Reflections: The Voice of God

  • 2019

The voice of God is never wrong and it is the voice we should hear when we have doubts about which decision to make when we have different options to choose from. I think that the most momentous decision in our lives is which path to take back to our origin, back to our God. In that sense, while it is true that a recommendation is to let ourselves be guided by spiritual teachers who already know the ways back home, I think that each of us came to this world on their own path and the same should happen to return by he. So I believe that teachers can help us decide which path to take and accompany us on our journey, but the final decision in this regard is ours, because it is a very personal choice.

In my opinion, teachers, gurus or spiritual leaders of different religions or beliefs can show us the ways they know to return to our Deity and give us recommendations on what we should do about what we might find on those paths, based on what they already know, which will surely have similarities with what we will find in our journey, but no path is the same, because every time we make a decision, however insignificant it may seem, we are taking a new course that will bring us closer or it will take us away from our objective and the good or the bad of each decision depends on how much it brings us closer or away from the objective of returning to our God.

I have always thought that life is the opportunity, the path that God has given us to meet again with him and the decisions we make in it are the doors that we open or stop opening to achieve it. Therefore, every time we make a decision we must ask ourselves: what does God expect us to do in this situation? What decision do you expect us to make? If we manage to get the answers to those questions, surely the decision we will make will be the right one. Although some consider that there are no right or wrong decisions, that there are only decisions and that the right or wrong are labels that we place depending on whether the results we get when making them are what we expect.

In many cases it is not easy to get those answers, especially if there are no doubts in the process of looking for them. Sometimes we come into conflict between what we want and what we should do. In those cases our consciousness simultaneously hears two voices, one that comes from our mind, from our rational side, that tells us what we should do and another that comes from our heart, from our emotional side, that tells us what we would like to do. . This conflict is difficult to face, because whatever decision we make to please one of those voices, one of them will always be victorious and the other defeated and the taste of defeat is never pleasant.

Other times we feel so confused and obfuscated about which alternative to take that we don't even hear the voices of our mind or heart, we end up blocked, waiting for God to make the decision for us, which is fine for those whose faith gives them the conviction that it doesn't matter what decision they make or their results, because it will always be a decision and results endorsed by God. But for those who believe in free will and who prefer to make use of that divine vein, making their own decisions is the best alternative, even if they have to resolve the conflict between the voices of their mind and their heart.

In order to resolve this conflict, they generally recommend that if we want to be happy, we pay attention to the voice of the heart and if we want to be responsible we do so in the voice of the mind. The truth is, if we do what we want but feel that we should not do it, we will feel guilty. If, on the contrary, we do what we should, but not wanting to do so, we will feel frustrated . So the only way to avoid guilt or frustration in these cases is to be congruent between what we want and what we should do. But situations don't always lend themselves easily to it.

So, how do we achieve that congruence? Precisely in those difficult circumstances, when we are confused about which decision to make, it is when our conscience must make its best effort to “turn off” both voices and when it succeeds it will hear a single voice, a voice totally different from the ones we've been listening to. You will hear the voice that is never wrong, you will hear the voice of God . Prayer and meditation are the ways I know to put out those conflicting voices. That is why I recommend that when we are confused about which path to take, pray or meditate and that will help us get out of the confusion and make a better decision.

Finally, I consider it important to point out that not only is the voice of God always available to guide us on our way back to him, so are his ears when We need someone to listen to us and not only in making difficult decisions, but also when we need guidance or comfort in times of affliction. It is also important to know that the voice of God can reach us through many ways, through the words of the character of a program or a movie that we are seeing at the moment that our mind He is thinking about the help we need or through a stranger who sits next to us to talk on the bus or a friend who is calling us at that time by phone. Even if we pay attention, we can hear it in the murmur of the breeze as it passes through the trees, or the waves of the sea breaking at the beach, even in the faint sound of our heartbeat. With all his power, God's resources to communicate with us are endless.


Author: Juan José Sequera. Author of the Hermandad Blanca family

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