"Collaborative" Intelligence

  • 2014

Luis Tamayo talks about the union of people with their own initiative. With Collective Intelligence, it connects with other minds anywhere in the world, without the need to share a physical space.

By Carlos Fresneda Luis Tamayo, in the Medialab-Prado (Madrid).

The union is strength, and the network multiplies that potential to dimensions never imagined so far. Behind is the concept of intelligence collective, which is neither more nor less than the simple sum of individual minds. Here we are going to emphasize the tooth of collaborative intelligence, defined by Wikipedia (the most palpable example of what we are talking about) as a form of intelligence that emerges from action. Of many individuals who interacted with each other in various ways.

Collaborate is in our human nature, and we have had this kind of intelligence, warns Luis Tamayo, social trends analyst and connector of the OuiShare platform in Madrid. What happens is that we now have the tools that allow us to get all the juice out. What we have done so far in a 'natural' way, multiplies thanks to the possibility of connecting with other minds anywhere in the world, without the need to share a physical space. ”

Luis Tamayo dropped by the OuiShare Fest, the largest meeting of the collaborative economy, held last week in Paris. In that same forum, a year ago, we had the opportunity to participate in a collaborative intelligence workshop, where we went into this new way of thinking and acting in a group.

The first and essential thing is to break down the barriers, virtual or physical, to openly collaborate with our work or concern partners. The second requirement is to be clear about the shared goal: all "rowing" (and thinking) in the same direction. The third is constant interaction and feedback, taking advantage of the potential of technology to mentally get us out of our cubicles and meet others.

Luis Tamayo, who has been working on the subject for some time and has sought multiple connections in spaces such as the Medialab Prado, suggests an even more accurate definition of collaborative intelligence: “Union of people with their own initiative, who share a set of interests and common objectives, and aspire to implement them collectively ”.

We are talking, more or less, about what we have always called “community”, but applied at all levels, starting with organizations… “Companies and institutions are realizing that there is another way of working, more creative and more efficient. And that way 'empowers us' as workers, as citizens or as part of a group. We discovered that many more things can be done than we thought. And that makes us happen to be more motivated, be more creative and feel happier. ”

"Innovation and openness are two other key words that go hand in hand in collaborative intelligence, " warns Tamayo. “And those ingredients are increasingly found outside organizations. Even large companies are discovering it and sending their employees to co-working spaces, because they know that ideas arise more easily than in walled offices. ”

"We have always tried to impose our ideas and change the other, " warns the OuiShare Madrid connector. “We were so individualistic and competitive that we were not aware of the barriers that we ourselves were raising around us. With collaborative intelligence, what counts is the intersection of perspectives: a way of working that was previously unthinkable and that benefits us all. ”

"Give value to society and build trust", two other requirements according to Tamayo. “In this network society we are creating, it makes no sense to keep what you do as a cloth in gold. We must make it known in open, contributing to the commons or to what we call 'creative commons'. Before, information was power. Not now. Now the power is in 'generating added value' by sharing that information. ”

But nothing is written in stone. Luis Tamayo is one of those who think that it is counterproductive to look for a “definitive model”, because what defines the current society (Zygmunt Bauman dixit) is precisely the liquid state…

“We are in a very fluid moment and no one can be able to hand in the fire about what will come of this. But we must continue experimenting, in the 'beta' phase, and learning about the progress of our own mistakes. We had enough experts in the past; we are all somehow 'amateurs' in collaborative intelligence. ”

Source: http://www.sostenibleycreativa.org/la-red/easyblog/entry/educacion/la-inteligencia-colaborativa-en-accion

"Collaborative" Intelligence

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