Free meditation course at the So Ham and the Ong Hao School in Barcelona

  • 2018

Another Free Meditation Course of So Ham School begins

On May 30, the meditation course begins free of charge, for all those who are retired or unemployed.

Write to, and you will receive the full course schedule. Upon completion of the full course, an attendance diploma issued by the Ong Hao Universal Welfare and the So Ham School is delivered. We also do a joint meditation via Skype. Enroll limited places. Blessings!!!

IMPART THE COURSE: NGO HAO BIENESTAR UNIVERSAL based in Barcelona, ​​and its Territorial Delegation in Argentina, the SO HAM School.
CONTACT:, SO HAM School Delegation in Argentina of the NGO NGO HAO.

PRICE: FREE for unemployed people and pensioners with low income. This circumstance must be verified with a certificate sent by e-mail. Remember that all courses taught by the NGO HAO WELFARE UNIVERSAL, ARE FREE.

PRICE: WILL DONATE for working people and with income. In this case the course can be received through the SO HAM School.

Let's evolve, let's not get stuck, let's learn to change ... .. Hugs of Light It is an honor to have so many friendships of “people evolving” in the NGO Association HAO and in its courses (Reiki Heiwa to Ai Usui, Meditation) n, Chi Kung, ...), is a food for the soul that is shared among all ... and it helps us to continue on the right path, that of Providence allowing the Master to direct our lives for the benefit of THANK YOU !!!

Program of the Meditation Course

From the HAO Universal Welfare Association NGO HAO - and So Ham School

Course duration: 31 days (from May 30, 2018 to June 30, 2018)

IMPARTE: Director of the So Ham School: Renée Muchen, territorial delegate of the NGO HAO in Argentina

Teaching material: 15 deliveries of pdf and other audiovisual archives that will be made every day.

Contact :

Study planning (theory and practice)

Chapter 1 : Basic concepts, the benefits of meditation, what you should know, the master principle of Not Judging. Practical video: Meditate 1 minute

Chapter 2 : Gassho (Namaste) greeting, Gassho meditation, meditation postures.

Chapter 3 : Breathing to relax, Meditation of

Breathing (it is the mindfulness meditation that brought Buddha to Enlightenment). Video: What is meditation?

Chapter 4 : Meditation of compassion, empathy. Video:

The meditation of compassion (Practical guide)

Chapter 5 : Gassho meditation with texts, the 125 scrolls.

Chapter 6 : Meditation with prayers and sacred texts.

Practical video: Meditate 3 minutes

Chapter 7 : Meditation with gems to relieve emotional pain, meditation in colors (in their vibrations), meditation in the colors of internal organs, how to meditate with music, how to meditate with the sound of Tibetan bowls.

Chapter 8 : Meditation with mudras, the nine power mudras (detailed explanation of the mudra with its particular decree).

Chapter 9 : Meditation with the sounds of the five elements, meditation with the sounds of the alphabet, how to meditate with the sound of the vowels (and their benefits), the six healing sounds of Chi Kung (detailed explanation of the exercise “Liu Zi Jue” and its benefits), such as meditating singing harmonics. Practical video: Meditate 5 minutes

Chapter 10: How to breathe to control the mind (control without controlling), how to breathe to rejuvenate the body, how to breathe to gain lucidity - greater awareness - how to breathe for greater balance, how to breathe to obtain mental calm, how to breathe to last many years - longevity - how to breathe for peace, how to breathe to be happy. Video: Breathing

Chapter 1 1: The Katsugen Spontaneous Movement

(Detailed explanation of how to do it), how to perform dynamic meditations without losing full attention.

Chapter 12 : Meditation with mantras, what are mantras, So Ham mantra, benefits of meditative practice with mantras, how to meditate with the kotodama of the Aeuoi existence, how to meditate with the mantra "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo", how to meditate with the mantra OM, how to meditate with the mantra of compassion, how to meditate with the Bija mantras, how to meditate with the mantra that helps to awaken consciousness.

Chapter 13 : How to meditate with Chi Kung exercises,

Detailed explanation of the Wu Chi power exercises and embrace the sphere, how to perform the Circle of Power, how to get carried away to distribute the Divine Light energy through all the energy channels.

Chapter 14 : How to perform the Microcosmic Orbit

(Detailed explanation and benefits), how to perform the True Healing Orbit (detailed explanation of the OVES and its benefits).

Chapter 15 : How to hug a tree consciously and in a meditative state, how to hug a bush, flowers, ...; how to perform observation meditation (detailed explanation of what is the most powerful meditation for expanding consciousness)

Meditative practice day : Joint meditation through Skype.

Blessings and congratulations! They have finished the course that we hope will help them achieve peace.

This program is part of the book "MEDITATION COURSE A Path to Peace" taught by the HAO Association through the Director of the So Ham School, territorial delegate of the NGO HAO in Argentina.

© From the text and drawings: 2015, Ricard López


All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-1-326-529178


Director of the So Ham School, Territorial Delegation in Argentina of the Ong Hao, Universal Welfare of Barcelona.

Editor of the White Brotherhood Family


Non-profit association based in Barcelona and with delegations in Argentina, and Chile.

Registered in Group 1, Section 1, National Number: 6085

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