Breaking in love for Jeff Foster

  • 2015

Nothing can go wrong in your life when you allow your life to break into a thousand pieces, when you allow it to burn and melt and turn and twist in the present, when you stay close to yourself in times of shock and confusion.

Nothing goes wrong. We only receive lessons, that's all. Lessons, seen as lessons or not, invitations, accepted or not. And called to humility.

And disappointments, dreams destroyed in a heartbeat. But nothing goes wrong. You feel pain, that's all . Pain, disappointment, frustration, shock, anger, despair, even anger. Powerful energies arise throughout your body. But nothing goes wrong. You get slapped in the face, sudden losses, unexpected news . You are not prepared, protected, or conscious, perhaps, but nothing goes wrong when you embrace yourself like that.

You feel what you have to feel, you experience what you have to experience on your trip. The mind tells you that what happened never had to happen, that something in the universe is inherently failing, that you have failed in some way, that others are to blame for your lack of peace. And yet, nothing goes wrong, and the mind even has permission to turn its stories of the past and future, of good and evil, of guilt and revenge, and you just decide whether or not to take that path. .

This year, you could finally put aside the dualistic, alienating and violent language that qualifies the right and wrong, good and evil, sacred and profane, positive and negative, and enter into communion with life under its own terms?

You live in the present, in this moment. This is your home. You know that your home is beyond the dualistic division, the fragmented reality of good and evil that could never offer you a true home. You know that this moment is to be welcomed, honored, even loved. You are willing to let go of all your dreams of how podr a or should be this moment, and validate what It is. You are rooted in the Yes. It is your starting point. Your source.

Life cannot go wrong, because life is all there is, and even the appearance of the err neo is part of a much larger story, so far unwritten, deployed Going beyond our direct control.

Yes, everything is an invitation to be present. An invitation to be (be) here. To love with more depth, to release with a better disposition. To appreciate what you have, not to focus on what you have lost. To feel the beauty in each breath, in each moment of contact with a friend, in each experience of joy or sadness, in each difficult moment that leads you to a much deeper healing.

All this is yours. And it is a song. And some notes may not please you. But a song can never go wrong. It can only move in unexpected ways, teach you amazing things, lead you to a kind of reflection and forgiveness that you never imagined, and it can also invoke your willingness to open your heart when everyone around you is closing his.

Allow yourself to break into a thousand pieces and you can never get damaged. Accept that you are not being able to accept - that is the portal.

By: Jeff Foster


Breaking in love for Jeff Foster

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