February and March 2014 light newspaper - by Belen de la Paz

  • 2014

February 14, 2014

Jacinta Marto suffered the first attack of darkness at the age of 3

Jacinta had two loves her brother Francisco and the Great Mother.

Jacinta discovered a magical world, the world on the other side, that is why she did not fear death, she was wanted by many people and still looking for her, she wanted to live peacefully and peacefully in the countryside, with animals and nature, but it could not be, he had obligations and a mission to fulfill.

Jacinta sought Peace, especially that of the Spirit and the Spirit loved her and knew about the gifts of the Spirit, of the gifts beyond the borders of the body and matter, she could fly, she could travel.

February 18, 2014

You are at a crossroads at the moment and that crossing is crucial, so it hurts so much because you are separating completely from everything, you are acting twice and it is hard for you to take the step, you are letting go and it hurts.

Congratulations you have the visas to go to the other side, to act in freedom, congratulations

It is important that you know that everything that is going to happen to you has to do with you


Physical Immortality is the effect of having transcended Physical Death, as it is natural before, the fixation and belief that death exists and is a reality must be discarded since in the non-dual world, in the new state acquired by Entering the new frequencies after having activated the Body of Light does not die but we are transforming and elevating our Physical Body as we transform and elevate ourselves

………, and the character grows stronger.

Physical Immortality is one of the best kept secrets that were hidden from humanity in the third dimension

Physical Immortality is the end of the utmost lie, death accelerates with our ignorance.

February 23, 2014


I will unmask the false prophets and the truth will come to light

You must know how to distinguish false prophets, false channelers.

These are distinguished by saying what they have said in essence, the authentic ones and others give information that they want to divert people from the path of light, both are prey to their ego for eagerness of prominence and must know the great karma that they are creating and in the web of lies in which they are wrapped and envelop many for their desire for excessive prominence, it is something sickly that pollutes those who lend their ears

You must have the faith of a titanic and that will give you a lot of strength and balance.

The year 2014 is the year of divine Love and in the year of love you are pure love

And so everything from now on rushes into your life like a cascade of abundance, do not limit yourself with anything or anyone, open your heart to abundance and to the Peace of Spirit that will make you new people full of joy and honor, the result will be explosive and the union with the stars will be given

March 2, 2014

From Sirius and the higher dimensions descended a great and strong energy of high vibration

Everything was prepared and I could see how on the esplanade of Fatima between March 1 and 2 the ground of the esplanade at an energy level shook and cracked, the light opened from the grilles of the ground and everything expanded, and at the same time I saw the whole solar system and I saw how the cords of light that unite all the planets of the Solar System were amplified and became brighter, the Earth and all the planets changed position towards a higher one and I contemplated the magnitude of the that was happening in the meantime my body was trembling strongly and on top of it was very present Saturn was the advice of the Elders, the king of karma and time, when I stopped shaking when the great entrance of energy ceased, a great roar could be heard like the one He heard on Mount Golgota when Christ crucified died and then green lightning flashes were seen all over the Fatima esplanade and we could all see and hear it.



For those who are open to it, you are at the gates of a great change in your life and you run the risk of getting lost in the abyss if you do not align well now more than ever

Remove from your environment any distorting element, adjust to your truth since your truth is aligned with the divine truth and so I can tell you that in the next 2 months you will have raised your consciousness to unsuspected limits



The Third Secret of Fatima is the largest source of income in the entire history of mankind

The Third Secret is not a secret, it is a message of Alliance with Humanity, the Third Secret spreads tangible truths so that humanity becomes aware of everything that catches and oppresses it

The Third Secret speaks of the fall of the power of the Church and its great lie that they are the intermediaries between the Divine and the Human

The Great Mother came to say that she and her son The Christian Energy are within everyone's reach and that they can speak directly with them and even touch them and integrate them within themselves

The Third Secret speaks of an agonizing world and the changes of paradigms, of the revolution of these times, of the fall of the Church and of all the established powers and of the World and of the life that we have He was building on lies, suffering, pain and lies.

The Great Mother came and keeps coming to say that we will return to nature and the natural, that we release everything and start again with new seeds and solid bases, let's build the Kingdom of heaven on earth or what is the same as living from another higher way so only with the love of the heart and thus enter into that life and state easy, simple, without struggles

The Third Secret was the most encouraging message for humanity and the most manipulated and least understood of recent times.

March 14, 2014

With the entrance and expansion of the high frequencies of light in Madrid there will be a great opening of the Terrifying Heart that, as you already know, is in Madrid that will help to expand the entrance of high vibration energies all over the planet and that had entrance on March 2, 2014, helping its pulse and expanding its path will illuminate and elevate everything with the consequent side effects of cleaning and revolutions.


The meaning of love is forgiveness and forgiveness frees us from the bonds of the past.

Forgiveness is our best friend and ally, it is the tonal key to open and close everything, forgive and you will be released, forgiveness is the greatest grace and gift that can be received since without it l does not advance or evolve

Forgiveness elevates us to higher frequencies to clearer firmaments, forgiveness comes into your life and enters Peace, Serenity, Prosperity,

You have to forgive everything absolutely everything as cruel as you may have lived and experienced, no matter what hand you came from, that experience came into your life because it should be because it was agreed and that hand, that person helped you to experience that experience so that you could free yourself from it and relive it to heal it

Remember that we have a baggage of past lives and so it should be because it is the only way we could remember and revive it to forgive and free ourselves from the chains that bound us to that experience, crystallization n, block already that or those people

FORGIVENESS IS THE SCHOOL OF LOVE, Forgiveness will change your life and will elevate it forever.

March 22, 2014

In an altered state of consciousness I had a powerful liberating experience and I am asked to tell it so that many can know what is happening to them and because they feel how they feel in these moments of change,

For 4 hours they introduced me and I was able to relive my whole life from the intrauterine stay in my mother's womb until today, I was seeing and glimpsing each and every one of my life's experiences, understanding them in their essence and purpose, they left me Presenting each and every one of the important and vital people of my existence during those 4 hours I understood everything they gave me and taught and for me everything was fine, everything was at peace understanding how important they were in the contribution of my learning, I cried during all that time since at the same time The Great Mother was cutting the threads and cords that joined me to them and that hurt me and I could feel a great tear and separation, I knew it must be like that but still the pain was strong and big

All that liberation is necessary for free from all power to enter a new state Order and life.

Thank you Mother for that great gift and for shaking my hand during those 4 hours so that my pain would be more bearable, I know that you finally took all my grief and separation and that is why my thanks are eternal.

Thank you for your infinite love, compassion and mercy.

In Fatima (Portugal)

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Channeled by Belén de la Paz

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February and March 2014 light newspaper - by Belen de la Paz

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