Important information for the December solstice and for 2017-By Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2016

With your help, as we move forward in the full embrace of this very powerful Solstice of December 21 and the unified celebrations this year of Christmas and Hanukkah, the Gift of Light that was given to Humanity by the Beloved Mother Mary on 12 December 2016 at 12:00 noon will be greatly amplified for every person on Earth. This Divine Blessing of Mother Mary is preparing each and every one of us on a cellular level to withstand / resist the influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the first eleven days of 2017

This gift from Mother Mary was given to Humanity during a Global Activity of Light in which I was blessed to facilitate with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful online program, “You Awakening, ” During that Cosmic Moment on December 12, a day dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, thousands of people from all over the world participated with us LIVE and thousands more have experienced this wonderful opportunity listening to the repetition.

The full impulse of this Activity of Light is encoded by Mother Mary in the REPETITION and is vibrating within the frequencies of the ETERNAL MOMENT OF NOW, that means that whenever you can listen to the repetition your magnificent Light will be interwoven into this Global Activity of Light on behalf of ALL HUMANITY .

If they could not join us live or still hear the repetition, Jacklyn has made it available for free to all who have the Call of the Heart to join Mother Mary in her holy effort to help Humanity in profound ways and powerful to prepare for a NEW and blessed 2017.

Here is the link that will allow you to listen to this vitally important Activity of Light that took place on December 12. You can download the MP3 recording of this event, as well as the PDF file of the Gift of Mother Mary to Humanity.

Once you consciously receive this Gift of Light, which you can easily do by listening to the repetition, your I AM Presence will use it to help you out of the chaos that has been manifesting in your individual lives and in the world during the events of 2016. This will happen for each person in perfect alignment with their Divine Plan and will purify the path for a much more Harmonious and Illuminated 2017 as we co-create the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.


According to the Company of Heaven, an unprecedented influx of Light will be anchored on Earth through the Divinity of the Flame Heart of each person by their I AM Presence during the first eleven days of 2017. Then the I AM Presence of Each person will be able to use this Light to help with its accelerated transformation during the rest of the year.

The Beings of Light informed us that this new frequency of Light will be instrumental in bringing the Truth of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth into the hearts and conscious minds of the masses of Humanity. The achievement of this Truth will be a critical factor in elevating Humanity out of fear and completing the purification of human deformations that have been pushed to the surface throughout the planet during the events of 2016.

Numerically 2017 is a year One, 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1. One is the number that reflects rebirth, transformation and new beginnings. The first New Year's Day, January 1, 2017, will be 1 (month) 1 (day) 1 (year) = 1-1-1. Or nce days later, on January 11, 2017, it will be a 1 (month) 11 (day) 1 (year) = 1-11-1 or 11:11. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine . 11:11 is the sacred geometric coding within the DNA of Humanity that began to initiate the Awakening of Humanity several decades ago. Many people have been oblivious to this subtle motivator for our Awakening, but with the new frequency of Light that we will receive in January 2017 they are telling us that this will no longer be the case.


Mother Mary is invoking our help at this time on behalf of ALL HUMANITY. Please listen to the repetition of the Light Activity of Mother Mary and through her Flame Heart she will exponentially expand this Blessing in the name of ALL HUMANITY and Mother Earth as well.

AUTHOR: Patricia Cota-Robles


TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli


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