Message from the Divine Mother: Take a time of retreat for your peace of mind

  • 2017

Great changes are taking place on earth, which every day are making more and more emphasis on what is the future of the human race . This is because more and more interaction spaces are created, where all people can share their life moments, thoughts and feelings . This allows love and the opening of the soul to expand more and more people, so that without realizing it, little by little we are all connecting .

That's right, love is always present in our world and you shouldn't forget it

Human beings are the true bearers of light and are known as the seeds of the stars . This is because we have made a spiritual journey through the universe to sow ourselves on earth and flourish to form the human race and to populate the planet . Of course, everyone has their spiritual destiny, but light and love will live in each one of us regardless of who we are.

We are all incarnate divine beings who are doing what we are really destined to accomplish on the planet . We are all loved by God and we are protected by Divinity . Therefore, it is important that we accept who we are, where we come from and that we have a destiny forged.

But how to know what we are destined for?

This seems quite complex, but there are ways to achieve it. At present, life is so noisy that the moments of silence are those that have totally gone to the background. In reality, silence and tranquility are two factors that will help you achieve your spiritual destiny and your true mission on earth, but today it seems impossible to achieve it.

However, if you really want to make your mind and body in sync with your soul, you must make a withdrawal . A retreat is a time or space that you dedicate solely to silence, meditation and to find balance and peace within. Therefore, it is extremely important that you take time and even several days in your retirement.

In the retreat there can be no elements that cause disturbance and interrupt your peace. For example, set aside technological devices, stressful responsibilities and problems. In this retreat, all you have to take with you is your mind, your body and your spirit . Enclose in a mental box everything that worries you, and all the things you think about daily and let your mind clear and be free for a day of all this.

Start breathing slowly and imagine how your mind begins to fill with light . Feel how all that light slowly travels through your body and how it begins to take over it. Feel very light, as if you were floating and relax all the muscles of your body. Once you have done this, let your body balance and let your soul be in total peace . It may seem difficult to get all the disturbances out of your mind, but if you really want to get it you must let go of everything.

It's like dropping a heavy load that you carry on your shoulders . Once you get it, and you have released this heavy burden, you will feel like you are finally free and the light of Divinity takes over your heart . Do not let this light darken or darken, since you will not be able to see the clarity of your destiny .

Remember that taking a retreat time is the perfect way to get your spiritual future .

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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