Message from Mary: This is the essence by which you are here right now and

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 I offer you my children, a much more intense and urgent invitation for you to meet yourself 2 All this is happening right now, open your eyes, dear children 3 Open your eyes so you can see the truth of the world where he lives 4 I Mary, I love and bless you all my beloved children

Greetings dear children, thank you for coming, the Queen of Heaven and Earth speaks to you, I Mary . I have come today without announcing myself previously, with the purpose that while I find myself talking to you, while you listen to my words, a theophany will occur in all of your hearts.

To begin, I would like to go again to any place on Earth where those theophanies are found after living in different intensities, which we have put in their way during this moment of revelation . A large part of you, my beloved children, wherever you are, have succeeded exactly through these Theophanyas, discovering reality from the perspective of a witness or observer and that our purpose is that none of you get caught in the middle of the illusion, to which they have become accustomed to inhabiting this world.

I offer you my children, a much more intense and urgent invitation for you to meet yourselves

Similarly, just as it is possible to appreciate it from any part of human society, a great revelation for you is underway . Since this is not only manifested in the lights, but also in the points of view although in a slightly more discreet way, but undoubtedly, it is an invitation that I make from my heart, to change position soon, to may they be closer to the truth and much closer to their hearts.

This is where you have the opportunity to become simple and simple beings just like a child, in this way, if you have not already done so, you will be called to join eternity, no matter what the destiny is. Your physical body or this world awaits you.

Although today and on the face of the earth, each of the writings of the prophets have already come true in the eyes of their ancestors and their own, the truth is that today there is a much more intense and urgent invitation so that you meet yourselves, through which you can recognize yourself by leaving aside appearances and will understand the whole story and each of the functions that you still have the possibility to perform in this world, to accept the words of my Son: " My kingdom is not of this world ", " They are in this world, but they are not really of this world " and once they know and understand that love that has no conditions or restrictions, they can rest their heart.

All this is happening right now, open your eyes, dear children

Today I invite you to know and control your heart, in order to see and find the truth ; which is quite simple and does not require any external element, nor do they need knowledge, they should only agree to tell YES to the truth, that truth that could be revealed through s of this world, but that are recorded in each of you.

That truth is the essence by which you are here right now, in this world. And in spite of not being of this world, you fully and totally embody the truth of your eternity, from which all content and energy comes, but you must be aware that this essence ends when you support and They agree with the suffering, illusions and attachments that subdue and blind the beings in their world . But by leaving all this behind, you can find your kingdom, in which there is no stain, nor any inconvenience, in the Kingdom that awaits those of you who manage to open their hearts and see the truth, everything is completely perfect and you will have the opportunity to live in a much more spontaneous and light way.

Do not forget that true love is something spontaneous, so that in order to know it you must be carried away by spontaneity and be yourself. Do not get carried away by appearances and excuses, since they do not give you any knowledge to guide you on the right path, instead, you have to bare your hearts and so you can access the power that They offer you the truth and love. Everything else and I am talking about exactly everything else there may be in this world, it is totally superfluous and can even be an impediment for them to find the truth.

Joy, happiness, peace, all of this will become part of your day, from the moment you release the vain things of this world and accept the truth, but not for any possible scenario that arises in this world or in some vision of the future, but because in reality it is what your heart and soul desires . You are the witnesses and the best proof of this, since the truth is what you are and what is in each one of you, so your purpose is to bear witness to it. Everything else is transient and will disappear from both your consciences and your visions, in addition to your senses, while the Truth will remain eternally.

Open your eyes so you can see the truth of the world where you live

But you know my dear children, who have the freedom to love . They should know that they still retain their free will, that they are still within the world of duality, since this whole process and this path to revelation are an essential part to fully achieve their freedom. At the end of the road you will all find what you really are and will be free to live all that you must live, anywhere and in any way.

In that sense, a promise was made, even before my arrival; a year ago, Archangel Anael gave them a number of chronological elements that would be carried out during this period, however, that chronology he gave them does not follow exactly the chronological order in which it was given.

You are aware that you still have to prove yourself, that you have left behind resistance and fear, you have to stop fighting the truth and open your hearts so that everything flows and originates spontaneously and naturally more easily. By doing this, right now that July is beginning, you will allow the entire Intergalactic Confederation of Free Worlds to align with you in order to witness and celebrate your rebirth in truth.

I Mary, I love and bless you all my beloved children

Follow the light, it is quite simple, do not resist because without it nothing flows, without light there is no joy . But do not take my words as if you were talking about concepts, understand them as things that you must prove for yourself through your conscience and experience, through your own life, since the moment you say “ Yes ” to the light every One of the illusions and appearances will fall, the light will direct their lives .

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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