The Breathing of Unity, by Drunvalo Melquizedek

“Let your attention move to a place on Earth that you feel is the most beautiful place in the world. It can be any place - a mountain scene with trees, lakes and rivers, or an arid and sandy desert with very little life -, any place that you perceive as beautiful. See as many details as you can.

“For example, if the place you chose is a mountain scene, see the mountains and the white, bulky clouds. Go and feel the forest and the trees moving with the wind. See animals, deer, reindeer, little rabbits and squirrels. Look down the clear waters of the rivers. Start feeling love for this place and for all of nature. Continue to grow in this space of love with nature until your heart is beating with the warmth of your love.

“When you feel that the time is right, with your intention, send your love to the center of the Earth so that Mother Earth can directly feel the love you have for her. If you want, you can place your love in a small sphere that contains it and send it to the Mother. But it is your intention that is important. Then wait, like a child. Wait until Mother sends her love back to you and you can feel it. You are her son, and I know she loves you.

“When Mother's love enters your body, open it completely by letting this love move anywhere and throughout your body. Let it in all your cells. Let it move throughout your body of light. Let it move wherever you want to move. Feel this beautiful love with which your Mother has enveloped you and remains in this union with Mother Earth until you feel this experience complete ”.

Unite with the Divine Father

“When the time is right, which only you can know, without breaking the union of love with your Mother, turn your gaze to the Father, to the heavenly Father. Look at the rest of creation beyond Earth. Put your attention in a night sky. Watch the Milky Way move through the skies. Watch the planets and the Moon revolve around you and the Earth. Feel the Sun hidden behind the Earth. Notice the incredible depth of space.

“Feel the love you have for the Father, because the Divine Father is the spirit of all creation, except the Divine Mother. And when this love is so great that you can no longer contain it within yourself, with your intention let it go to heaven. Again you can send it in a small sphere if you want to. ”

Sri Yukteswar says to put your love in a small sphere and with your intention send it to the heavens. He says to send him to the unity consciousness network around the Earth. If you don't know what this network is, don't worry, just do what most of the world's natives do: send your love to the Sun. Just like the networks, the Sun is connected to all other suns or stars and finally all life everywhere. Some people, like the Hopi of the southwestern United States, send their love to the Great Central Sun, which is another concept that not everyone has but is equally valid. Choose one, no matter which one. The important thing is that your love reaches all life everywhere.

Sri Yukteswar continued: “Once your love has been sent to heaven to the Divine Father, wait again; Wait for the Father to send his love back to you. And of course it always does. You are his son forever, and the Divine Father will always, always love you. And as with the love of the Mother, when you feel the love of the Divine Father come into your being, let it move to any place you want. It is the love of your Father and it is pure. ”

The Holy Trinity is alive

“At this moment, something that rarely happens is manifested: the Holy Trinity is alive on Earth. The Divine Mother and the Divine Father are united with you in pure love and you, the Divine, complete this triangle. ”

Unity breathing is a prerequisite for entering the sacred space of the heart. However, there are still two main obstacles to really entering this sacred space.

First, for the Western consciousness the breathing of unity alone is not enough to find the place where the sacred space of the heart is. Why? Because your mind will always create an illusion to get away from the truth. Your mind always tells you: “Don't listen to your heart. Only I know the way. Follow me and my logic and everything will be perfect. My science is the only way to know the truth. ” Using the thinking process and logic, the mind will keep you inside your head. And as long as you remain inside your head, your skull, you will never find the sacred space of the heart. The mind has hidden the power of the heart for thousands and thousands of years.

Second, you need to know about the mobility of the spirit within the human body. Without this knowledge, all efforts to reach the sacred place of the heart will not produce results. One needs to discover that the spirit can move within the body and then literally leave its place inside the head and mind to enter a completely altered state of consciousness and intelligence that is within the heart.

From my own experience and from the experience of thousands of people, I have discovered that overcoming the human thought process is something easy to achieve once we are clear about what we should do. If you just sit down to listen or respond to your thoughts, you will remain stuck in the head and your thoughts will continue perpetually and stop you.

There are a few meditation systems that help to overcome the mind or turn it around, such as Vipassana meditation, where one sits in meditation for many hours until a point of stillness is acquired. But there is a simpler method, and this is that the spirit simply leaves the head and mind at the same time. To enter the sacred space of the heart this is the only way I know.

I have almost never found people who know that the human spirit can move within the human body. Most people look at me like I'm crazy when I talk perfectly about this. Most indigenous people, however, understand it perfectly; in their spiritual process they experience exactly that.

The human spirit is separated from the body. When we die, we (our spirit) leave the body and return to a world that seems separated from it. The human body is like a coat, we put it on to be human and we take it off to be something else. In my studies I have found that at this moment in history the human spirit is commonly focused on the pineal gland, in the center of the head. If the spirit is located in the pineal gland it means experiencing the human body from the point of view of looking at the world through the eyes and feeling as if the outside world were separated from us. .

It seems that we are directly behind the eyes, although we can experience other parts of our bodies. Most of us have had the experience of putting our attention on other parts of the body - a hand or a foot for example - but we still do it with the spirit located in the gl Pineal pendulum.

There are other ways to experience the human body, and it is one of these other ways that I want to teach you now. You must understand and experience this part before you can continue to find the sacred space of the heart.

First exercise: moving around the body

It is easier to do this exercise if you think of it as a game, and even easier if you look at yourself as if you were a child. Do not take this seriously; the seriousness, which comes from the mind, will only interfere with the result of the exercise. Just have fun! It is your childish nature that will allow you to easily enter the heart, not the adult calculating thought processes in your mind.

Bring your attention to your right hand. Feel all the contours inside your hand and remain as well as you can. Is your spirit still inside your head, feeling your hand? That would be normal. (I'm making you do this because it's not what I'm talking about; focusing on your hand is staying in your head.)

• Think of your spirit, you, as something separate from your body. See your spirit perhaps as a small sphere of light, the size of a marble.

In the next step we will move out of our head, in the form of a small sphere of light, into the throat chakra. Let us first have an intellectual discussion to prepare the mind.

Think of a tall building with an elevator placed outside. The elevator is made entirely of glass, so you can see out while you are in it; You can see the entire building while traveling from the highest to the lowest, to the lowest floor. On your way down you can see that the top of the building seems to be moving away from you. Your relative position changes and you really see the building from another perspective, isn't it?

• Now close your eyes (this is important) and use only your imagination to see. "Look at yourself" as a small sphere of light moving out of the pineal gland or head area and lowering just like the elevator towards the throat chakra.

While you get out of your head, you will see, in your imagination, your physical head moving away from you just like the highest part of the building. Do not think about this process, this will definitely interfere with what you are doing. Just play the game.

• Once you reach the throat chakra, you will see or feel in your inner vision your head high above you, and it will appear that you are looking through your throat. Be aware of the softness of your throat around you. It will seem that you are at the same level as your shoulders. You can do it!

• If you cannot do it at the beginning, then stop, relax and remember to perform this exercise as a game. Keep doing it until with your inner vision you can see or feel yourself, your spirit moving out of your head and reaching your throat.

• Return to your head. With your inner vision, you will see or feel your body moving downward as your spirit approaches the inside of your head or skull. Once you enter your head again, make sure you're looking in the right direction, towards your eyes. (You may think that this sounds funny or taken for granted, but some people returned to their heads looking in the wrong direction, and that disoriented them. It probably won't happen to you, but it does happen, just turn towards your eyes and everything will be fixed by itself quickly).

• Now leave your head and move down to your throat again. Once you get there, be aware of the soft tissue around your throat.

• Go back to your head, seeing the change in your inner vision.

• When you are back in your head, be aware of the hard and solid skull bone surrounding you. Feel the difference.

• This time we will go further. Move from your throat to your right shoulder. In your inner vision, assuming you are still facing the front of your body, notice how the head is shifted to the left. Feel the bones of your shoulder.

• Now continue along the arm to the right hand and enter the palm area of ​​your hand. See the fingers around you. They often seem to be very large, since at this moment you are very small. Feel the fingers around you.

• Return to your shoulder, - then to your throat. Always stop a little in your throat as a reference point before entering your head again. Now go back inside your head, making sure you're looking straight ahead, in the direction of your eyes. Feel the hardness of the skull around you.

Second exercise: entering the heart

At this point we are ready to enter the heart, but we will not move into the sacred space of the heart for now. First you need to feel the difference between the head and the heart.

Start, as you just learned, closing your eyes and moving out of your head and down to your throat.

Wait until you feel well, and then move towards your physical heart, not the heart chakra. Feel or see your heart in your inner vision and feel yourself moving towards it. When you reach the heart, continue and move through the outer membrane and into the heart itself.

Listen and feel the heartbeat. Feel the softness of the tissue around you. Feel how different it is from the hardness of the skull that surrounds your head. The heart is feminine and the head is masculine. It is so obvious.

Although you can stay here as long as you want, it is probably best not to be more than five minutes. Do not worry about sacred space at this point. Just feel what it feels like to be in the heart.

When the weather seems right, you leave the heart, through the membrane and continue upwards, towards the throat. Stop for a moment to feel your throat and continue back to the head. Make sure your eyes are aligned correctly. Feel what it is like to be back in your head and compare it to what it feels like to be in your heart. Feel the hardness of the skull and compare it with the softness of the heart tissue. You have finished the second exercise.

Third exercise: the head "Otn" and the heart "Aah"

Now we are going to do the last exercise three times from the beginning. When you are in your head sing the sound "Om", and when you are in your heart, sing the sound 'Aah'. To be clear, I am asking you to use your voice to make this sound in the right place. This exercise is very subtle, but it really helps to understand, in your cells, everything you have done up to this point. You have completed the third exercise.

Two ways to enter the sacred space of the heart

When the kogi of South America taught me, they indicated that the best way to enter the sacred space of the heart was to stand in a completely dark space or room, with my eyes closed, without eating anything, without drinking water and without sleeping, for nine Days and nine nights. They said that by doing this Mother Earth would come and the way would be shown.

Their way of life allows them to do that kind of meditation, but for us it would be a huge chasm to cross. The Kogi, who understand very little about the technological society, asked me to teach the sacred space of the heart in this way, but I realized that it presented a real problem. I told them that this nine-day meditation class would be impossible for almost everyone in the modern world. Maybe a few could do it, but if we wanted this to reach the world we would have to find another way.

That's why I asked my inner guide, and little by little two other ways were discovered. I am sure there are more ways to enter the sacred space of the heart, but these two ways work. It doesn't really matter how you find your way in, and as long as your heart remains pure, you can stay there.

Entering the sacred space of the heart does not imply learning a process; rather, it is a process of remembering, because we have always been in this space, from the beginning. We have chosen to divert our attention to this way of polarity awareness, but once we learn the lesson, I am sure that we will return to the primary state of unity.

The first path I tried was based on the discovery made by the Heart Mathematics Institute of the toroidal field around the heart; in particular, the discovery of the little bull inside the big bull. The premise was that the real source of this huge electromagnetic field was within the sacred space of the heart. Therefore, if we followed the track backwards through the geometric lines of energy of this field, it would lead us directly into this sacred space. And what I found was that it's true: they do.

The first method is masculine by nature; That means that it can be communicated to someone else, and if that person does exactly what is transmitted to him, the result will always be the same.

Unfortunately male methods do not work for women very well. The second method, feminine by nature, is so simple that it took me quite a while to see it.

In the next chapter we will put all the instructions together in a complete method to reach the sacred space of the heart. For now they just need to mentally understand what they are asked for. The real experience will come soon: we will go to the place where the physical heart will be in front of us, and at that time we will see or feel the toroidal field with our inner vision that is around the heart, and we will focus on the little inner bull.

The masculine way of entering the heart

This is the masculine way to enter: when you are moving towards the heart and see the smaller toroidal field, get on top of that field until you see the bull from above. This energy field is a vortex, as I explained earlier, spinning and spinning like water going down the pipe. It moves slowly in its outer part and faster and faster towards the center, and then falls through the center (again just like water that goes down the pipe). For some people the vortex moves clockwise and for others counterclockwise. The direction in which you are turning may be related to sexual preference and it seems to be unimportant.

For this meditation, when you see the upper part of the toroidal field, see or feel in which direction it moves. Then, like a leaf floating in a river, let your spirit rest in this spiral of energy.

Start by feeling yourself spinning and spinning, slowly at first, but when you approach the center you start moving more quickly until you finally enter the center and start to fall. There is nothing to fear. Just let yourself go and fall. In a moment you will realize that everything is very, very still.

As if you were in the eye of the hurricane, you are now inside the sacred space of the heart. You really are there.

It is time now to get to the point, to finally have the experience of your sacred space in the heart. If you decide so, the words written in this chapter will guide you into what thousands of people have experienced, the most sacred of the sacred, your own heart, the source of creation. (The following words are included in the CD that is included in the book so you don't have to read it while doing the meditation).

Do not have any expectations. Only one child and play with the possibilities. If your experience is real, you'll soon know. Remember what Jesus said: `` Unless you are like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. '' The feminine way of entering the heart

This is the feminine way of entering.- as I mentioned, this way is so simple that I could not see it at first. The instructions are easy, and the experience can be different for each one when using this method. It doesn't matter if your body is masculine or feminine, but if following your heart is your way, then this is the way to enter for you.

For the feminine way of entering, all you have to do is see, feel or perceive that you are approaching the heart and then allow yourself to cross its membrane, as you did before. Except now let your feminine psychic nature be the guide and let your intuition take you to the sacred space of your heart. Let yourself go and move, knowing that you are really moving into the sacred space of your heart.

Try one of the two ways, and if it doesn't work, try the other. Remember that you are a child of God. You know this place, because God and you have always been one in this place. Always.

Preparing for meditation

Find a place that is perfect for you to meditate on. Put a simple altar with a candle and fresh flowers. Choose a place where nobody disturbs you; If you do so, not only will it be easier for you to meditate, but you will ensure your successful return.

Use a cushion if you sit on the floor, so that the base of your spine rests on it. If you are in a chair, rest your feet on the floor and keep your back straight. If you remain standing, find your center of gravity and swing slightly or move, as your body desires.

For this meditation the best is a very dark place, the darker the better. In fact, initially even the candle can interfere with this meditation. Once you have done it several times, it is no longer so important that it is completely dark, since you can enter this place just by closing your eyes. But at first it is better to be in the dark. And it is even better to cover your eyes with a pair of eye covers (mindfold or blindfold) [see a reference to these "eye coverings" that completely block the light; So it doesn't matter if the room is in complete darkness or not.

Close your eyes and start breathing rhythmically, until the time to inhale and exhale is the same.

Breathe softly and comfortably. Follow your breathing pattern and let all the thoughts of your world go; Forget worries for a while. Follow your breathing for a few minutes until you are relaxed and comfortable. There is no hurry. Where you are about to go, there is no time.

When you feel that all is well, change your attention from your breath to your inner vision and begin the meditation of the unity breath, the starting point for all sacred ceremonies.

Unit breathing

For a more extensive description of the unit's breathing, go back to chapter five.

• Visualize a place in nature that seems very beautiful and visualize that place with all the details you can. If you are one of the people who do not see but feel in other ways, use these other ways to see; We all have our own way. Feel the love you have for nature and Mother Earth. Let this love grow in your heart until you feel it in your whole body.

• When you feel that the time is right, take that love and put it in a small round sphere, and with your intention send it down deeply to the center of the Earth. Let your Divine Mother know how much you love her. Let her feel your love. And wait for Mother Earth to send her love back to you.

• When you feel that Mother's love enters your body of energy just let it move everywhere and anywhere. Just let it be. Feel the flow of love between Mother Earth and you. You can stay here as long as you want.

• When you feel that the time is right, without breaking the flow of love between you and the Divine Mother, change your attention to the Divine Father. In your inner vision, see or feel a night sky, the stars, the Milky Way, the depth of space. See the planets and the Moon shining in the night sky and feel the presence of the Sun hidden behind the Earth.

_ Allow yourself to feel the love you have for the rest of creation and your Divine Father. When the time seems right to you, deposit that love in another little sphere and send it to the heavens with the intention of reaching your Divine Father directly. Send it to the networks that surround the earth, the Sun or the Great Central Sun. Let your Father know how much you love him ... and wait.

_ Wait for the Father's love to come to Earth and enter your body. When you do, let it move in any way and anywhere. Don't try to control this love, just feel it.

• At this time, the Holy Trinity is alive on Earth. The Divine Mother, the Divine Father and you, the Divine Son or Daughter, are united in pure love. This is a sacred moment by itself, so just stay with your Divine Fathers and feel the love.

_ From this place of pure love, open yourself to being aware of the presence of God, who is around you and lives within you. Just be aware and feel this union of cosmic forces and feel the breath of life.

Choose your way to the heart

Choose how you want to enter the sacred space of the heart: using the male vortex of the toroidal field or the female path of your intuition only. It doesn't matter which method you choose; It's your decision.

With your intention and the power of your will, leave the mind and move down to the throat. Feel it around you and then continue towards your physical heart.

If you choose the male toroidal path, place yourself above the heart, until in your inner vision you can see or feel the internal toroidal field, the vortex. Then, like a leaf floating in a river, let your spirit spin in the vortex movement, in whatever direction it is turning. Feel how you spin again and again until you fall in the center of the vortex. Keep falling until you feel the stillness. Now you are in the sacred space of the heart.

Returning to the sacred space of the heart

When you enter the sacred space of the heart for the second time, it is when you will enter the space within the space, what the Upanishad calls "the tiny space within the heart." At the beginning of the book I said that there is a small space within the sacred space of the heart that is extremely important. I ask you to find this place using your intuition when you enter the heart a second time. This place will change everything.

Entering the sacred space of the heart for the second time is much easier and faster.

Eventually, with practice, you will realize that you will be able to enter your sacred space in a few seconds.

· Simply close your eyes and verify or ratify your love for Mother Earth and Father Heaven feeling the emotion of love that connects you with them.

· Feel your being leave the head and move towards the throat. From there move to the heart and begin to hum the sound that you know is within the sacred space of your heart. The vibration of your sound will take you very quickly to your sacred space. And you are already there. It is very easy when you know the way.

· With your intention, allow yourself to be guided into the small space within the sacred space of the heart. This space is different for each person, but for everyone it has similar qualities.

· When you know that you have found this place of creation, enter and familiarize yourself with the place and what it feels like to be there. Notice that the vibration goes up one degree; Note that this little space feels completely different from any other place in the heart. This is where creation begins. It may take a while or you can immediately realize where you are: the Creator of all life resides within this space; Within this space all things are possible.

The students have shown me that one of the easiest ways to see God is to ask the person you love most to come to be with you in this inner place. If you have more than one loved one, choose one. Have you seen the movie Contact! The advanced race introduces itself to the earthling, who was exploring higher consciences, like her father, whom she loved more than anyone. This made it easier for her to accept what was happening.

That is why he invites the most beloved person, no matter if he is still alive or has passed to the other worlds, because in this place all hearts are intimately connected. When this person appears in your inner space with you, there are no more guides to follow. Just let what has to happen happen, because God will know exactly what to do.

Each day return to your sacred space of the heart and continue exploring. It is your birthright to remember who you really are and why you are here on Earth. You are an incredible son / daughter of God having a dream that you are a human being on a tiny planet in the middle of nowhere. What will happen when you remember who you really are? That is something only you can know.

Now you know the way home. Within the sacred space of the heart, all worlds, dimensions, universes, all creation finds its birth. Interconnecting through your heart are all the hearts of all life everywhere!

Drunvalo Melquizedek

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