process, always my daughter.
Since you wrote me this question, since you established the connection with me I have been feeling you, I can see your inner being jumping for joy for your decision to heal. I can see you shining as you really shine, that special light of your compassionate and generous heart.
Before approaching my beloved allies again, the power plants, I invite you to experience me, to live the subtlety of breathing in my belly, of feeling me, of visiting me in places of nature, where you can relax deeply on my lap, where you can feel the spirit sing of water, its flow, feel the caress of the air, move on its flight, let yourself be embraced by the sun.
You can also breathe in your belly, my belly, to find calm, tranquility. It is in the daily meditation where you recapitulate internally, to forgive yourself, rewind your emotions, heal your duality, mother / father, where you can return to your luminous origin. I invite you to breathe and be silent daily.
If you feel you cannot be alone, seek support from someone who knows how to help you, or allow life to bring you the right people and events to help you heal.
I also feel in you concern for your loved ones, especially for your son who is already on the flight, watch as the eagles teach their children to fly, once the pigeons are ready they are pushed with the beak in the air by the mother, to strengthen her wings, learn to plan, take advantage of the currents, to know the support of the wind in the voids. You have done that job successfully, the time has come to release the pigeon and trust that he will be able to fly alone.
The master comes from within you, from the observation of emotions, from acceptance and release. Whenever you feel that fear is going to visit you, feel it, let go of the fight, breathe in your chest giving yourself, feel the changes in your body, your heart racing, your cold hands, your breathing agitated, your desire to run away, the feeling that you are going to die in that instant. Look at your body, your emotions, let them pass through you, you will see that by accepting them, something begins to change.
With all my love and blessings

June 2013 Day to Day

Saturday 1. Staying in the center is avoiding wobbling from one extreme to another, the middle path is that of meditation.

Sunday 2 Start your day with the joy of a new experience, thanking the mystery of the eternal present.

Monday 3 . By changing your focus from the negative to the positive, you allow your life to be filled with new colors.

Tuesday 4. When you follow the impulses of your heart in harmony with your thoughts, peace fills your life.

Wednesday 5. The need to act is positive as long as it comes from a deep conviction.

Thursday 6. Attachment is shown when you cling to the old and do not accept that this has already happened.

Friday 7 . The timelines run parallel, if you raise the frequency you are in heaven, if you lower it in hell, you choose.

Saturday 8. New moon. The ego always tries to perpetuate the known, opening the window of being opens up an unknown world of possibilities.

Sunday 9. Life brings you the necessary lessons for the evolution of your soul, receiving them with joy and humility is necessary to transcend them.

Monday 10. Movement and conscious action are part of what you came to experience, getting out of inertia is favorable.

Tuesday 11. When you still have pending with people of your biological family it means that there is a healing task to complete.

Wednesday 12. Honoring your ancestors is part of recognizing your genetics and accepting your DNA, it is the basis of internal sanction.

Thursday 13. Check if you are proudly separating from your life people you really care about.

Friday 14. Thanks when you stumble twice on the same stone, life is clearly showing you the pattern.

Saturday 15. There is abundance in the Universe for all, thanks daily what you receive.

Sunday 16. Fourth growing. Discover inside your inner mother, the one who takes care of you and loves you unconditionally.

Monday 17. Many times life makes you choose, try to do it from calm and love, so you will always feel at peace.

Tuesday 18. Leave the drama aside, so you can understand the lesson that brings you.

Wednesday 19. The mirror of the couple is the most intense and revealing, if you reflect on the search that is from unconditional love.

Thursday 20. Your life force needs to express itself either through sexuality or creativity, let it out.

Friday 21. Join a community related to your feelings, share with your peers, together with others your mission becomes easier.

Saturday 22. When you expand your thinking new ideas arrive to answer your concerns.

Sunday 23. Full moon. Listening is the basic principle of communication with others, it is the basis of loving respect.

Monday 24. To recognize the other is to accept that we are all different, it is to accept that difference can be the basis of union.

Tuesday 25 . Old structures crumble, an apparent chaos shows, the new is about to emerge, patience.

Wednesday 26 . True friendship is the most unconditional form of relationship, take care of your best friends as jewels of light.

Thursday 27. Although the external seems hopeless to maintain balance in your heart, be part of the critical mass of peace.

Friday 28. We are all part of a divine network that silently unites hearts, if you wake up you know it.

Saturday 29. A collective memory knows that everything is connected as the dendrites of neurons, allows these connections to be activated.

Sunday 30 The great Network of light casts wisdom on everyone's consciousness, open your channel for you to receive this blessing.

June 2013 Gaia speaks: Healing the father's root

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