Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion - August 07-14, 2011

  • 2011

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From August 07 to 14, 2011


We see you, Beloved, truly staying on your way. During their busy daily lives, they still look for the time to maintain their Light and frequency and this helps them stay focused and in balance. There is a greater detachment from the dramas of the duality paradigm that is beginning to drain from its consciousness. Sometimes, each of you has experienced a period of lucidity and clarity, just knowing, without understanding why. These periods will continue to increase in your lives and begin to discern your action and right path without the previous confusion in which many of you have been functioning.

As the days of this month go by, it will be the quality of clarity that will become more noticeable and prominent; things seem to make more sense for them to move in one direction rather than another. Trust this quality that is emerging from within; It is your Higher Self that manifests in and through you. They have now begun on the road to a new adventure - the adventure of going beyond their previously conceived limitations and going for gold in all their highest aspirations and ideals. Trust your abilities to bring them to greater manifestation and don't stop to reach for the stars!

Really, a completely new World of wonderful possibilities lies before you now and many possibilities will open to you in which to choose what to focus your attention on will be an overwhelming task. Choose what brings you the greatest joy and satisfaction. As you learn to do this, everything will fall into place and you will begin to manifest wonderful synchronisms in your lives. By following the impulses of their hearts, they will experience inner calm and balance and, which used to cause them anxiety and tension, they will now notice that it only moves and moves away to never return.

This is a sure sign that the internal Mastery is emerging within you and says a lot about your level of unfolding beyond the three-dimensional reality. It is their dedication and continuous effort and on a daily basis that has brought them to this state. This is not the end of the trip, Beloved, it is a new beginning, the path of the Enlightened One. This path requires a new approach and dedication, it is always like that, because the Earth is a Planet for the evolution of the soul and this is achieved through personal effort, understanding and willingness to submit to the judgments and trials that come to you. .

While his Personal Mastery continues to progress and rise, his resistance capacity is multiplied by hundreds. Remember that growth occurs in activity spirals and begin to take note of these recurring moments to gain mastery by becoming aware of them and taking appropriate actions to work aligned with these activity spirals. When it's time to rest, do it with gratitude and enjoy every moment of rest. By working with these cycles, as long as you are aware of them, you will continue to make great progress.

Advance with grace and comfort, Dear Ones, and learn to use your energies in areas that bring the greatest good for you and for those you love and care for. Leave aside the distractions that have kept you tied to the plane of duality and rise like the phoenix in freedom and majesty to a new level of the game of life. We are always with you in admiration and support.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

August 14-21, 2011


At the present time, it is important for everyone to focus on bringing the greatest Light to this Planet. Try to take time each day to affirm your willingness to be transducers of the powerful and intense energies that are now close to manifesting in the daily lives of your lives and in the hearts of the entire Human race. By aligning with the Divine Plan for the Earth, you are creating an impulse for greater activity to occur in the unified field of consciousness that surrounds the Planet, which will continue to benefit the greatest Good of all.

Maintain and radiate your Light and your love towards everything within the radius of your spheres of influence. Manifest your intention that peace prevails in you and in all hearts as a growing consciousness that connects us all. Invoke your Sacred Christ Self to encompass more of your four lower bodies, so that the density of your bodies is expanded to a greater state of being crystalline. Shine your Light, Beloveds! Let your hearts open to the song of Love and Unity. Everything is fine, everything is perfect. The shadows on this Planet and all its inhabitants are retreating at a faster pace than anticipated and the glory that is Humanity in each expression of the Divinity is creating even greater changes for the ultimate improvement for all.

Hold on strongly to your desire for greater peace, goodness and healing to prevail over your World and in the hearts and minds of the Awakened masses. His will to do this enables his Family of Light to create more ways of entry towards the achievement of the Divine Plan. We are One and work together for the elevation of each and every thing on Earth. The Earth is already in its position and now falls to Humanity. Wake up to the great opportunity that is given to ALL in these very busy times of rapid changes and accelerated growth and deployment of the soul. It is a glorious time in the Universe because countless legions have worked tirelessly throughout the ages in anticipation of these changes that are coming with incredible speed.

Each of you has done this task many times before and therefore you have taken your place in the Light, keeping it constant as a Lighthouse for those who are waking up and demanding greater equity and peace for all. What was once accepted as the way things were is no longer the case. Everything that was is no longer. A better way is coming and, although it seems chaotic and unrestrained at this time, in the larger framework it means that a greater Light is being integrated by those who have not been attentive and who are now Waking up to what is really on this planet.

Do not take part in the illusions of the ego that harasses you through previous forms of established media and that are now manifesting in those around you. Constantly remember that you are not your body, you are not your mind, you are not your ego, you are really, the Christ consciousness, the inner God / Goddess and that you are using your power wisely for me. s High Good of yourselves, your loved ones, your World and each and every thing in Him. You are manufacturers, makers and activators of changes and are creating positive and loving changes to Being the Light that truly are ! Make the appropriate corrections in your thoughts and actions that you deem necessary within you, so that you are always in alignment with the Major Plan for your lives all the time. Propose this, live this, BE this.

Until next week.

I AM Hilari n

2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilari n

From August 21 to 28, 2011


Our hearts are full when we see each one of you bravely assume your lives, striving to overcome the energies that swirl around you everywhere you turn. A continuous focus is required in remembering who they really are and why they have come to this exact place to be in place to anchor a greater Light in the coming days. Much has been transpired at the ethereal energy levels and we are pleased with the progress that has been achieved by our joint effort.

There will be a greater influx of Cosmic energies flowing through the Earth's atmosphere and it is convenient that each of you continue in your daily practices while maintaining your frequency levels and seeing Nature in all its forms to stay anchored in its energy fields. This is very important at this time. Give yourselves a radical love, because in doing so you allow the expansion of the field of human consciousness to even greater levels of Light and balance.

Many codes are arriving now and expressing their intention to receive this help authorized by God will help them anchor them in their Being. That is why it is important to anchor these incoming energies in the child. Crystal core of Mother Earth, because these energies are of a much higher frequency than the previous ones and it is important to be balanced in your own energy field. When requesting these new codes, also ask that they be downloaded to your Beings with ease, grace and protection. Everyone has a multitude of angels surrounding you now and they will ensure that everything is fine with you as you continue to transmute all the lower energies of your four lower bodies and continue the incremental refinement of your dense physical bodies.

You chose to be part of this process and the only way is to move on. Open your hearts more fully to the kingdoms of the Angels and the Ascended Beings and ask daily for our guidance and support. We are always ready to provide our assistance and love. There is more help now than has been given before each and every one of you. In the days to come, we are very hopeful that your growing understanding and understanding, empathy and compassion can be passed on to your brothers in their time of need as we have done with you. That is the way of the high realms and the Cosmic law.

We also suggest that they be wrapped daily in the Violet transmutation flame by decreeing it or visualizing methods, because this is the most important tool at this time. Each has established a “toolkit” within themselves of the most effective methods of transmutation, cleaning and transformation and using them in their daily disciplines will bring them greater comfort as the days go by.

There is a greater purpose in all that you have experienced and created the space for your Sacred Christ Self to be internally anchored and manifested through you. How glorious is that? What started over 2000 years ago is now being taken to the next level. Know that our love and appreciation is always with you Dear Ones, for the incredible work you have done in the name of the Creator of All That Is and the Divine Plan.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From August 28 to September 04, 2011


The times of great transformations are now upon you. Everyone is experiencing huge alchemical processes in their four lower bodies and this can lead to emotional explosions while trying to cope with these changes. Be patient with yourself and understanding, too. Their outbursts are temporary in nature and they must remember what will happen. This is a process of integration, the integration of the masculine and feminine energies that are within you and these are sometimes igniting at a higher level, which leaves you feeling bewildered and wondering how you can express that which you are not, so frequently.

Each one is in a different stage of initiation, which occurs mostly in the interior planes, but the exams and tests that accompany this stage are reflected in their daily life situations. These are constituents of their spiritual path and should expect, as they continue their path, a greater display of their spiritual abilities and gifts. Do not be discouraged after experiencing one of these episodes and remember to invoke your Ascension Angels to help you in this process. There will be, during these times, periods of fluctuation in the emotional bodies and the best thing you can do is recognize when this process is happening in you and take the steps to establish yourself in a peaceful environment that will return harmony within you.

This is the time to persevere, when the energies continue their relentless thrust forward and upward. The greatest award that can be granted in these changing and turbulent times is the gift of compassion, not only for others, but for yourselves. This is the greatest form of love and compassion for oneself and for the challenges themselves and for all the emerging aspects that arise from the interior, which they did not know existed, requires a continuous and enveloping love of all that they are. Randomly practice acts of gentleness in yourself first and from there extend them outward.

Because in truth, when you go inside calmly and align with your Great Presence, these challenges fade and again you experience greater tranquility. They can also, by becoming familiar with these energy cycles that are produced internally and that can find expression as an external manifestation, prepare for them with their “toolbox” of everything that has helped them maintain balance in these times. Remember to consume large amounts of pure water so that they remain well hydrated and consume foods that contain greater vitality and life force, which are in their raw and natural state.

These practices will help you align more easily with the vision and intention of what you maintain for yourself, your loved ones and the World where you live. When you feel challenged, always do those things that give you joy and pleasure, so that you feel comforted and rejuvenated. Taking time to be good to you always has a beneficial impact on yourself and those around you. Rejoice when necessary and cultivate laughter, because many times that is the best medicine.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

© 2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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