Law of Attraction and Conscious Creation. How to Decree Abundance

  • 2018
The " Law of Attraction " and " Conscious Creation " is a very recurring theme in the field of metaphysics and spirituality, which is related to the first three Hermetic Great Laws: Mentalism, Correspondence and Vibration, which also I will refer to this article, because their understanding is so important, as the fact of having them well present when implementing Conscious Creation. On the one hand we know that every human being possesses a Higher Self or spiritual Individuality that in the Sacred Spiritual Triad also receives the name of " Son ", because it is made in the image and likeness of the Father . This is what the 2nd Hermetic Law of Correspondence tells us: “ What is below is like what is above and what is above is how it is below, to consummate the miracle of Unity, ” where each integral part of a whole possesses the Same attributes as Totality. This means that if God the Father has the Power to Create the vast Universe barely known to man; the "Son, " our spirit, also has that same Creative Power, only on a smaller scale. Thus we understand that each human being creates a small universe around him, being that the world that he puts before his eyes and that he perceives as his own reality .

But how do we build this personal universe?

Well, here we can turn to the 1st Hermetic Law: Mentalism, which tells us “ Everything is Mind; The Universe is Mental . ” That is, the instrument with which we create our Reality is our own Mind, which is essentially composed of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. This is when the 3rd Hermetic Law: Vibration intervenes, which is what we usually relate more directly to the so-called Law of Attraction .

This Magna Universal Law starts from the premise that everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency and that each vibration resonates with what is related to its same wavelength and amplitude, this being applicable to desires, emotions, thoughts and feelings. In other words, each thought has a certain energy frequency that attracts events, events and even people that are related to the same energy frequency by resonance . From this it follows that whoever emits love feelings will be attracting love situations, who emits positive thoughts will be attracting positive experiences, but also, who emits negative emotions, will be attracting situations or events whose perception will be experienced as a misfortune or difficulty . In theory this is that simple, although only in theory, because in this process of Emission-Attraction other factors intervene, some of them almost uncontrollable, because by not living in a glass urn, but we do it in very diverse social environments and changing in which we have to relate and interact with all kinds of people, as well as deal with multiple situations that generate stress, conflict or concern, in practice it is not a law that is so simple to apply.

Books like The Secret, in which a certain formula is exposed in a very eloquent way to attract prosperity, love, health and all kinds of desires and desires, the truth is that as long as an incessant agitation persists Mental and emotional that takes us from one place to another without control, for practical purposes it will rarely come to provide us with the expected results, since we will not have been able to maintain our mental projection in a sustained way and the messages sent will have been canceling each other. As Dr. Wayne Dyer points out, we don't attract so much what we want, but what we really are ; that is our daily ideas, thoughts and emotions. Thus, there must first be an inner transformation in which we learned to be present at every moment and become aware of the continuous flow of thoughts and emotions that run through our Being, before we fail to put the Law of Attraction to our service.

But in any case the Law of Attraction works, and in order to consciously attract what we want to be part of our Life, we should not only be able to focus our mind on what we intend to obtain and persist in it the necessary time., but in this process of mental construction we cannot forget that factors as crucial as Belief and Conviction are also involved . That is, in addition to demanding something with firmness and determination, it is essential that we also create it truly possible.

Master Kuthumi tells us:

“You create your own reality from what you choose to believe about yourself and about the world around you. If they do not choose their own convictions deliberately and consciously, they will be unconsciously programmed. They will irrationally absorb what gives them their culture, their school and their environment. How they define themselves and the world around them, will shape their conviction, which in turn will shape their reality. Once they fully understand that their beliefs form reality, then and only then will they cease to be captive of the events they experience. ”

“Self-Mastery with Mahatma Kuthumi”

Whoever has a deep-rooted idea, for example, that life is very hard, that everything requires a lot of effort, a lot of sacrifice and that nobody ever gives you anything; that acts as a kind of mental implant of family, social or cultural origin, which makes the person not only tend to see life as "uphill", but will attract situations that reinforce that idea. Because we bear in mind that the Law of Attraction acts equally regardless of whether the person knows or does not know how it works. It could be said, in this sense, that there is an Unconscious Creation in which we often feel victims of circumstances because we are unable to relate each effect to its cause; and a Conscious Creation that is what we usually associate with our effort and dedication, because it occurs when we put all our will, interest and determination to achieve our goal, although in reality it began to develop with our ideas, thoughts and intentions.

It is of little use therefore to say " I would like to change jobs ", " I would like to be rich ", or " I hope that one day my dreams will be fulfilled ... " because without clarity, without concreteness and without conviction, it is like programming software to measures that Logically it will not work. The intensity and clarity in the definition of a program of thought is extremely important so that it can manifest itself. With the " maybe " or the " maybe ", it is not enough to get to create anything consciously.

Another important premise to consider when planning a thought that aims to attract a particular event or event, is to always use the Present tense. This is because the Conscious Creation propagates its energy on a multidimensional level, where there are no past and future times, but everything is an eternal Now . Thus, for example, if we wish to attract Abundance to our lives, the conditions and future times are not worth it, because these formulations do not make sense at the interdimensional level. We can recite instead internally or out loud (as a mantra) the formula " I Am Infinite Abundance ", because in doing so from our Higher Self and in the Present tense, this statement does make sense on all planes of existence.

We can also recite the following Decree:


“I trust that Life provides me with all the Abundance that I need today”

(repeat 7 times a day for 21 days)

There are many other formulas to decree, all of which are perfectly valid and effective, as long as they are pronounced with Clarity, with Conviction and using the Present tense, since Now is the only moment that really exists .

At this point it should also be clarified that when a request or desire formulated with 3D consciousness (ego) conflicts with the Mission or Purpose of Life of the Higher Self, with 5D consciousness (soul); Unless it has been chosen as a lesson in growth, it is most likely that this request will not manifest itself. For example, if a person wishes to be rich, but those riches will be misused or will stop their growth process, the Higher Self can reject that desire so that their Lower Self or earthly personality does not lose the motivation to continue seeking expansion.

We should therefore not be discouraged or directly discard the effectiveness of Conscious Creation for the mere fact of having tried it a few times without too much success, because this is also part of learning. We have all come to this Dual plane of Reality to Learn to Create in a responsible and effective way, and as happens in every learning process, mistakes are also part of the experience.

There are more factors that intervene in the Conscious Creation of our Reality, such as the soul pacts and the karmic vows . All covenants made with other souls serve the same purpose: Learn through experience ; So when we talk about karmic ties or pending karma, more than a debt between one and the other, it is a debt that one has towards the Self, since it only intends to ascend towards its Self Divine And with respect to the so-called `` karmic votes '', these are more than promises, agreements or contracts made in other lives, the effects of which last over time, because there are no plans on the soul limitations of time or space, what we usually call past lives, are actually simultaneous lives . Thus, vows such as Chastity, Obedience, Faithfulness, Poverty or Silence, which were at some other time pronounced and assumed by us because we feel the need to live those experiences, it is convenient to cancel them now in a t Explicit and explicit, so that the influences that they could still exert in our current earthly experience, disappear completely and we regain full Freedom .

I reproduce below a Decree of the Channeled Michelangelo also channeled and transcribed in the book Auto-Maestr a with Mahatma Kuthumi (available here free in pdf), which It serves precisely this purpose. I recommend repeating this Decree 7 times a day for 21 days in a row, always doing it with the highest degree of Conviction and Determination possible, so that its effect is as healing as possible., liberating and revitalizing possible.


I, being known as (say your full name) in this particular incarnation, hereby revoke and waive each and every one of the commitments of faithfulness, vows, agreements and association contracts that no longer they serve my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, periods of time and places. I now order all these entities to cease and leave my energy field now, forever and retroactively, bringing their artifacts, devices and energies sown. To ensure this, I now appeal to the Sacred Spirit Shekinah to witness the dissolution of all contracts, devices and energies sown that do not honor God. This includes all alliances and beings that do not honor God as Supreme. In addition, I ask that the Holy Spirit testify to this complete deliverance from everything that violates God's will. I declare this forward and retroactively. So be it. So is. It is done.

You can complete this Decree with the formulation of the Vibration in Christ, which is the highest frequency to which the human being can aspire during his earthly experience.


I now again guarantee my alliance with God through the dominion of Christ and dedicate my entire being, my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being to the vibration of Christ, from this moment forward and retroactively. Moreover, I dedicate my life, my work, everything I think, say and do and all the things in my environment that still serve me, to the vibration of Christ. In addition, I dedicate my being to my own mastery and the path of ascension, both the planet and mine. Having declared all this, I now authorize the Christ and my own Higher Self to make modifications in my life to accommodate this new dedication and ask the Holy Spirit to testify this as well and to be written in the Book of Life. So be it. So is. It is done.

Only when we get rid of old energetic charges and limiting mental devices, will we be able to exercise our Creator Power in a more effective way and with more immediate effects. I recommend, therefore, to recite first the Karmic Liberation and Vibration Decrees in Christ before beginning to Decree Abundance, because in this way we will place ourselves in a much higher, open and receptive vibrational environment, which will allow us to attract all our Life whatever we need to carry out our Purpose of Life and feel fully fulfilled.

AUTHOR: Ricard Barrufet Santolària, collaborator of the big family

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