How to deal with anxiety: 4 steps to regain control

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Although anxiety is part of life, never let it control your movements. Paulo Coelho 2 1. Face negative thinking 3 2. Change those negative thoughts to positive 4 3. Self care 5 4. Avoid toxic people
Change what you can, accept the rest.

Anxiety is a normal reaction that all people have to events that require us more than we are used to. Many times we experience anxiety when we know that we must face a fact that takes us out of our comfort zone, such as a job interview, a presentation that requires us to speak in public, an exam, or a new responsibility that we have assumed. Anxiety is also present when we are waiting for the results of the interview or the exam, which is related to cultivating patience.

Even, they also generate anxiety in a way, the problems of the world, over which we have no control. Watching the news and repeating the misfortunes that occur is one of the most harmful and unproductive habits we can have. Try not to watch the news and instead listen to music or read a book, you will find that this type of anxiety will decrease considerably.

The anxiety we experience is, basically, fear of failure or criticism, what they will say or not be good enough at something.

I would like to make it clear that in this article we will not refer to anxiety disorders that are a psychological pathology and require treatment by a professional and that are feelings of anxiety that have no apparent cause, are irrational and are also very difficult to control for the person who suffers it. These are panic attacks, social phobia, among others. I would like to tell these people that they can get out of pain, of suffering, everything is in your mind, and only you can change it. Seek help and you will achieve the full life you deserve to live.

Although anxiety is part of life, never let it control your movements. Paulo Coelho

Studies show that 20% of people with anxiety problems do not have a plan to overcome it. For this reason, here are the 4 ways to deal with anxiety efficiently.

1. Face negative thinking

If we do not recognize that we are turning around an insane thought, we cannot deal with it. Be aware that your thinking is hurting you . Recognize it. It reaches the depths of its darkness and discomfort. Look straight ahead.

You can recognize this thought as:

a-Generalize in excess: not all situations are equal, or all people, however similar they may have. You know Because your previous boss was a bad person, it does not mean that in the interview you have tomorrow, the interviewer is the same as him. Most likely, it is not.

b-Self-criticism: you find all your defects and problems that can result in something going wrong. Why don't you focus on your virtues, instead? Think of all the good you are. Always be yourself. Don't betray yourself for looking good with someone else.

c-Extreme thoughts: You think everything is either white or black. Remember that the world is full of beautiful colors!

2. Change those negative thoughts to positive

Write down in a notebook all the terrible thoughts that appeared in the previous point. Make a list and next to each one, write the opposite thought, a positive thought and use it as an affirmation.

3. Self care

You must take care of yourself first in order to then take care of others. Get enough sleep, eat healthy, exercise in fun ways for you, do activities that give you pleasure, relax you, be a hobby, a sport, a hobby, share with people you love.

4. Avoid toxic people

Toxic people lower your energy and after being with them you feel miserable, depressed, more anxious or guilty. Stay away from them, don't try to change them. Put that energy in yourself, in being your best version, and then, you will see how new positive people come into your life.

We all go through moments of anxiety. If they get too long and start affecting your life, seek help. In the meantime change what you can change, accept the rest, and you will be on your way to finding peace.

Have you had moments of anxiety? How did you face them?

DRAFTING: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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