I'm just a citizen: Daniel Blake

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 between processes and corporate policies .. 2 human beings in need . 3 misery and unemployment . 4 a kind gesture .

It is interesting to note how the world evolves without stopping, moment by moment, which is always an opportunity for growth, to resume the course and the most beautiful thing that is "to live".

However, it seems that not everyone notices that window of possibilities that daily opens around us, we navigate in difficulties, distractions and the daily happen ... without awareness and without attention.

between corporate processes and policies ...

In the movie "I, Daniel Blake", we can see how fully adapted to technology we have forgotten what we are, human beings with infinite potentials of being more than we usually propose, not only to remain subject to processes and policies that protect us from error but that make us inefficient, selfish and empathetic.

In this film more than one person in the cinema cried, what is unfortunate is that there are a lot of Daniel Blakes in our, town, country and in our world.

How many times have we ignored a known or close being who has no job ?, who can not pay their expenses even the least that is eating. If we add to that that in the lack of food, diseases arise that complicate the situation and somehow in the extreme make it impossible to solve .

human beings in need…

In a mountain of requirements, procedures, offices, attention lines and steps to obtain a benefit we forget that we are treating and attending to human beings, that if they did not want to solve the situation, they would not be holding everything we have invented to pay attention to them.

Normally we give the service angry, frustrated, dissatisfied and turn our feelings on everyone who approaches us, making them responsible for our inability to resolve our life and direction.

If that happens, the selfishness that we have chosen as the banner of our time hides in the background our need to be happy traveling the wrong way, they already say it in the East ... poor human beings seeking happiness and running in the opposite direction .

misery and unemployment ……….

In the path of misery and unemployment, the elderly remain, people with disabilities, street children and we pretend that everything is fine because we do not see or pretend not to see beyond ourselves.

It is important to remember that being accomplices of abuse also generates negative karma, which is how many say, well, I did not do anything wrong is what my job requires me. We must always ask ourselves: How laudable is what we are doing? If we are harming others because they ask us, it is important to be careful.

This is how we see recruitment companies and social services offices that hide in procedures and lists of activities that indicate that they have done their work, however, if it has not had a positive impact on the environment and generates more than frustration or tragedies Around is something worth questioning and correcting.

a kind gesture…

Each country has its own social problems, however remember that humanity, generosity and empathy are universal, they have no gender, age, color ... there is no pretext not to be considered with the other, we can not always help absolutely but if We give a smile, share our experience or encourage someone that already counts. We never know when a kind gesture may be changing the difficult course of another life.

Let's get ready to see beyond ourselves, to make use of technology to serve people with feelings and concerns, to make a more human world is now the most significant of the tasks, remember that pretending that there are no people with problems is not but another thing to be immersed more in our selfishness than in the love of others. So is.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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