The kybalión PDF Download and Know

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 Hermeticism: starting point of the kybalion 2 A philosophical Curiosity of the kybali n PDF 3 Structure of the kybali n PDF: 4 Download the Kybali n PDF

The kybali n pdf is a writing that gathers all the axioms and principles of hermeticism, which have been considered as the secretos of the internal and external nature. Being therefore, an attractive construct of wisdom of all esoteric literature. However , what is hermeticism?

Hermeticism: starting point of the kybalion

The term hermeticism, comes from "Hermes the great" which means "mediator or interpreter" in this sense has the same function of the god Mercury, and mediating thinking between the degrees of δόξα (doxa) and ἐπιστήμη (episteme). Therefore, it is the messenger that initiates us in the divine commerce of superior knowledge and in this to learned ignorance .

It is said that the teachings of Hermes trismegisto were not taught publicly, but to disciples initiated in the mystery schools. This for fear that the sciences and the profane arts; they will vulgarize their teachings and the intimate sense of their doctrine will be lost. In this way, the doctrine was transmitted from lip to ear from generation to generation to the fittest disciples.

It is said that the teachings of hermeticism are ancient, some say that it comes from the ancient Egyptian civilization and for syncretism Hermes the Great is associated with the god Tot (and in parallel with the god Mercury-Hermes in the Greco-Latin world).

His teachings circled in the understanding of the cosmos, were both theoretical and practical. It consisted of a Philosophy, whose sublime principles so that they made some sense; they should get in the experience, well the same kybalion pdf points out the first axiom of chapter XV :

The possession of knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and an expression in action, is like the accumulation of precious metals: a vain and silly thing. Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for use. The law of use is universal, and the one who violates it suffers because of its conflict with natural forces. (p. 106)

As we see, this axiom invites the practice of virtues by virtue of acquired knowledge, and like the other aphorism, principles and axioms, they are clear and concise and each one illustrates a teaching apprehended for the “ears ” capable of understanding, Chapter I of the kybalion reads well: « The lips of wisdom are closed, except for the ears of understanding. »(P. 9)

A philosophical curiosity of the kybalion PDF

The wisdom of the kybalion is limited to metaphysics, and synthesizes the classic positions of realism and idealism . For example, the 3rd principle of chapter II of the kybalion in pdf is that of vibration: «Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. ” (p. 16). It reminds me of the following old philosophy question: If a tree falls in the middle of the forest and nobody listens to it, does it make noise?

A realist would say, of course! There is no doubt about it, because reality is ontologically independent of the cognitive subject. On the other hand, an idealist would say: No, it does not sound because there is no one there to listen to the sound, because "To be (to exist) is to be perceived" " esse est percipi".

Now, a hermeticist (and even a current scientist would say): Neither one nor the other, there would only be vibration in the middle of the forest. (Interestingly, it has been shown that noise is only the "noise" representation by the perception of a cognitive subject, but in itself, it would be vibration).

Structure of the PDF kybalion:

The book kybalión pdf, is written in a laconic way, consists of XV sections or chapters, where the philosophy and the 7 hermetic principles that govern the natural, divine and deep law of the soul are explained, by virtue of sentences or aphorisms. In addition, it also has 7 axioms. Kybalion is about cosmology, alchemy and transcendental or ancient psychology, knowledge that has influenced many esoteric doctrines syncretists and religions.

Download the Kybali n PDF

Now, who wrote the pdf kybali n? This short, but great book; It was written anonymously, as told in 1908, by three adepts and profound esotericists, known as the three initiated, who did not reveal their names. Download it below:

Author: Kevin Samir Parra Rueda, editor in the great family of

Source to download:

  • The three initiated. The Kybalion pdf . [Online Document] Available for download: [Accessed and uploaded: May 19, 2019]

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