Ilchi Lee - Awakened Brain

  • 2019

Brain Education

Ilchi Lee is one of the few visionaries who knew early the important role that the human brain plays in the expansion of human consciousness and in improving the quality of life. For many people, the brain is a biological organ that only scientists and medical doctors can investigate. But for Lee, the brain is the most intimate, personal space, and where you can go at every moment of your life.

With this insight and understanding, he developed an innovative program called Brain Education. It is a creative integration of the Eastern practice of full consciousness and modern discoveries in neuroscience and education. Brain Education seeks the integral development of human potential, encompassing the physical, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual aspects of humanity.

Five Steps to Brain Awakening

Step 1: Brain Sensitization: Wake up all the senses of the body to develop greater awareness of the brain

You try several mind-body exercises to awaken your senses, including meridian exercises, meditation, breathing work, and energy sensitivity techniques. These exercises improve the flow of oxygen and energy within the body, improving the connection between the brain and the body. Your mind-body sensitivity improves dramatically, contributing to a joint feeling of health and well-being . You will see improvements in strength, vitality, mental clarity, focus and stress management.

Step 2: Cerebral Versatility: Development of flexibility in the body and awakening of the multifaceted brain.

You develop flexibility in the body and mind through a disciplined process of both physical and mental exercise. You become physically moldable and consciously open to let go of preconceived ideas . You move into a vast field of possibilities by "thinking outside the box." This step falls and is built on the fluidity and flexibility of the activation patterns of the brain.

Step 3: Brain Refreshment: Allow healing and renewal by learning to release emotions.

At this stage, waking the brain consists of three skills: emotional awareness, purge emotional memory, and transform bad habits.

You will be more aware of the influence of stored preconceived thoughts and emotions on your quality of life. When you examine emotional information in your brain and body at deep levels of consciousness, you neutralize oppressive information, creating space for new positive information. By learning to let go of memories and ideas that are no longer useful, you are able to face any situation by being a clean, fresh and empowered being.

Step 4: Brain Integration: The functionality process using the entire brain

This step integrates the different functional areas of the brain to release undiscovered abilities or abilities. This process occurs in two dimensions: on the horizontal axis of the left and right hemispheres, and on the vertical axis of the brain stem, the limbic system and the neocortex. This allows you to move towards a balanced brain function and reach the maximum capacity of your brain. Feelings, emotions, and thought processes begin to work in harmony promoting good judgment and solutions.

Step 5: Brain Domination: Build and Refine

By applying and reapplying the first four steps of Brain Education towards specific concrete goals, you develop executive control over your brain, resulting in a process of personal improvement and continuous quality of life. You develop and perfect the power of decision and purpose to become a conscious author of your life. Brain domination focuses on cultivating clarity of intention accompanied by solid action.

Brain awake, brain potential. Represented by a brain with muscular arms

Brain Vibration Wave

The Wave of Brain Vibration is the most basic but essential method of Brain Education that groups the five steps. Through rhythmic movements and focused attention, it helps you manage stress, rediscover your physical vitality, and improve your creativity. This simple moving meditation naturally brings out a feeling of peace, hope and love.

Using the Brain Operating System (BOS)

Brain Operating System (BOS) is a term conceived by Ilchi Lee to express the art of controlling your brain and processing the information you acquire day after day. Ilchi Lee suggests 5 rules to make your BOS work efficiently and help you become the best version of yourself.

  1. If you choose it, you can create it.

It all starts with your conscious choice. If you tell your brain constantly and persistently about your choice, then your brain will find a way to happen.

  1. Good news makes a good brain.

Think positively about the path to the realization of your creation, turning obstacles into opportunities. Empower your brain with positive information.

  1. Pay attention!

Stay in the moment and pay attention, and your brain will be more focused and aware of what action you need to take to reach your goal.

  1. Be the teacher of time and space.

Time and space represent your circumstances. Train your brain to see opportunities in any situation and use all the resources to realize the goal you want to achieve.

  1. Design your environment.

Your environment is not you, but it is yours. You have the power to decide how to respond to your circumstances at all times and change your environment to work in your favor.

Author: Diana Mart nez, editor and translator in the big family

Source: Channeled by Ilchi Lee, author and founder of mind-body training methods, defender of peace and a sustainable world.

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