The Meaning of Dreaming with Garlics

  • 2015

Dreaming of garlic through time has acquired different interpretations, always depending on how the dream of garlic is presented . Since ancient times dreams have been considered a prophetic or premonitory signal . It is a message given in keys from another astral plane. The interpretation of dreams is documented even in the Bible, where the oldest books of the Abrahamic religions are found. Several episodes about dreams are narrated, which meant important warnings and warning about episodes that would later occur.

The magical importance of garlic

Since ancient times Garlic was attributed healing powers and sorcerers, they were used as amulets to protect the soul. In ancient times people built necklaces of garlic, they only hung it on the neck to be healed and protected from disease. Garlics are present in all civilizations , and their esoteric use It is different in each of them. In ancient Greece for example, women chewed garlic to protect their chastity.

Many civilizations use garlic to perform rites inside the witchcraft, using garlic inside their pennies to perform spells. They are considered s as a talisman , by Italian sailors who venture into the sea for long periods of time. Roman soldiers took him with them to protect them from death in battles. They are currently hung on the doors of the doors of the houses, since they are considered to drive away the bad spirits from the houses.

Nowadays, dreaming with garlic has different meanings, acquiring several interpretations. Everything will depend on how garlic is presented in your dreams, therefore dreaming with garlic has different interpretations.

The meaning of Dreaming with A jos.

If you see garlic eating: If in your dream you see someone eating garlic, it will indicate that you should pay attention to your sentimental life, you should review the problems that originate from the heart, therefore take care more of your partner . Dreaming of garlic when they are eaten in the dream is related to the love of a couple.

If you find yourself eating garlic in the dream : that will indicate a good omen in your finances, tea will let you know in a premonitory way that days of wealth and abundance are approaching, you will have very good luck in the businesses that you are undertaking. Dreaming of garlic eaten by you is positive for your finances.

Dreaming with garlic in the hands: the hands are the part of our body that we use to express our love and are related to the way we have to make our feelings feel, through caresses we communicate with others. Dreaming with garlic in our hands means that we must express our love more strongly to our loved ones.

Walking between garlic: if you are in the dream walking between garlic, it alerts you that the marriage you are going to do is not for love but for interest that what you plan to do in your life is not good for you.

Smell of garlic: yes when dreaming of garlic in the dream you perceive its smell, it means that secret that you keep well kept and hidden. It will be published soon, ceasing to be secret . Another interpretation that can be, is that you will know that couple that you have been waiting for so much.

Many people have written books related to dreams, and in them you will find many interpretations related to dreaming of garlic .

You will be able to realize that in those books they assure you that dreams come true , it is a way that astral beings have to warn you about situations that will be presented to you in your earthly life, being able to avoid them by having knowledge of it.

Author: Antonio, editor of the big family

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