The challenge of the eclipse of the next few days

  • 2016

Many people are surprised these days, when they register or work with their inner child, or with their guides they receive only one message:

You came to be able to love you

It is curious, because it is no longer casual, there are already many people, and that is how we came to earth with a challenge, each soul of his, and that challenge of duality, in reality, has only one option:

Love us, being imperfect

If it ends well or not as we wanted, it is absolutely the same, the important thing is to learn to love each other in the process.

And that is what this eclipse brings us, a loop in time, so that there are meeting points, between parents and children, between siblings between the relationships that have been resolved, so that we are sincere and ask for the love we need so much, and that we do not always receive, but that we also reject at times, out of pride or pain.

How many lost love, for holding a point of honor ???, we are asked alone, to stop breathing and talk, if it hurt, it hurts, my soul screams I want love but instead of denying what Within us one hears loudly, this time time helps us to be there, not to continue the usual conversation, and to breathe and not reproach and breathe and say:

I don't know how to do it, but I want your love, why don't we understand each other?

It is so easy to be human, to be vulnerable, and we have been deceiving ourselves for thousands of years, we are love hunters, we can implore crumbs and we cannot ask for it from the heart.

This is the gift of the eclipse, loops and situations so that we ask for help, so that we ask ourselves and say what we feel, we are love, we live in love, and the rest are dualities, which can be transformed from reality.

If someone cries these days, that it is our turn, let's be honest and accept that crying for what it could have been, because by recognizing it we heal it, and that allows us to walk again, we are and we will be love, always, as much as we reject it, it beats within us.

Let us be really brave, and look at life, saying that we are not perfect, that we are limited human beings, imperfects full of fears but beings that feed on love, and need it, because if we do not need it, our Family and home, and environment, would not hurt your fault.

We cannot miss what we do not know think about it these days and to be honest, without fear of ridicule, because the Intro is not fortune teller and maybe he doesn't know how much we need him, we needed him or we're going to need him, let's talk and heal, happy night. Elsa


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