Assuming responsibility for the future of the Earth - Commander Ashtar channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2016

Allow peace in your heart and soul to develop, igniting a space of pure truth within your Being. I am Commander Ashtar; I supervise the members of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters, known as the Space-transported Ascended Masters, because to serve, they travel in a spaceship through the Creator's Universe. I am the Commander of the spaceship and supervisor of the work of the Ascended Masters dedicated to this service. Our mission is to be in tune with the Divine inspiration and guidance of the Creator, so that we can understand where the most enormous changes and transformations of Ascension are occurring in the Creator's Universe, which is required to support the evolution of the Creator; and the way we can serve. We are present in all the important transformations in which a Being, a community, a country, or even a civilization, is going to a greater incorporation of Light. We help in every moment by sending our energy, anchoring the appropriate Light Codes that the Creator gives us ; and healing any stress or tension that may arise due to waking up. We also have the purpose of traveling through the Creator Universe to deliver wisdom, information and Sacred truth to anyone who comes to our consciousness guided by the Creator. We are a healing team, a team to awaken the truth of the Creator; and a team that helps the delivery of sacred knowledge. The light tools we have in our spacecraft are immensely powerful ; however, they can only be used to support the evolution of Love. Some of the information we have concerns the Light Technology of the future of the Earth and of the internal planes.

If you want to understand the future Light Technology of your World, during your meditation you can ask to visit us in the Space Ship of the Galactic Federation; We will help you to have access to the Light Technology, giving you information on how it can be recreated on Earth, as well as helping your protection if you want to introduce the Light Technology into the earthly reality. We will not tolerate those who want to misuse the Light Technology and the Light Technology plans that we guard . When someone wants to visit our spaceship or gain access to the Sacred information we have, their Soul is evaluated to ensure that their intentions are pure and that their greatest desire is the evolution of the Creator's pure Love. We invite you to visit our spaceship in meditation, if you want to see and perceive a glimpse of the Light Technology that in the future will be used by everyone on Earth, as well as to understand the future Ascension of Mother Earth and Humanity.

The Light Technology is very different from the technology you are now using on Earth. The Light Technology can be manifested in physical, semi-physical or energetic form. Any form it takes is composed of Light and has the purpose of creating more Light. The Light Technology always has the purpose of acting as support for the spiritual evolution of all, helping to unify with the Creator and the Mastery of all dimensions of Light. Light Technology only supports, inspires and empowers. The crystals provide similar support to that of the Light Technology ; for example, a crystal can awaken your inner healing energy, store wisdom for you so that it can be reactivated when you need it, as well as support the strengthening and empowerment of the sacred qualities of your Being. The crystal never does the work for you will never empower you too much so that your intentions or your Inner Power are not necessary; The purpose of the Light Technology is the same, they are tools that help you in your Ascension instead of carrying it out for you.

The future of Humanity is that each individual on Earth takes responsibility for their own existence and their Ascension process. Many tools and technologies of Light will be given to Humanity ; However, it is necessary for Humanity to assume its power so that the Light Technology is truly manifested on Earth. Taking responsibility is not just taking care of yourself and your needs; to assume responsibility for your existence and your Ascension is to gain access to your inner power; By this I mean to recognize how powerfully the qualities of truth, Love, peace, harmony, unity, understanding, generosity and expanded consciousness are within you. Realize that when you are aligned and attuned to the sacred energies of your Soul, you are in your power and become the creator of your reality. This means that negativity, pain and harm will no longer exist, unless you consciously or unconsciously choose to embrace those experiences in your reality to help your evolution. When you take responsibility, you rely on your internal energies, abilities, power and wisdom ; consequently you don't need anything else. What you require can manifest in your reality with ease and perfection, from your empowered thoughts. When Humans assume their responsibility, they will realize that the energy or source that each one is, is present in all Beings. By hurting another you only hurt yourself by decreasing your vibration and weakening your connection with the Creator. When you hurt, you are believing in separation; and this makes an impact on your soul causing chaos in many of your systems. Humanity will realize that experiencing internal unity with the Creator and with all aspects of the Creator will really empower his presence and existence on Earth, allowing him to release the victim consciousness that many have. Victim consciousness is not just about being the target of negativity; You are also a victim when you surrender your power to those in positions of authority in your World, who may not have your best interests at heart. By becoming the opposite of a victim, an attacker, you also renounce your power. Only when you align yourself with your truth, with inner power and with your Sacred wisdom, creating what you want to see, feel and experience, using your powerful mind, your powerful feelings and your powerful energy, will you assume your responsibility and see the changes on Earth what do you want.

Transforming the world around you from your Being, instead of taking physical actions, may well seem like a strange concept, or you may believe with all your heart that it is true; However, you still have to experience the evidence that it really works. To assume your responsibility is to trust yourself, to be guided by your inner knowledge that is the voice of the Creator within you; and recognize your energy powers even if you have not yet experienced them.

I take responsibility for my existence on Earth and for my Ascension process, aligning my entire Being with the truth, power and Essence of my Soul. I create the reality that I want to experience from the richness of the vibrations and the power of the Creator within me. I help the transformation of the Earth and the negative creations of Humanity, recognizing my inner truth and projecting towards the World my Light full of wisdom and Love. The reality that I believe in my interior, forms my physical reality around me. Now I recognize the power and strength of my mind, the expansive knowledge I have to see beyond illusions; and the powerful Light that I can emanate, which along with my intention can create anything I want. I am in my power, aligned with my truth, I assume my responsibility to be my Sacred Essence on Earth . Commander Ashtar and Galactic Federation: Now I invite you to support me, heal me, inspire me and guide me. Thank you.

When Humanity assumes its responsibility, the technology will seem useless ; and in its place the Luminous Technology will be given, empowering the truth of each Being. Then you will begin to realize how intelligent you are as a Human Being, because your Soul and your mind will merge; this will create in your mind a huge expansion that will stimulate you to contemplate the Light and accept it. In the Light there is extremely advanced, valuable and illuminating information, knowledge and wisdom. All people will have access to this wisdom and will become expansive, open-minded, highly intelligent and deeply spiritual Beings. Then the illusions will disappear and the truth will be available for all to have access to it; The World will be transformed dramatically. However, all of that starts inside.

I, Commander Ashtar, want to tell you that at this moment we, the Galactic Federation, are endowing the Souls of the Earth with a cocoon of peace that will act as an activation of peace in the inside of your Being ; and also as a participation in the wisdom of peace. We want to share this with you to help you awaken peace within yourself, improving your experience of inner peace, as well as creating peace in your relationships; either the relationship with yourself, with others, with a past life or with a fear; in truth with whatever is necessary. The energy we supply will act as the piece of a puzzle that restores peace where necessary, to help you accept yourself and accept your inner transformation . Just summon my energy, that of Commander Ashtar; and invite me to give you a cocoon of peace to activate it within your Being, to share the wisdom of peace and support peace in the relations of all kinds.

We are supporting every step of Ascension and empowerment you take.

Commander Ashtar.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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